Why the Hell would someone get a 30-minute penalty for getting removed from a group?

So what did you say?

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Nothing to do with “ultra-sensitive”, simply put in place to prevent tanks from being dicks holding groups hostage requesting to be kicked if they don’t get the dungeon they want or are otherwise dissatisfied with the group.

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so what happens if a player decides to hold the group hostage by not helping just so they will kick him

what did he say tho :thinking:

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That would be a reportable offence and the mods in ffxiv are not to be messed with.


The irony.


Some fairly crappy friends you got there OP.

Anti-troll measure. If somebody wanted to leave without penalty they’d just be obnoxious until removed.

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Welcome to WoW… that’s been in the game from the beginning.

They can only waste 30 minutes of your time if you refuse to go do something else and make use of the downtime lol

I’d rather three people be able to troll one guy like this then one person be able to troll three with impunity. No system is perfect. :man_shrugging:

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They also heavily moderate their game so toxic nonsense basically doesn’t happen.

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You’d report them and there are ACTUAL consequences. GMS have actual gaols they can imprison your character in and they do NOT hesitate to ban, openly and without trying to hide their laziness behind privacy nonsense. Nzhuv doesn’t exist and has no privacy rights. They are perfectly in their rights to tell everyone involved exactly what they did to you. They don’t to hide the fact they don’t bother taking action the majority of the time in WOW.

I know, it’s so annoying. One time I was kicked from the group because I wanted to kick out a healer that was killing everyone, but instead of that person being removed, it was me. Because apparently, that healer was everyone’s friend.

Your friends kicked you, now you have a cooldown debuff. There is nothing “sensitive” about that other than some people who get upset about the penalty and post about it.

The reasons above are why it exists. People abused it when there was no penalty so, now there is one.

Get better friends? It was added because back in the day tanks and healers would force groups to kick them out of instances they didn’t want to do so they could avoid the 30 debuff for leaving on their own.

And I was just joking about the better friends part :slight_smile:

Do some callings.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

ESO does not penalize you for being kicked either, and I’ve even seen tanks/healers zone into a dungeon and say “nah brah, kick me” …

And so people do. And then they get a replacement. And the world magically keeps on turning.

WoW players just cried too hard when this happened to them, I guess.


I’ll take “there’s more to this story” for $500


I got removed from lfr because a guy with his buddies didn’t liek i said don’t waste peoples time by trying to solo the LFR boss. I went ahead and did a bg and picked up my ZM world quest. pfft I know people are awful in this game and have made peace with it. I won’t be buying Dragon expansion. I might play Wrath Classic.