Why the arguments for Dual Spec are bad

48 hour CD would be fine with me tbh.

Really? Do you have data to back that up? I am willing to bet that without the capability of being able to spec swap in retail, there would be a far worse shortage of tanks in the game let alone tanks that are willing to queue with pugs. On the point of pugs: not all tanks wish to pug and subject themselves to the absent minded players that come with playing with random players. Some people prefer playing with others while on voice comms or people they are familiar with. Your assumption that being able to change talents on the fly hasnā€™t improved the number of tanks is a large assumption based on nothing but conjecture.

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This is wrong. It didnā€™t change the game. People have all of the info and it spreads quickly like a brush fire because of the amount of youtubers and repositories that are available today when compared to back then.

I agree with your post. This quote in particular I would that agreeing to a few changes for balance and then saying no to dual spec is hypothetical. Dual spec would help balance. There would be more healers and tanks because that dps warrior or boomkin can now have the convenience of changing to prot or resto and queuing for a dungeon as that spec when they probably would not have without dual spec.
No dual spec = less tanks and healera in queues.
Dual spec = more tanks and healers in queues.
Itā€™s difficult to refute this or uphold it because we just donā€™t have the evidence to support both sides.
The only argument against dual spec would be that it wasnā€™t in the original. There is no other valid argument other than that.

This is why literally the first sentence in what you quoted by me said ā€œthe final decision is up to blizzardā€ā€¦ so im not sure how that means itā€™s a democracy with a vote by peopleā€¦ im saying the support is thereā€¦ so itā€™s up to blizz to decide if they want to entertain the idea or not.

I meant modern players exploiting flaws in the game design changed the game experience. In original vanilla, almost nobody stacked world buffs. In Classic vanilla, almost everyone does. That makes for a very different experience, and removing them from raids would have made Classic vanilla a more authentic and faithful experience.

Itā€™s the same with drums. In original TBC, raids didnā€™t have everyone w/ LW and stacking drums. But in Classic TBC, had they left the game intact, everyone would have, which would have made the game experience less authentic and faithful to the original. And this is the point of #somechanges, IMO, and I think its use should be limited to that.

I donā€™t think that it means, okay, everyone brainstorm and think about what changes youā€™d like to see, and then weā€™ll take polls and introduce the changes that score higher than 50% and create a brand new game altogether. There is no surer way to ruin the game, IMO. Given the option, players will crap in their own bed.

Iā€™m just saying that I hope that Blizzard doesnā€™t treat it like a democracy. They need to not give those players what they say they want, IMO. For their own good.

I would say it depends on how duel specs is added.

As an example I wouldnā€™t be against it if

It was 10k to get (estimated cost people who respec a lot will go through in 6+months)
You could only respec in a major city (no changing whenever you want but still faster than respec as the talents are already chosen and you donā€™t have to go to your class trainer)

Iā€™m not saying I want duel spec BTW, just that if it went into game I would prefer this version.

Rats donā€™t pay for the cheese.

Just curious why you would want this to be more expensive than it was in WOTLK? If itā€™s the same feature? Would you believe that in WOTLK it should change to 10K instead of stay the 1K?

Good point, unfortunately. Money does talk. Which is why retail is the way that it is. The players asked Blizzard for every convenience under the sun, and Blizzard gave them all to them for short-term cash, and the result was that the game was completely ruined, IMO.

Iā€™m hoping Blizzard will learn from that history and avoid the same mistake here.

Your opinion is wrong.

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If it was wrong, Iā€™d be playing retail instead of Classic. Hell, there wouldnā€™t even be a Classic. Classic only exists because in the eyes of many, retail became so bad that they would rather play a 15-year old version of the game than the modern one.


Then you misstated your opinion.

Classic only exists because Blizzā€™s lawyers insisted on it so they could protect their copyrights. All the other explanations are fantasy.

I donā€™t want to detract from the Dual Spec convo in this thread. But at the same time, there are FAR more people playing retail than are playing classic.

But to pull back into the DS convo. DS was introduced in wotlkā€¦ which is blizzardā€™s highest player base. So most people played with Dual Spec than not. So that was not the feature that broke WoWā€™s back, so to speak.

Thereā€™s absolutely nothing bad about dual spec, it was the best thing added to the game yet.

Want a gold sink? add a cost to get dual spec like it had in wotlk 1k gold thatā€™s like 20 respecs.

I honestly canā€™t see how it would change/kill the burning crusade expirience.


Good job turning this around!

However, it does nothing to support the original point that this guysā€™ comment is addressing.

Will it though?

Authentic to you maybe. Not authentic to the game. There is a huge difference there.

Yeah. Thereā€™ll be so many tanks and healers that people will be begging for dps.

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I even stated later in my post that there is no evidence supporting either argument but good job cherry picking or not reading the post in its entirety.