Why the lack of Customization?

Fiercelord is to thank for that first bit. its all from his Album. Wonderful stuff.

Thank you, but I could not have done it without the Void Elf community and all their amazing ideas and desires.

Thats fine.

I don’t expect to get anything else at this point in time. (except maybe finishing out that tentacle toggle so it hits hairstyles without tentacles so they can have them…)

More than happy to wait for Blood Elves to get something at least.

Oh I got ya! yeah Id like that too.


At this point the misunderstanding has been solved and something always gets lost in translation. I will work on it.

Blood Elves did get an array of unique options added, sorry you feel it wasn’t enough. Your Blood Elf for instance can’t be emulated by Void Elves since the hair, facial hair, face you’re using are all unique options to Blood Elves only.


I’m personally not willing to wait. I would like them to finish up the Legion races in a fair manner first. Even if it’s just giving us a few Void color themes as a pass.

Some people got theirs, I however didn’t get mine and I will continue to request Void themes while they are doing this pass on Legion Allied Races and then ignore them for 8 years.


I am liking this post mainly for the Blood Elf thread because I support it strongly, the minus part for me is the Mag part you linked because I wouldn’t ever like anything from her anymore and I don’t.


i really want forsaken blood elves now because of this

idk. it belongs to the forsaken but i really want them to be an allied race so they get proper heritage armor even though they would only be melee type classes

dark rangers are just a dark twist on a farstrider blood elf after all. even their take on farstrider tattoos looks gloomy

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Very fair, I mean it’s how NB got glowy hands :raised_hands:


Here’s hoping belves get some good stuff, sooner rather than later.


It really would be like me demanding that Nightborne cease to get any additional changes/customizations. Which is dumb and nonconstructive.

I want to see them get more, just like I want Void Elves, LFD and HMT to get more.

This is the time of the Legion Allied Races and I want to see them all get theirs.


I actually really like those, I tried them a little while ago in the Wowhead dressing room and they are pretty cool looking. :wink: :wink: :wink:


“Hello, I’m a spoiled child, and I hope blizzard listens to me more before anyone else, instead of acknowledging everyone opinions and suggestions “equally”.”

Yeah, that sums up your post very well Lann.

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Ran out of likes so I’m changing to the Velf.

Hmm she doesn’t look like a ditz anymore with this transmog aw.


Blood elves did get new customization through eyes in Legion after all. Not that they had to wait for any Alliance race to get it.

Belves may have less options in their lore. We shouldn’t expect for lore developments for them for something for velves to work.

Plus Belves have DHs with their own customization anyway.

Entire new tech developed for this I may add.

IDK if I’ll put them on my Nightborne yet. They look cool but also, uncomfortable in a way haha.

I hope they fix the nightborne womens faces.

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I’m personally not interesting in getting in a ‘pity me’ debate over who got more and who got less.

Ultimately this pass is for Legion Allied Races and until they say they’re done with this pass I want them to continue working on these races specifically.


I’m not against that idea either but I still want a second visual theme for BEs and people have thrown out quite a few.

As well as options exclusive to Blood Elves to properly allow them to better capture their own main theme than their AR parallel can with RP tools, just like people want Void exclusive things, Farstrider tattoos fall under that for Blood Elves and Blood Elves should receive unique main themed options exclusive to them as well.


Right, you are correct.

Ultimately there’s no guarantee they would do anything for legion races down the line again. So now is when the new customization should come.

I can understand that.

I really like the Void aspect of void elves and got peanuts if at all for it twice now. I’m happy for those who want the High Elf stuff for sure and I’m grateful for what work went into it, but I didn’t get to see any of the things I’ve been hoping for for a long time now.

That said, I also love my blood elves and I too feel shafted there.

I’m happy to wait for Blizzard to get the high elf options done with and then help out Blood Elves who feel really really dull to me, then work on my void options again.

I just don’t expect Blizzard at this time to put the work in to fix all of it at once.

I wont stop anyone (or ask anyone) to stop their requests. We all deserve to get what we want and to be happy with our characters.

I’m going to keep requesting but I’m personally not going to put a time frame on blizzard for it.


Lol, well they are still new and supposedly still being worked on so I can understand that but on the Wowhead dressing room it puts your character into the Nightborne heritage armor and they looks really good with it. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah this but I hope Blizzard notes the work they’ve done for VEs and the loss of visual uniqueness on Blood Elves, and Blood Elves are supposedly getting nothing while VEs get to infringe further on the Blood Elf main visual theme this patch. So its not too out of the realm of possibility to expect the same energy back, as in BEs get love and VEs take a seat, unless they do end up returning the same energy finally by throwing in new BE stuff during this supposed AR period the way they allowed VEs in during the time core races were being worked on.


Until they say that they’ve completed this AR pass, I fully expect it tbh. Otherwise I’ll feel slighted :woman_shrugging: Similar if LFD don’t receive more to expand on their theme that is supposed to separate them from their base race. I would 100% rather they work on the LFD now to make them actually different than their AR. Their ‘’‘‘theme’’‘’ hasn’t been expanded on at all because everything they received is nothing unique from normal Draenei.

Same for Draenei. I hope Blizzard realizes that they sniped multiple themes from Draenei when they implemented LFD and they need to make them visually distinct with their themes. Jewelry/hair doesn’t cut it and they need to expand on the Light theme.

Personally the time frame is when they state they are done with the Legion AR pass.