Why the enemies hardly hurt by traps in Torghast anyways?

In the original Blizzard North Diablo you could accidently kill you teammates. I know because I did it by mistake with I think it was what ever the top version of chain lightning was. It would send a bolt of lightning at every target close to you . My party member was on my side and I thought it would fire down the hall only. There we loads of mobs in on the other side of the wall above us so my party member got fried :frowning:

I can think of few things more satisfying than kitting a pack of mobs across one of the furnace fire floors and burning them to cinders.

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Well, that eliminates a lot of character damage abilities then. lol

This isn’t Doom2 whereby you can watch them kill each via accidental aggro

Realistically? Probably, yeah. I mean back in the day fire elementals would be immune to fireball. Certain game design concessions were made so that people wouldn’t feel bad about playing certain classes or specs.


/lights the candles around his circle they he suddenly drew on the ground. :candle:

But… But… Torghast is sort of like Doom. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I’d love to see mobs get crushed like in doom level 6 or start randomly attacking each other.

I had the most fun with that feature and it was a strategy like in the center of map 20…Gotcha.

Maybe a mass confuse anima?

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