Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

i know you’re not blind enough to understand that Sylvanas is the most popular character now, she’s a fan favorite even after all she did on bfa, she’s $$$$ for blizzard and i dont they will let her go so easily, she’s the last interesting character left.

Defend your claim then. Show me verifiable proof of that.

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Keep in mind that Arthas was all of those things, and he still went the way of defeated, killed, dead, condemned, raid boss.

The only thing that keeps me believing that they might not do this to Sylvanas is that… well, honestly it’s painfully redundant to watch them be like “Oo, we should hav da undedz be da bad guys again” because that’s really easy, and not something I put past the devs to do.

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I realized that most of ppl are alliance thats explain a lot haha

I’m posting on an Alliance toon, but you don’t know that I’m Alliance. You don’t know what half these people really play, and even then, that doesn’t negate their criticism. In fact, the people who I’ve seen be the MOST critical of Sylvanas have been primarily Horde players.

But likewise, that means nothing, because you can’t simply dismiss criticism based on faction. I, for one, can take an objective look at the plot without any Alliance, Horde, or any kind of individual character bias.

Unlike you, it seems.


“In fact, the people who I’ve seen be the MOST critical of Sylvanas have been primarily Horde players.” now i want to see some proof lfmao, i doubt it, even the undead wants her queen back

What I said isn’t a statistical statement. “I’ve seen mostly Horde players criticize Sylvanas” is an anecdotal thing, it’s not meant to be anything but that. “The majority of players love Sylvanas” is a statistical argument about things as a whole. One is just a personal statement not meant to be construed as a factual argument, the other is.

It baffles me that I needed to explain this to you.


Yeah and until today they’re using his “story arc”, probably they will raise Garrosh also, i dont think they will commite the same mistake but we shall see

Nope. This isn’t MSN or Facebook chat. The expectation isn’t that you’re going to be perfect, but that you can at least go back over your post and fix things up.

No one’s harping on your posts when you miss the occasional full stop, that’s whatever. But when it’s actively annoying to read? Gotta do better.

Also not the assumption, but actively stating they are EALD because their English is bad? Plenty of native speakers suck at the language.

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They literally stated they are and used a forced-english translation of a spanish word that is clear as day to anyone who speaks spanish lmao

Native English speakers aren’t going to use a forced translation of a Spanish language word in English.

Any person with a modicum of sympathy will see the word “machism”, realize what’s going on, and not be rude.

I don’t live in Freedomland, so I don’t know any Spanish or what machism means, so I’ll apologise for that. Point stands, though. Doesn’t help that his post was just bad so my sympathy levels were low to begin with.

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It’s more than just that, the problem is that we HAVE had numerous stories and passages told from Sylvanas’ perspective, and we HAVE had access to her inner monologue and seen her personal motivations, and none of it ever so much as hinted at any of this Shadowlands stuff. Blizzard is going to try to tell us that this stuff with the Jailor has been guiding her actions all along, when we know from various short stories and novels that this is not true.


One of the reasons might be that Arthas paid dearly for every step he took into the darkness in the form of important friends, mentors, his own betrothed
turning away from him.

He paid a high price for each step and thus became more radical and more radical and in the end he even paid with his soul. Sylvanas’ price has not yet been paid, or it has been closed under her conditions.

Even if Arthas did objectively evil things, one could understand him somewhere and also understand how this helpless boy became more and more radical in the desperate desire to save his homeland.


Sylvanas sucks at everything she does, especially in WoW. Saurfang was right when he dragged her. Arthas’s campaign was a lot cooler and more impressive.




Me, an intelectual pointing that elves are responsible for world biggest disasters.

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That wasn’t justice Arthas got.

Which is the irony of his story.

It’s shown in “A Good War” she’s intentionally deceiving Saurfang so that she can get the war she wants via internal dialogue. She had full intention from the start to burn the tree. The contingency wasn’t a contingency, it was to immediately make Saurfang a scapegoat in what happens. Which was unsuccessful.

I don’t think she deceived him at all. Even Saurfang noted that as Warchief, Sylvanas wasn’t required to share all of her plans with him. I have no idea where the idea that “Sylvanas was going to make Saurfang a scapegoat” comes from.

That was hinted at; however, we don’t know for sure why she was going to do it, and under what circumstances.
There is no reason to think that her plans (right up until she decided to burn the tree) were anything but to divide the Alliance and conquer Stromwind…. unless you don’t want to reconcile the stories (which is easily done because everything is super-vague) and complain that the writing is bad.