Why the lack of Customization?

Also, as a whole, it doesn’t matter how many options some races get if it doesn’t actually add aesthetic diversity.

It’s a huge problem with the Alliance right now.
We had “too many humans”, while the Horde got new aesthetics and entirely new made up races.

Doesn’t matter how many options Kul’tirans get when it’s just another human and the main complaint was “too many humans”. That didn’t help the problem; it only made it worse. Especially with the counterpart was “dinosaur mayans” that were also one of the most requested faction specific races in the last decade.

At this point, some races having more customization to fix that lack of aesthetic diversity is what would actually be fair.

If Night Elves have more options and cover more subraces than Nightborne, then that is fine. If Void elves get San’layn ontop of High Elves, that is fine. If Dwarves get Frostborn and Dark Irons get ActualIron dwarf customizations, that is fine.

Because we just have less actual races with aesthetic diversity, and just expanding on what we have more is the only way to fix things without giving the Horde like 2 more kinds of orcs to make up for BFA.

Also, I’ll always say it;
If they really want to make an impact on the faction morale issues, give us a Horde request and one that’s actually popular. Won’t fix playability issues, but we could really use something after BFA.

Blood Elves are literally just an attractive human model in this game.
Any of them complaining about “alliance boring” is just cringe, because they’re literally playing a race introduced to the horde because they were “pretty” enough to get people to actually play there in TBC.