Why the lack of Customization?

Wait, what?? Why would they do that? That’s super disappointing :frowning: I hope they change their mind and decide to release it again… it’s such a cool and iconic weapon, everyone deserves the chance to get it. I hate how they keep the badass weapons/armor locked behind npc use only

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Just going to hope they’re deciding to add the racial weapons to an achievement instead of locking them behind Timewalking. Maybe get a character of that race to max level, and also max rep with their home faction to unlock the weapons as well. Grinding rep is annoying, but at least they could have an NPC drop a line like, “Your dedication to our cause is second to none, (name)! In recognition of your valiant efforts, we present to you this arsenal from our armory.”


Fel and Light are a common theme for playable Blood Elf characters. The recommended Blood Elf class is mage though.

Either they save it for Nightborne Demon Hunters (please, no) or they have some stupid agenda running nobody cares for.


Nightborne are automatically exalted with their race from Level 10 on.


Really? Things I did not know. I’ve never actually made a Nightborne. I unlocked them but, I just get so tired playing Horde.


Let’s turn it into a Felwell.

Or even better, a Voidwell. :eyes:

We can help you with that. But you’ll need to convince Rommath first, though.

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All of us have at least one Nightborne character. Horde-players aren’t used to beautiful characters, we do got hit on our woman quintet after we unlocked the Heritage Armor in Orgrimmar. But I have to admit, seeing five heritage armor NB at once is a sight to behold.

Felt almost like Goldshire.


Trolls and forsaken need beards as well!


why can’t you guys make at least 1 comment about Worgen tails, mega threads for eons about this, if it is a no just say it.


You’re right. And female Forsaken needs a jawless option to match the male!


Thank you Drede, we truly appreciate the support from a SANE NON PETTY member of the Helfer community.

See? We don´t “hate you all” just because, we just dislike the individuals that act like the proverbial mouse that got a cookie.

That individual even said in the Belf thread the race was “Holy”. Excuse me, since when Humans -you know, the FOUNDERS of the Holy Light Church became Holy, and the Bronzebeard Dwarves and the Gnomes?

Cause if having some people practicing that faith makes you “Holy”, then me thinks 70% of the Alliance races deffinitely are sleeping on their “theme”. His argument is one done in bad faith cause he sees the Belves as the “foil” to the Velves, ergo the inferior race that must get less themes and only the themes that can serve for his RP agenda.

It wasn´t for nothing that I blocked him and that we ignore his posts everytime he goes to the Belf thread to bait us.

Cause basically a clone of that faction IS part of the Horde and has been part of it since Vanilla WoW -the Dark Rangers-. If you notice, most if not ALL the customization options suggested by Fallynn et al with the exception of the bat ears and the bat wings ARE Dark Ranger lite (the tear marks tattoos, the red eyes, the whitish and blueish undead skins, etc.)

Those people say they “aren´t asking for Dark Ranger stuff”… sorry not sorry Averyx, red eyes on the thalassian elf model ARE iconic to Dark Rangers, NOT to San´layn. So any time they come here to tell us “but gimme ME MUH exclusive red eyes”, they are talking BS.

When rando Hordies ask for Man´ari, they don´t ask for those Man´ari to sport yellow skins, golden and blue eyes and to be bling bling to the high heavens, do they?

Ofc we reject it… for starters:

  1. The Light is NOT a theme associated with Horde but with the Alliance (and you can bet that if we stayed as Blood elves and didn´t ran away to play High Elf mockups on Alliance is because we DO like and we DO value the faction and the actual history of the Belf race).

  2. The Light is the most boring and nonimaginative cosmical source visually speaking, I mean… not even the actual Lightforge race (the Draenei) have something to differentiate them apart from yellow eyes and some tattoos (and you people are PERFECTLY aware, after all weren´t you saying this last Friday?).

  3. We truly don´t want to catter to the “BeLvEs BeLoNg In ThE AlLiAnCe CaUsE MuH mUdHuTs” a-holes who had been tryting to kick us out of the faction since TBC cause God Forbids the Horde is a legitimate polyfacetic faction.

  4. We different from them, don´t believe in the copying stuff from other races… less so an Alliance one.

  5. The people fighting for the “Undead themes” -sorry, since when undead became “void and gothic” too in regards to WoW?- did waaay before the 9.1.5 annoucements. Lann asked for Dark Ranger stuff since January. Same as Nico. Same as a bunch of people who actually Isd invested in the Blood elf race. The person you “defend”? Yeah, the one to say “I took my Belves to Velves cause I never believed they belonged on the Horde” a.k.a. he´s just trying to push their themes further away from Horde thematics so after he can start with the “kick the Belves from the Hurde!!” agenda.

They don´t “love the Sunwell” because of the Light component dear, they love it cause it´s a permanent fix for their druggie habit… they don´t care if it´s filled with Light, they just care it has arcane and that the arcane solved their weaknesses issues, period.

This missconception the “Light” is a “core theme” of the Belf nusociety has to end. You don´t see ANY Belf characters apart from Liadrin saying “by the Light”, “Light be with you” “Light save my soul” etc., so please: STOP trying to talk for us. That´s what annoy us, the people trying to speak for us about the race we are passionate for while they openly admit they couldn´t care less for it. That´s acting on bad faith.


They already did, though?

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they did? I must have missed then because I have never seen a dev mention tails.

From 2018.


ty, never seen that post , but that was well before the give Worgen tails movement gained traction so I am not counting that as an answer for present days.


let the void elves get what they want, however they must let blood elves have druids as a class in the next expansion.

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You see, this only is valid regarding them.

The same people asking for borderline Blood Elf / Forsaken stuff were the ones that told you NOPE regarding the druids, so… I woulnd´t follow on that line of thinking if I were you.

Also I see my post got flagged… wonder who used the good ´ol “let´s flag cause I disagree” strat?


Lol, funny because I had just liked that post a few minutes ago when I logged in then went to the Blood Elf thread.

Please, remember how they loved to accuse us “antis” of mass flagging on their threads? Have you seen any flagged posts AGAINST their troll comments in there? Cause I haven´t.

Meanwhile, we say something they don´t like to hear and bam!!! flagged post. It has become a meme at this point.


This is absolutely terrible.

I’ve asked them to also put the missing Lightforged weapons for parity, NOT remove the Nightborne stuff.

WTH Blizz.

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