Why the deserter buff?

Queued for raid finder. Got put into a raid that was on the last boss. After wiping several times, we killed the boss. Re-queued so that I could do the first three bosses that I missed. I again got put into a raid that was on the last boss. Not feeling like I wanted to wipe several more times on a boss that I already had credit for, I left… and got the deserter buff. Why should I be penalized for leaving, when I shouldn’t have even been placed in a raid where the only boss that was left, was the one I already had credit for? Maybe I’m being kinda whiny here, but apparently I can’t play the content I want to play for at least a half hour, based on a technicality that shouldn’t exist, so here we are killing time.


honestly? I don’t think so. it isn’t right that the game put you, on your subsequent requeue, into a group that was on the last boss.

I’d be mad if that happened to me.


So… I requeued again, after the buff had fallen off, and again got put into a raid that was on the last boss. This time I stuck around for one wipe, hoping I wouldn’t get the buff. Well… I got the deserter buff anyway. I’ve wasted enough time on this. I honestly wouldn’t mind waiting extra time in queue to get put into a raid with bosses that I still actually need. Instead I keep getting put into raids where the only boss that is left, is the one I have done. It keeps happening over and over and over. Every single time I’ve queued for LFR this season, on any of my alts, it’s always been on the last boss. And here I thought Blizzard said they were going to be more respectful of our time…


Just curious, what wing of LFR is this?


My guess is Halondrus, since looking at his raid progress the only LFR he hasn’t done is Sepulcher.

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Why aren’t you being started at the beginning? Is this normal? If so, why is the system set up this way, because it would certainly peeve me off?

I’ve queued into lfr twice this week and it’s always on halondrus. I’m kinda ok with it because it’s the only boss I want because the only reason I’m in there is extra shots at tier, but I can understand the frustration. My biggest complaint is that neither time when the pop-up came up did it tell me how many bosses were defeated like it used to that way you can decline and reque if it’s not fresh.

It’s because LFR queue doesn’t always start you from the beginning - it might fill in spots when people leave after wiping on Halondrus.

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So if the first, say, three bosses are relatively easy and the fourth hard, a person could concievably keep be sent to the fourth boss without ever seeing the first three?

I thought LFR was suppose to enable casuals to be able to see the story. How are they suppose to see the story if they are skipped ahead to the fourth boss each time?

This does not sound like a credible system.


There really isn’t any story elements with sepulcher, so even someone like me, that’s casual but competitive, has no explainable reason of why Xymox is in the raid, why we’re killing Halondrus, or why Lithium has to be killed.

But yes, the system has been like this for years. It was common for people to leave in Antorus after killing the Hounds boss and getting into an LFr on the council boss.


It’s LFR, the people you’re going to run into generally don’t care that you get a wait timer if they screw up over and over and over, forcing you to leave the group.

Funny thing, I did LFR twice with friends this week and we were HOPING to get plopped into an instance on Halondrus, since we were only there to try and get tier.

Instead we got plopped into both instances at the start. Had to run both sessions and explain all the fights to everyone.

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Is it normal for the last boss in LFR to only give gold?

Yeah the only important bosses really are the first boss (since it is protecting it from intruders. Zovaal got special access by dominating an oracle), the Oracle lady, Anduin, Lords of Dread and Zovaal. Every other boss is mostly filler.

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I wouldn’t know, I haven’t done LFR since Throne of Thunder. Until now.

I did Halondrus on normal and only got gold.

I run LFR every week in all 3 Shadowlands season on 3 chars and I’ve never once been put in a partial instance twice in a row. It always makes me sit for 40 minutes for a fresh one after I kill a boss of that wing. I ran sotfo wing 1 this week on 3 chars and every run I got in at Halondrus first and then did the first 3 in a second queue. That is the intended behavior. Going into a partial instance a 3rd time in a row doesn’t really sound real. Are you sure you got kill credit the first time? Your profile shows 0/11 still.

I thought they fixed it at some point where if you had done the last boss it was supposed to only put you in a fresh one, pretty sure this was a fix to LFR a few expansions back. It might make your queue much longer but it wouldn’t be the last boss over and over again. I have ran into this issue on two of my characters at this point, one queued in four different times after finishing the last boss to only be put in a group that was on the last boss.


Spine of Deathwing. :yum:


That was one of my favorite seasons of WoW ever, my smith/jeweler warrior wears Gurthalak and T13 forever.