Why the Hell would someone get a 30-minute penalty for getting removed from a group?

And that was very annoying early on when there were a lot of first bosses with memories for leggos.

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They must like that mechanic because they keep doing it.

The problem wasn’t so much the fact that those items dropped off the first boss, but that they were rare drops. They were actually expecting players to run 100+ dungeons to get that, and thought it was something wrong with the players that they wouldn’t.

Can you point me towards the official decree of what is a justified kick and what is not? We can certainly agree or disagree what is or isn’t, but just like pugtards getting to set ridiculous requirements for their pug runs, Blizzard gives us the freedom to set those metrics ourselves.

To counter your ancedotal evidence, I don’t think I’ve even been kicked 5x in that timeframe though I avoid queue content past leveling dungeons like the plague. That said, I have leveled A LOT of toons (literally an account’s worth plus more considering deleted ones for guild achivements) but I have seen kicks and nearly all were for justified reasons. We’re talking people intentionally trolling the group and trying to wipe people to people who afk at the start of the dungeon and just leech XP. Even seen people who multibox their alts but aren’t contributing.

I’ve seen people make mistakes and don’t get kicked. I’ve seen people who do troll the group and don’t get kicked. I don’t think anyone has enough ancedotal data on their own to make any kind of accurate judgement past their own (which doesn’t need a shred of proof for people to formulate judgments).

In the end though, what a majority wants is all that matters and it’s a bad world we lived and will go back to living in if that changes.

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lmao…and THERE you go.
youhave to be TOLD what is RIGHT to do and what is INDECENT.
We’re done here guy.
if you have to be INSTRUCTED as what is right and wrong, you and I really have no need to even speak in each others direction.

Again…the vote kick is being used for things it was NOT CREATED to deal with and MORE kicks are for petty trash than any REAL problem and YOU know that fact.

alright…since you cant control yourself…to the ignore list you go

The point being is you aren’t the arbiter anymore than I am what is and what isn’t a valid reason. It’s all subjective and subject to change as the situation comes up. You claim you did nothing to deserve it, but I’m a highly logical and data-driven person and I’m far more apt to believe the 3-4 others over you.

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Getting kicked once a year for a stupid or unknown reason is not a problem.

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and Im NOT the one who started the thread to complain about it? lmao.
I QUIT running group content nearly entirely BECAUSE of how they were ABUSING the vote kick towards OTHER players.
It started getting really bad in BFA and only escalated in SL.
They want to kick the tank over petty crap…they can find another healer while theyre at it.

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I have done many, many dungeons and I rarely see unjustified kicks.

And Ive never seen Obama in person lmao…by your joke logic the man doesnt exist because of MY experiences.
please…i like your posts…dont make me ignore you as well with this crap.
these threads pop up all the time BECAUSE of the abuses of the kick and you know it

Speaking in a vacuum, why would we not presume someone who’s been vote-kicked is worthy of punishment? Like, sure, there are hypothetical abuses, but generally speaking people don’t get kicked for no reason.

You’re delusional if you think toxic nonsense doesn’t happen in FFXIV.

dude…can you read???

lmao…and yet FIVE my my SIX kicks…AGAIN…were for crap like refusing to hand over my drops…playing panda…and my mog choices.

thread MUTED…

You know most of the players who post they were unreasonably votekicked are only telling half the story. OP needs better friends who won’t pull pranks on them. That’s where this thread started and should end.

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There’s a lot of things going on here, and almost all of them are flawed logic.

First, you’ve got some issues going on with availability heuristic. No one’s going to make a forum post saying “VTK is working as intended,” or, “I didn’t get unfairly kicked from my group today.” So of course the relatively small number of posts about VTK abuse are going to seem far more prevalant.

That’s really bad luck, and I am genuinely sorry you got kicked for abusive reasons.

FEW players come here to complain about anything in comparison to the total number of players experiencing it.
Id bet not one single kick I witnessed in BFA was mentioned by that kicked player in here.
But it was enough that I decided i hated other players in this game enough to stop grouping with them.

dude…can you read???

lmao…and yet FIVE my my SIX kicks…AGAIN…were for crap like refusing to hand over my drops…playing panda…and my mog choices.

thread MUTED…

your about 12 yrs late to the party. yeah it sucks.

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Being kicked shouldn’t proc deserter, and quitting a backfilled group shouldn’t, either.

So your friends are ultra sensitive is what you’re saying? Am I understanding correctly?

I always thought they should only give the penalty if you get kicked multiple times over a period of time. Everyone thought it was a bad idea when I mentioned it in the past, but I do think there should be some allowance for vote kick abuse.

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