You doubt hunters because some basement dweller who does nothing but play this game, said something.
Srry didn’t read the post neither did I watch videos the moment I saw you’re posting a link from a streamer. As long community relies on their opinion game will never be great. People will never enjoy this game until they don’t act on their own.
It’s a quote from the sopranos.
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Might want to read a post before speaking mate. Makes you look foolish. Vids a secondary resource.
Sure I read your post and if you are world first elitist then this may be a slight issue. If you’re someone who gets AoTC done and runs 15 keys you are in perfectly fine spot.
And this is my main issue. A dude who is probably a world first raider and elite players, brings his opinion which will affect many mindsets in this community.
If hunter DPS is poor they will be the worst class to take. You could take anything else and it would be more beneficial. I’d prefer not to sit for hours or get no group at all for my higher m+ and heroic runs.
I get you don’t like streamers, not that I really know the guy in the video, but I think you are more here to vent then contribute to the topic.
No I’m not trust me. Here is example. I didn’t play much of season 3 and season 4 at all. Even I have 4 set on SV hunter and decent gear, I don’t get invited in keys higher than 5. I don’t know why but it’s just the community.
And if some spec has low damage to the point where it’s more burden then dps , yea that spec it’s always blacklisted especially in pugs. I get to one extend what you’re saying, but my point was that community plays this games how streamers think is the best way. Maybe not you , but that’s why I pointed right away on video you posted. I play arcane mage, no matter how it performs, and sometimes it will be harder to get spot sometimes easier. But overall hunter brings solid group utility the other classes. It has good crowd control, ranged slow, AOe slow, etc
Hunters will always have spot and play. Just because some streamers have stupid opinion doesn’t mean it’s the correct opinion