Why the hate on blizz developers?

This is not the topic at hand. If we go by this, then you can apply this logic on every content available in the game. Stay on topic please.

that is the same topic, but ok. You can judge all you want, but still makes no sense LFR is way to easy and should not reward mounts. That simple honestly. The dev actually made a right choice.

“Hating on” and criticism for a paid service are two different things.

The first can be pretty annoying.

The latter is a must for any customer who is dissatisfied with a service they pay for within good reason.

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No. We know as a fact that Ion Hazzikostas is stubborn and acknowledged this in a recent interview, where they reluctantly do changes.

But we also know how things will go from here. They will backpaddle. They always do. Pathfinder and the Alliance High Elves are the most well known examples. And Covenants, of course.

right but that dosen’t mean that this choice was a bad one, just means they have made bad choices in the past. Also this one has nothing to do with either of does examples.

It’s a bad one. Everyone and their mother could see how this will end, especially when the text says “any difficulty”. I’m okay with you defending their decisions but only if you apply common sense to it.


I hate to break it to you, then almost 99% of people with a job are hacks according to this logic.

“Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker’s GD poster’s god-given right. Your 2 minutes are up, good night gentlemen.”

-Mayor of New York

These people get paid and theoretically spend 40 hours a week on “development” and they are consistently slow and lacking

That’s a problem


from all the players i ever talked to in the past about raiding and guilds the consensus was always… “i have no problem being in a guild and making a raid or two, its the week after week same time that i cannot make”. that is basically the answer i would get from most people.

it is extremely rare to find a guild that would put up with this. you making 1-2 raids every other month. this is the predicament most players face.

remember again this is not about me. i am in a guild and i raid each week. but there was a time i wasnt and i could not dedicate the same 8-12 hours each week, week after week to any guild because of you know, life and work and work schedules. and this is the problem for alot of players when it come to raiding specifically.

i couldnt care less honestly. but i just find it very out of place for you all not to see these players point of view. bot?? blizzard employee on some random forum toon to pick up for horrible decisions??? i dunno.

Then we would call this something done on purpose and not a mistake if the switcharoo was done the last minute. Blizzard has told alot of lies and broke alot of promises and people are just tired of these “mistakes”.

Blizzard: We also promised them grays and whites moggable, Draenei being rogues, also Tauren rogues and mages. Shhhhh, don’t remind them we were supposed to do that 9.2 patch, maybe they would forget.

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This is a pretty common trend i’ve noticed. So called casual players lobby for stuff to get that isn’t elitist things like beating heroic raids or m+ 2000s with your hands tied behind your back, casuals would looooove to have things they can work towards, and things they can do with friends. Then blizzard acts on that feedback and suddenly blizz is the badguys for implementing grinds that the player has to slave away at, and forcing people to group up which causes toxicity. These people dont wanna play the game, they want shinies to fall into their lap for 0 effort.

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lmao…what I dont understand is after the last two crap expansions…AND a bunch of sexual harassment on the job…how ANYONE can still be defending this company.
YEARS of harassment ISNT a mistake…its a lifestyle…and the behavior is an attitude that leeched out into everything they did.


please tell how someone defended the sexual harassment or last terrible expansion? cause i dont think anyone here is defending that.

Please go into an LFR run where there are more stacks of determination than should ever exist, while the group is STILL wiping and people are STILL trying to explain these things and then when y’all finally get it down and there’s this moment of “whew, finally did it” and then come back and tell me that LFR is somehow not a challenge.

LFR has all the same boss fights, it has mechanics people wipe on, it gives out gear and tier. It is a raid and deserves to be treated as such.


Oh my God seriously? Welcome to the real world.

eh…thats not true.
When I do a job for someone I do my BEST…AND I do it in the most productive, cost efficient manner I can come up with to maximize my profit WHILE having very happy customers.
Blizzard somewhere along the road here decided its an either/or thing, and having both is impossible…so they go with the $$$ and to hades with good product.

point >>>>

I did LFR with no weapon once, and killed the boss with no issue, pretty sure it is easy.

Don’t forget insulting your customers (guy who made Domination Shards being furious that no one thinks his reward design was better than tier gear).

Blizzard has a LOT to work on in order to rebuild some of those trust bridges. They have squandered the player trust and good faith, and whether that’s due to the bean counters or their own hubris, they’ve done incredible damage to their images.