Why tf cant my guy look like anduin?

well you ain’t wrong…

Choose a non-white skin tone if you want your human character to look good.

I wish I was kidding.

Not enough potential.

Its weird how the other tones look a lot younger than the white ones.

I disagree. I think my character looks good, he just doesn’t look young. Same with all the new skin tones and faces. The less wrinkled faces still make your character look like a 40 year old man.

Humans don’t live to be boomer age in Azeroth - it’s a gift. :sob:

Actually scratch that. All the boomers joined the twilight’s hammer. They’re all grey-haired.

(watch me lift this post from the dead… I am a Necroposter!)

It would be nice if they gave us some more updated faces and hairstyles for all of the races. Especially the males. They are SO hard to make attractive (except for Blood/Void Elves).

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You Necromancer you!

Although its a good point, Id very much like an age option for character appearance. I wouldnt mind giving my hunter here age-appropriate wrinkles.

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He’s a naruu, practically has the power of one anyways.

Sliders would be awesome. But since they haven’t introduced sliders before, I’m going to assume they just don’t work with this current game engine. Looks like it uses preset textures (skins).

God imagine the options if they could add sliders to everything. Imagine the pet creation options too! (Sims in Wow!)