The fact ALL of their faces still look like constipated grandpas / grandmas?
That IS a pretty basic error of design. As an engineer I rather get fixes that make the stuff I´m designing work better than to try and built over a weak base just to end up having to work double or triple to “hide” the errors.
If one tries to make a NB WITHOUT a bunch of jewerly cluttering the face, the angry constipated looks are impossible to hide. And the jewerly is no magical cure, If I want to make a tmog that doesn´t have silver nor golden accents, then the jewerly becomes a hurdle that ruins the tmog, ergo I won´t be able to use it. Reinforcing my point about the devs putting a bunch of stuff to “dissimulate” the mistakes on the facial geometry of the NB model INSTEAD of fixing it, ffs!!!
The male Nelves have this same issue, remove their beards and suddenly only one face is semi decent, the rest? appalling.
REAL love would had been to actually FIX the faces, not put on limited jewerly to try and hide it. Jewerly by proxy of being available in limited colors, limits too the tmog potential to a small niche of options.
That’s why I made topics specifically focusing on the Nightborne faces. One for males, and one for females. Hopefully it puts a spotlight on that issue and Blizz can do something about it before it goes live. Cause you know once it goes live, it ain’t gettin’ changed.
I’m very glad you, and many others, are consistently bringing up the nightborne face problems. I really hope blizz listens and fixes them for the males especially. I am dumbfounded as to why the new faces also have the scowling mouth when Blizz, seemingly, were trying to make some younger faces based on some of the textures. Why ruin them??
I hope we can get this fixed during the PTR in stead of waiting years for some update for our NB to look pretty…
I can try that, I’m waiting for 9.1.5 to come before I login again.
The thing is Blizzard is so weird in that there’s many players that want “more of a world” but they’ve chosen instead to only focus on a few endgame contents and always treat other additions so sparsely.
Like how long did it take for DMF to get its amazing revamp where it’s far more involved now? Garrisons were their crappy version of Housing despite great examples being available out there from other games.
The one day holidays are great but so shallow, how come we haven’t a fully realized Thousand Needles race track to win fun toys/tmog?
They’ve cultivated their game and players in the way they want and then somehow point to players being at fault for not liking it. It’s bonkers.
This is their only issue to me. We have two or three younger faces for females. I don’t understand why they decided to make more old looking faces. To be honest the same thing happens to night elves, i only like two or three faces they have. I can’t explain what exactly is wrong with female night elf faces, but i don’t like them much.
Everything else I agree with you but it was more of just a random suggestion so if you do it, maybe Blizzard will listen maybe not, I don’t know we are talking Blizzard so who knows really. Haha.
The fem Nelf faces look bloated in comparison to their Vanilla incarnation (those were waaay more narrow). The female Nelf looks like she decided to take all her wisdom teeth out the same day they took her “photo” so to say… looks inflamed around the cheeks.
And yes, as I mentioned THAT is actual real lve cause with a decent face one doesn´t need to use crutches to hide the problems (better yet, one doesn´t get the tmogs limited to "only stuff that matches the jewerly so my toon doesn´t look like a constipated grandpa /grandma).
Besides the customization for “feeling good” reasons, it would be nice to actually have some way to look different from others “with the same haircut” for a change.
try playing a blood elf. apparently ive invested 14 years in a neutral race with nothing unique of its own. am i just a damn void elf now? at least void elves can choose to look unique with actual void customization reflective of choosing to be a void elf. and we cant even get basic things for blood elves like farstrider tattoos or runic ones for magisters
does anyone think thats harder to make then the 3d jewelry that disappears over every transmog
Customizations take work, which means man hours, which mean paying people, which means less money for Activision, Activision likes to keep WoW players on a hamsters wheel with 6 month subs while putting as little money and effort into WoW as possible.
You really wanna know? They had the LF and NB customization (as well as several others that haven’t been announced yet) in their back pocket just waiting for them to screw something up so they could yeet them at the playerbase for a “no see look, we did a thing you can come back!” situation. The only reason LF and NB are even getting them is because of a mix of the lawsuit and people leaving…so basically what i’m trying to say here is “if you want this game to improve, stop playing the game”.
Red Eyes- To reflect Blood magic usage, Dark Rangers, and San’layn.
Red Eyes with Black Sclera
Eyes without glowing sclera- To portray the appearance of a half elf.
Skin Color
Undead White Pallor
Undead Grey Pallor
Undead Blue Pallor
Fel Blood Elf Skin Colors
Hair Styles:
More Long Hair styles for Females
More Short Hair styles for Males
Sombra Hair from Female Night Elves
Undercut from Male Night Elves
De-tentacled hair styles from Male and Female Void Elves
Knowledge Bump Hair Style from Female Undead
Fiery Ombre Hair Style- With fiery accents in varying colors of deep, warm reds, cool blues, to dark, cool reds and oranges.
Feather toggle- To reflect the Farstrider aspect of the Sin’dorei military, but with a glowy effect similar to Talon of the Phoenix in multiple color options.
Tiara Toggle- Some of us like the hair style but not the tiara.
Braid toggle
Facial Hair:
More facial hair for the males, please.
Long- Wizard beard
Two day beard
Scars/Burns: Blood Elves took up the name Sin’dorei, which means “Children of the Blood,” to honor the fallen of Quel’thalas. They are both survivors and skilled, deadly opponents who have weathered many battles. Thus, they (and all races) should have access to scars.
Scourge- Scars earned in the battle for Quel’thas against the invading Scourge army.
Banshee Tear Burns- Think Sylvanas, the Forsaken icon of torment, or images of tear streaked banshees.
This is a great rough draft for Blood Elf customizations, I like almost everything on it, I might not use everything on it personally but you did a great good job dearie.
So Bale…where are the blood elves hiding the human parents of those half-elves? wink wink XD <—volunteers.
On a serious note, God would I love non-glowing eyes. Those with the short ear options (and eyebrow length options so you could choose not to look like a moth relative) really would let us play a half-elf ;…;