Why the Hell would someone get a 30-minute penalty for getting removed from a group?

OP’s chudly post history pretty much explains it.

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So what the people who are abusing it should not get a debuff for their behavior when kicked? Instead they should immediately que and repeat behavior again? Just because an unintended consequence sometimes pops up doesn’t mean scrap the entire system. 95 percent of the time the debuff is warranted.

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So tell us the rest of the story.

Definitely more to the story than you are telling.

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Yep… I remember those Oculus runs well. We’d all zone in, tank would go “awe < bleep > naw”, zone out and we’d have to disband and find a new group. and we’d all end up with the debuff because the tank didn’t want to tank that dungeon.

Ah, you must not have been around when you could get Oculus from LFG over a decade ago.

Back before the penalty existed even if you got vote-kicked, tanks would queue up, see Oculus, and hold the rest of the group up by refusing to participate until they got kicked out.

As someone who was there to see it all happen multiple times over, lemme tell you: that is precisely why there’s a Deserter debuff for getting kicked out of a group, and if that gets removed it WILL happen again.

How is that any different from what happens now, when the tank can still say “naw” and leave?

So you kick them and get a replacement. You can still get Oculus in LFD, and people still leave immediately upon zoning in. I just don’t understand how this changed anything other than punishing people who get kicked from groups.

Because previously when you kicked someone they didn’t get the deserter debuff… You only got it for leaving… So the tanks wouldn’t leave…

You can’t kick until a certain amount of time has elapsed.

So you are literally being held up for several minutes because your tank refuses to leave on their own in an effort to dodge the Deserter buff.

But they literally still leave when they don’t want to do a dungeon lol. I see it leveling alts all the time. How often do you really believe that fear of a deserter debuff prevents people from leaving a dungeon they don’t want to do?

Then that should’ve been the change made IMO. :woman_shrugging: Other games manage just fine with this method. I know our community sucks bigtime here but still …

You report them. Ideally, Blizzard will take action against that player.

Bwahahahahahahaha, nah, automating a debuff is the easy way out for them.

It was because after waiting 20+ minutes for a group, two key classes that can just get into another group in less than a minute would leave them high and dry.


There’s a few reasons as to why this exists the way it does. It isn’t a foolproof solution but it does do its job for the most part.

Yeah did you not read the part right above that sentence where I acknowledge this happens in other games, with the same situation, and yet somehow the world keeps turning?

It just seems like this system opens up “punish good people” too much to be worth the occasional feeling of “well we punished one of the bad ones too” but that’s just my opinion. I respect this is probably never going to change.

No offense… but it is pretty obvious you didn’t live through it back when… and it is the reason why it is in place… Blizzard should never change it because as you said

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Typically it is used to remove disruptive or people who are not contributing. The OP just had some fools for friends is all. The reason there is a penalty is because it was being used to avoid the debuff for leaving on your own. Back in Legion this was a major problem as DPS would be waiting for a long time to get into a group, then only to hear the tank say “nope, either kick me or I will just sit here” and hold the group hostage.

It’s to patch an exploit that people found for when they got oculus back in wrath and really didn’t want to run it or take deserter.

I agree the OP sounds pretty silly. I see a lot of people get kicked for innocent things while leveling alts though. All kinds of things like saying they’re AFK when they’re observably following along and doing reasonable DPS, but people just click “yes” without thinking. Or people who troll groups and then put up misleading VTKs, saying things like “jerk tank” when they’re really kicking the innocent healer but no one bothers to check the names associated with the kick, etc.

Obviously it’s less common than a silent run that goes fine, but I almost never see a legitimate kick; it’s either no kick voted at all, or some goofy bullcrap somebody bored and lonely is pulling on strangers.

Edit: And, I see people eat deserter debuffs all the time, so I still feel like this problem wasn’t the solution people think it was. But again, I also respect that’s just my take on things. :woman_shrugging:

I said basically. I’ve played for 6 months and only once have I seen someone else berated. Compared to WOW it’s pure

Which is all fine and good, except that players are limited to the number of times they can kick another player over a set periods. If the kick downtimer was removed, the sad group of idiots who enjoy messing with other people would make life very difficult for anyone trying to join a random group.

And they don’t even need to provide a reason they are misbehaving, just sit there AFK or stupidly pull mobs or whatever, which can on the surface be innocent stupidity.

I imagine - could be wrong - that the rules are the way they are now because Blizzard has tried other methods which did not work very well.

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Literacy is a good thing.