Why the Hell would someone get a 30-minute penalty for getting removed from a group?

Because a FEW bad players did something bad and blizzard OVER reacted…again.

lol…they kick him and get a replacement…exactly like they do now ?

Because when they introduced the dungeon finder, people would troll the hell out of their group to get kicked and get around the timer.

lmao…so people abuse the speed limit…lets take away everyone elses drivers licenses, lmao…since we like to OVER react to crap with this game.

kick the player being a clown. problem literally solved.
screwing over players who didnt do anything actually wrong over some chumps bad attitude in a group who manages to get clowns who cant read right to go along with vote kick was never the right answer.

No, that is not what they did though. They went with what was best for the larger group in a situation where they had to pick between two things that were not great. They made it so that one player could not hold 4 others hostage without penalty.

It is not great for a kicked player, but it does make it so that intentionally TRYING to get kicked so they can do a diff random dungeon has a penalty.

Keep in mind, this happened because players asked for Blizzard to stop tanks, and occasionally healers, from holding groups hostage to force a kick.


Yeah if you get kicked you should be free to regroup. If you get kicked 10 times in a month, you should start getting the debuff.

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Where are some people replying getting the idea that these people were the OP’s friends? They just said that they got kicked by a group of friends, not that these people were their friends.


how does a 30 minute lockout for EVERYONE literally stop anyone from doing what your talking about? lol.
Sounds like a speed limit sign to me. They just blow right on past the number any time they want, ticket or no ticket.

The only thing accomplished is punishing players who dont do anything wrong with a lockout when some dope decides to toss up the vote kick box and no one has the brains to actually read whats going on and goes along with it.
Nearly every one of the half dozen kicks Ive had myself in 5 years was over crap like refusing to hand over my drops or someone used me to get their buddies into a random.

it was an over reaction that literally did nothing to STOP the bad behavior.
ive seen tanks trolling the group within the last 6 months. lol…so some ‘solution’ this was

that sounds reasonble.
If its ongoing, sure…youre probably the problem.
Ive been kicked maybe 6 times in the 5 years Ive been playing and one of those was literally caused by something I was doing…and i had just started the game anddidnt understand some of the unspoken rules in group content. I figured it out quick, lol.

there should be a few grace kicks because we ALL KNOW that some of these dopes will vote to kick over petty trash and the group nearly always just clicks to kick without actually reading and seeing what the kick is about…or even who is being kicked. lol.

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Their group, their rules. If they contain the majority (and they’d need 4 to control it), they get to make the rules.

You also generally can’t kick for a decent bit in a dungeon (last I knew) and after the first boss is dead, you can leave and/or be kicked without penalty. At least these were how things were when I did queue content past leveling dungeons.

The thing is while it is certainly possible this happened to you, it isn’t plausible. What is much more likely is you caused a wipe or otherwise annoyed them and your posterior introduced to a boot. Of course you won’t admit this and we only have your story to go on.

and THAT is fine…let them kick…but you dont punish the person kicked with a moronic lockout in addition to the clown kick.

Dont be garbo at the game.

Just be glad if they are using LFR/LFD and some how removed u they are probably to lazy to black list you so you will get to play with them again.

The reason that is a thing is because tanks and healers (mostly tanks) developed an even bigger god complex than they already had back in Cata, when a lot of these rules were in place and tweaked, and would queue for dungeons and then sit at the entrances and demand to be kicked so they could requeue and get a dungeon they wanted. They didn’t want to manually pick the dungeon because they also wanted the tank bribe bag and whatever extra random rewards.

This isn’t FF

your kids were hungry they appreciated the 30 min break you got to feed them.

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I have been kicked for the most dumbest stuff. A “gogogo” group I was in booted me for stopping and skinning a few things. So stupid lol

i got a $100 bill sitting here that says this kick lockout joke affects FAR more players who ARENT causing the problems it was supposedly created to stop than it is affecting those who are committing the act intentionally that the kick was made for.
like I said…ive been kicked about 6 times total in 5 years.
ONE of those kicks was justified by something I was doing. The rest were refusing to hand over my drops, being used to get four other guildies into a 5 man…and even being kicked over my mog choices and once for playing a panda. lmao.

The kick is being abused WAY more than the problem it supposedly solved is happening.

There is no debuff if you leave after killing one boss.

Not only that, but ran LFR last week. Boss fight still bugged so everyone has to leave. Some of us got added to the group at that fight so when we left… there’s the penalty.