Okay, hot take on Torghast in 3... 2... 1

Torghast is WoW’s take on DOOM.

Yes, i know, you will :face_with_raised_eyebrow: , and say “typical Baridorielor thread”, and you’re left wondering if he’s gonna make a novel on a philological and societal ramifications of eating processed cheese over real cheese. Don’t you worry, i already have the third story out. It’s very gouda. :smirk: :cheese: … /j

But it’s actually the reason why i like Torghast. And honestly speaking, i couldn’t pin down why i did like Torghast until just recently days ago, while going though Torghast again.

So what is my proof on this?..

  • You go though a winding maze like level design, sort of how Doom has…
  • Hunting down mobs and things to break or finding anima powers and mobs, kind of like how Doom encourages exploration…
  • Killing an entire army of monsters with your overpowered anima powers, much like in Doom with killing an entire army of hell’s demons with your overpowered weapons…
  • You’re the chosen one, much like how Doomguy is…
  • And if you’re a demon hunter, it essentially plays like DOOM 2016 (and Doom Eternal with the Fel Rush) with the double jump thing.

All it’s missing is Mick Gordon’s soundtrack and Brutal Torghast mod and it would complete the similarities. :metal:

…Just thought i would share this thought with you guys… :no_mouth:

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Torghast is WoW’s take on Devil May Cry’s Bloody Palace mode.