all human males look super old. why cant my character be young? i highly doubt some boomer would become a knight.
Surprise! Anduin isn’t a human, he’s way better. It’s the only explanation.
hes obviously a female night elf in disguise
How else could he be so hot? I agree.
im straight and hes hot
Just wanted to throw my hat in the ring to be Anduin’s bae.
Asian humans can look young I believe.
Yes, but how many eyebrows did Anduin have to choose from?
You know that baby boomers are in their 70’s now, right? You think your character looks that old?
Anduin needs a beard and a deeper voice and I’d like him. Also way better writing .
Someone actually made a pic of anduin with a beard and he looked awesome. Credits to somand!
/cast RemoveHelmet
Anduin Is pretty hot. They just want to send the message home and make him hard to get. Kings always want to be the most desired right?
I honestly can’t even tell if your character is male or female. Not sure if it’s the armor or what.
IKR. I’m not an old man yet! Let me be young!
Hold up. Your avatar… does not look bad. Did human males get some awesome new customizations? I’ve never liked them… til now o.o
You weren’t a boomer when you were conscripted into the Army. While you were off trying to stay alive, your family was killed in the First or Second War. After you were released from duty, your farmlands were gone. The king’s men took them due to owing back taxes. With no family and no land, you had no choice but to become a mercenary roaming the lands for the odd job here and there. Now as a boomer, you have nothing else in your life.
Npcs always look better lol… same thing could be said about Tyrande
Look, we all wanna be with King Andy, but he’s saving himself for Wrathion. It must be so.
It’s just one of the new haircuts, lol. This beard and face were available before.
…seriously? I can’t believe I never noticed there was facial hair for human males in WoW before