Why the lack of Customization?

I mean…… that wasn’t true until Legion when it opened up to the Horde again. There were plenty of high elves there, enough to drive the Sunreavers out back in MoP….

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High elf fans got what they want.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that you now suddenly want to shove light themes on the Horde when you literally are getting ‘normal hair options’ and preaching ‘if you want goth elves go to Alliance’ while IN THE SAME BREATH celebrating the lackthereof and getting ‘normal non-void options’.

So no. Not sitting here and accepting that one bit at all.

San’layn & Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves. Point Blank Period.

In the very LEAST Blood Elves should get scars, tattoos, and more hair style options. Otherwise, yes, we should get another dark theme, not the ‘lightforged’ nonsense Alliance players keep trying to push on us. Sure, some blood elves want it, but myself and several others (I’m not speaking for anyone but me and others I’ve seen saying this) actually want a darker theme to our elves on the Horde.

Alliance players and high elves got what they want. Snapping at Horde players for wanting what we want is utterly ridiculous.


I never want to see a High Elf thread again. I don’t agree with this if only because now there is little to no difference between a Void Elf and a Blood Elf but at this point I’m just yelling into the wind.

Yet I know the next thing we’re going to see is more hair styles right after this. Never happy.

Can’t wait to see all the Night Elf options for the Nightborne, am I right guys?


Trust me I’ve had them thrown in my face a lot of late. I’ve seen em all. Pros think I’m anti, some anti’s think I’m pro.

I can only tell you what I am so many times. You choose to see me as you will.


Inb4 a different community manager posts “Linxy is no longer with Blizzard.”

What no please don’t ship me to the horde :sob:

Oh, next it’ll be the paladins for void elves threads.


Why not red eyes for everybody, honestly? Hand em out like party favors for joining the Venthyr, the superior faction. Im serious. Dracula for everybody.


Girl so is generalizing what Alliance players want due to one person literally trollin’.

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Might be EE…

But yeah.

Instead of complaining… maybe offer suggestions for what they might add to make Void Elves more Voidy?

picks you up like a cardboard cutout and runs back to orgrimmar


Except I’ve seen it. On a regular basis. From High Elf fans. Saying that exact term. I also didn’t say ‘all alliance players’.

All I want to do is kill all humans, and you’re robbing me of that chance.

Feel free to find where I requested High Elves ever.


I never said ‘all alliance players’ and it honestly should have been assumed. I don’t know what other alliance players want. I was only saying what I and some Horde want.


There’s already a huge thread about voidy customization for void elves.

And yes, I will complain. My favorite race is being :poop: ed on and being turned into something they’re not.


I mean, when I read Alliance players got what they wanted, idk how else I’m supposed to interpret that.

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You’re simply taking this too personally. The truth is Blizzard’s plan for blood elves was always to make the Light a major theme for blood elves. It was the main thing about TBC actually, the horde getting paladins was big. And Blizzard’s plan for blood elves was always to make light be their main theme as clear by their arc in TBC and beyond. Logically speaking it makes sense that the Alliance would get San’layn instead because of the light themes put on horde thalassian elves and the fact that the horde left them high and dry.


Interpret it how you’d like then. I clarified my point, if you don’t want to see it that way, it’s perfectly fine. :woman_shrugging:

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There was a post a few minutes ago from one of the high elf trolls going on specifically after the request Fallynn has been after as being something for the Alliance. Yes, not all Alliance, but that post was basically tailor made to troll them.