Why take a hunter to raid or m+ in DF? Discussion

Now I play hunter through normal/heroic raids along with high m+ keys and I know a large part of the community will not be affected by the current hunter vs other class issue but here we go. Hunter seems to be the least viable class to raid with in DF. The change to binding shot also hurt us. As is stands we don’t do anything better then the other classes or bring utility. Seeing as hunter is the most played class, as far as third party groups can record, I worry those of us who like to push the envelope; push high M+, Heroic, and or Mythic don’t have a reason to be picked. Unless we bring something to raid or do very high DPS I see us getting benched.

TLDR: Hunter doesn’t bring a reason to take them to m+ or raids in DF.

A Youtuber named Maximum seems to have made a video touching on the subject as well.


Heroic isn’t pushing the envelope. Any class/spec can run Heroic. CE/HoF Mythic is another story, sure. And as far as M+ again, unless you’ve reached the point where it’s meta only, it won’t matter.

Can. If among friends who wouldn’t mind losing that portion of utility value for, unless Hunter gets overtuned, nothing in exchange.


Are we considering PuGs or “AoTC guilds”? Because I’m technically in an “AoTC guild” but I have a premonition that 70%+ of our roster is gonna be evokers. That’s how little comp matters in heroic.


I was thinking PuGs, myself, which can be oddly picky.

At any rate, to get back to the main topic…

I just don’t see why we don’t have a couple talents within our Class Tree by which to apply a part of our Aspects or Affinities (the F/T/C passives) to others. We’re not even allowed a budget Stampeding Roar via AotC? No DR or finite magic absorption onto allies via AotT?

  • Heck, change Camouflage into Aspect of the Lynx or whatever and let it get CDR from Born to be Wild and applied to party members in a small area (reduced effect in PvP).

Make hunter’s mark have a DR or damage amp (doesn’t have to be massive), that’s one idea that’s not far off of what we’ve had in the past.

Dream scenario is return of aspect of the fox, but we all know why it was removed :confused:


This is a silly discussion… This same logic has been prevalent throughout the entirety of WoW, i.e., why bring x class when you can bring y. There are always meta classes, this is an mmo and class balance is always changing. The bottom line is class is irrelevant at heroic and below raiding and outside of the upper-most keys.

And for those trying to bring up pugging, how is any of this new? It’s not even balance related… Like seeing a pug asking for AOTC to run normal or requiring the same ilvl of the gear dropped in most of the raid… None of this is new, and you choose to deal with it by pugging. Blizz can’t do anything about pugs being stupid.

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This is very concerning. If Hunters are tuned poorly and bring nothing to the table, then there truly wouldn’t be any outstanding reason to bring a Hunter to the raid over another class played by a similarly skilled player with similar gear.


It’s called community perception. Since start of legion I’ve been kicked from hundreds of groups for just playing survival. I’ve seen a ton of ferals also get kicked. If community ends up seeing hunters as bad, pugging anything will be a pain.


Blizzard has been trying to kill the Hunter spec. BM has been hit the hardest pet AI has never been fixed since beginning vanilla. MM is ok but 0 reason to bring to raid. Hunters bring 0 RAID utility/buff. Really feel said for my main is BM but have been forced to play my alts just to get in M+ or raids. Also to the ppl saying well heroic and normal and low keys are your limit then that sucks because I want to push but Blizzard makes it impossible to.

Hunter was used in the world first race, and BM has completed keys up to and including 30. What content exactly is Blizzard preventing you from completing?


If you’re having trouble getting into M+ as a hunter then you’re probably applying to keys far higher than your io score qualifies you for.

Hunters are the top damage dealer in most keys. They bring misdirect, they bring lust, they bring binding shot, freezing trap, soothe, and an immunity. Huh?


Hunter’s demand this season is entirely due to survival hunter bringing an extremely strong damage profile. Everything else is just a nice bonus. BM and MM get to catfish to a certain level.

Max (and others, Growl comes to mind as having also made this point) have said that hunter is only brought for damage. If the damage isn’t competitive, the hunters get benched. They aren’t a utility pick and rarely have a guaranteed spot.


Damage tuning notwithstanding, a hunter is still bringing 10x the utility of a warrior or DH or pally or mage.

Hunters complaining about lack of utility. You’re holding a Virginia ham under your arm and crying the blues because you don’t have any bread.

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M+ is difficult to argue about because that’s almost 100% damage. Top damage specs are meta.

But in raid hunter’s utility isn’t enough. Mage, lock, rogue, priest, all guaranteed spots. Even warrior has battle shout and intervene. Unless there’s a niche scenario where hunter utility is somehow irreplaceable for a fight, hunters are a filler class for rosters.

This doesn’t matter for heroic, and casual mythic raid guilds. But for competitive content hunter is always straddling the line between a wasted spot and a worthwhile pick.


Players who do the content that requires the exact meta classes generally play more than one class at that level to give flexibility to the comp.

One-tricking a spec or class just isn’t ever going to be conducive to the highest end content. Especially dungeons where the group only has room for 3 dps - where one of those must be a bloodlust effect.

It’s still an RDPS with an immunity. This alone warrants a mythic raid spot. Not to mention fights where you specifically want BM hunter(s) to do mechanics as generally BM loses very little from having to do big movement.

Which is the exact kind of content OP was talking about doing. So anything beyond that is moot.

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I’ve pointed out that you can bring practically any comp to Heroic raid and be fine. PuGs will be PuGs.

If there’s no point to talking about the content where this stuff actually matters, what’s the point in general?


That’s the point. The OP is talking about doing content where any spec is viable. Anything beyond that is moot for the sake of this specific discussion.

Let’s try this again…

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