Why the lack of Customization?

Happy to hear this! My Nightborne will defintely appreciate this. I hope you guys have the chance to work on magic hair glows for nightborne and add some more hair colors as I mentioned in other threads! And maybe even some red/pink skin tones since the nightborne share night elf ancestry! Can’t wait to see the changes! Thank you for listening to some of the feedback!


Great, but can you answer the questions many have asked in this thread too?

Perhaps you want to rephrase your posting so they know which one is meant.

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Could we also get a more revealing version of the heritage armor for male nightborne as well? It’s ridiculous that we see in Suramar that typical clothing among them shows a lot of skin, and the female version of the heritage armor shows a lot of skin, but then the male version covers everything up. Including their awesome tattoos.


Recently updated my post above with some more of the common requets (that I think are within blizzards general scope) as well. Hoping to have my main thread updated finally in the next few days. (assuming I can find time to work on it. T_T)



Thanks for NB players, it’s really great for them. :clap: :partying_face:

I hope you will add the same effect to their hairstyles as well. :ok_hand:


:question:Have you planned to add to the void elves their new customizations :octopus:(hairstyles, beards, jewelry, tattoos …):question:

Can you please analyze this Void Elf thread, there are a lot of interesting ideas that could be added (Customizations and Lore). :pray: :purple_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i am so happy that we are getting blue posts… hopefully this continues as time goes on… there needs to be an open dialogue between players and devs


And succubus, but nothing playable.

A such cool post by the way that Bliz should take a look, and a lot of people will be more than happy to see if Bliz add a couple of new things and uniques from it of the Void Elf


Also, I’m sure this is in your radar already, but once more remind you about these

Which are the best hair ever thought for velves.


Thanks for relaying feedback to the developers and moving so quickly to improve the Nightborne!

Please consider taking a look at these threads for further discussions and feedback on the Nightborne model and customization:


In general, the original 4 allied races should probably have some adjustments done to their animations to set them apart a bit. Not everything, but just the general upfront ones you see right away.

The non-Legion AR’s (besides Mag’har) all had extra polish put into them.
New animations / dances, entirely custom models (lolVulpera), or just more attention to aesthetic diversity on the actual models (Dark Iron / Zandalari). I think the only post-Legion AR that’s on par with the Legion ones is Mag’har, and that was actually requested, so it’s hard to lump that one in.

However, this also extends even further than just the allied races.
Stuff like custom stances is starting to become common in the genre so players can set themselves apart from other players of the same race.
My Au Ra in XIV has a different idle animation than that of my friend who plays the same race. We all have multiple dances, and I can literally /poke my friends, “air hug” them, ect ect.

When all the player models are brought up to a level where things feel “finished” and most subraces are covered, and the aesthetic diversity between the two factions is fixed (subraces can really help this on the Alliance if we have less diverse races overall. Frost Dwaves, San’layn (void elves), Nightmare Druids, Fully Mechanized Gnomes, ect ect, all would give a temporary boost using current races.), we really need to sit down and work on the emote system as a whole.

The effort in giving stuff like basic facial expressions, new talk cycles, and just new general animations, would actually relieve some of the work from the cinematics too. And, if they’re unlockable in game, provide more content for casuals to work towards.

They’re 10,000+ year old elves that lived under a bubble secluded from the rest of the world feeding off mana. The models aesthetics are fine.


Approaching this from a lore perspective is silly. The Night Elves have lived just as long as the Nightborne, yet haven’t been saddled with the same haggard, “old” visual features in nearly every aspect of their customization options.

The models aesthetics are not fine. Players are unanimous in saying that they don’t like them, yet the developers persist in doubling down on visual features players have been lobbying against since their release. We’re not saying that mature, wrinkled, old options shouldn’t exist. We’re saying they shouldn’t make up the majority of visual expression for the Nightborne.


Night Elves didn’t live in a literal bubble feeding off magic for 10,000 years.

This reminds me of players who draw their trolls like uwu cute pretty elves, or turn them into literal furries.

The base designs are fine and the intentions are there as to why they are the way they are.

If you want to play a less haggard looking tall purple elf, the Alliance is waiting for you.

Fix the perma-scowl though.

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Since you want to play this game of justifying the Nightborne’s appearance with lore:

Arcanist Valtrois, after taking the arcan’dor:

Oh, if feels so good to be my old self again.
Valtrois runs the back of her hand gently across her high cheekbone.
As you can see, mana is wonderful for the skin!

Thalyssra, after the changes brought on by the Nightwell, without a wrinkle in sight:


Definitely, they should work a lot more in the animations, particularly for the 8 original races and the Allied races based on others.

As long as nightborne are presented the way they were in Legion I think it’s fine.
For now, the faces improved greatly with the new eye options, honestly they look even better than their NPC counterparts. Well, females at least.

Therein lies the problem, they aren’t. Tweaks need to happen to the female Nightborne’s face, and the male Nightborne needs a much more serious rework/revision. The facial proportions of the male Nightborne, most notably the nose and chin size are completely inaccurate.


I don’t know about the female, as I said, IMO they look better.

That being said, I do understand is a problem of the rig but I also think NPCs might not be able to be copied.

What I mean with presented the way they were in legion is the general vibe, looking more like Snape elves and so. Not so much do a carbon copy of it.

NPC faces are famously different for many reasons though, and I do think it should be improved to those standards for all races.

Humans having faces more like Turalyon, khadgar instead of…whatever the heck they are now.
Females more like Jaina.
Belves/Velves more like Valeera

Night elves more like Illidan and so.

But that might require some overhaul. And is definitely an issue that goes beyond Nightborne.

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In the specific case of the Nightborne, copying the NPC faces wasn’t an option due to the nature of the models themselves. That being said, the route the developers took in translating them into the playable model was a failure, met with nearly unanimous negative feedback.

The Nightborne, at release, are undisputedly one of the worst playable models the developers have ever released in recent times, and this warrants special consideration when talks of the feasibility of major revisions/reworks are on the table.


Girl please, Worgen literally say hello.

Y’all should just stick to supplying feedback. Bickering on who wants what and who deserves what is so dumb.

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