Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

I understand the motivations that ppl dont like her, i think no matter what she does i’ll still like her haha, anyway, i’ll try to gather some loyalists, i know that im not alone here, they are afraid to show up because they can be judged


Simps should never be afraid to grovel. Go get the rest of the fan club sugar.


Do u know im gay right? its not just simps that enjoy her, haha these lore nerds…get out of your bubble

Sham, can I ask what exactly you like about Sylvanas?

Because as a “Lore Nerd” she has been a pretty horrific person for over a decade. Unless you were being hyper generous with your interpretation of Edge of Night, that story recontextualized so much about her relationship with her Forsaken its crazy. Where she essentially comes off as an Abuser and they her victims with the type of manipulation tactics she relies on to keep them in line.

She may not have been an outright villain till BfA, but she has been a downright horrible person for ages.


I like her bc she does what she wants and doesnt give a f****, i dont judge characters like i do in a real life, it doesnt matter for me, i love villains, like when i was a kid always was rooting for the villain haha, i just likes things that is different for the majorith of the ppl, but also in real life i try to be a good person almost the oposite of virtual characters, i usually love horror movies, villains and all the “underground” stuff, i also do drag with cosplay/horror movie/dark stuffs, its just what i love lol. And Patty Mattson of course she’s the soul of Sylvanas, like im one of your biggest fans

So … its “YAS Queen” and her aesthetics? She gets to be a horrible person, but gets away with it because of plot-convenience always protecting her? And looks like a hot. elf vampire while doing it? You do you I suppose, but I’m not sure you’re going to find many with in the "Story Forum willing to look at that character with such a lens. Especially with her dominating the story so much, to the point where I haven’t a doubt that Blizz might put more effort into “redeeming” her … than redeeming the Horde as a Faction.


Which is common in real life. Abused people regularly become abusers.

The hope for many, or at least for me, was that she would come out of that despair that culminated in her suicide attempt eventually. Because I know how it feels.

Instead blizzard pinned her “deal with the devil” on the event of her suicide.

But now we’re getting a convoluted, incoherent “pseudo redemption” arc that will likely lead to Sylvanas getting an Illidan treatment (narrative glass box removal from the story that allows blizzard to pull her back should subscribers flee again).

Blizzard’s narrative choices in the past ten years for her have been awful.

But can’t expect more from the writers who insist Thrall believed his human abusers what they said about Orcs, or that insist Baine/Tauren are the moral compass and heart of the Horde.


I wont lie that im 100% enjoying her story (i think bfa was a mistake), but yes if u want to do a word for what i love her go foward “yass queen”

This is because these two have been rendered super convenient “token Horde” to include in their increasingly Alliance character driven stories. Blizz has a comfort zone, one where the Horde and its people don’t really fit. So, when they aren’t being turned into a vehicle to settup Future Villains and Expacs … they are being made sidekicks to the “real” heroes of the story.


It’s like they can’t resist demonizing abuse survivors who became abusive due to improper dealing with trauma (Garrosh, Sylvanas, Tyrande) instead of writing stories where they deal with that trauma.

Except Jaina! Like three times over :skull::skull::skull:


You do realize that your personal interpretation of EoN is not the only one, right?

I know we’ve treaded this ground a thousand times over but it still irks me when you act like your personal interpretation is the only possible interpretation.


Liked your post for the eloquence of this sentence, with which I have to agree (despite being a language and a half short of the goal myself).


I’m really not sure how else you’re supposed to take it. You could’ve said she was lying while in a state of emotional duress. Could’ve being the operative word. We know now at best she pitied the Forsaken, but couldn’t tolerate them having things like hope. Or any opinion of living allies better than indifference.

And frankly after The Gathering it seems like the only reason a Forsaken wasn’t killed on the spot for like, smiling, was because she didn’t catch them doing it. I can get thinking they were taking her in a different direction. I sure did. Because they said they weren’t doing Garrosh again and that she’d be morally gray.

But apparently Blizz’s writer’s workshops are taught in an alternate dimension. Where it’s tell, don’t show. And ‘clever subversion of expectations’ means ‘lie through your teeth to their face then act like you’ve outsmarted them with this abject betrayal’.


Will never not be salty about this.

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Bwonsamdi, Theotar, Kael’thas, Khadgar, etc etc. She’s far from the last “interesting” character left, putting aside the fact that the term “interesting” is subjective…

“It’s totally different. She just starts a war by blowing up an Alliance city in Kalimdor, causes a revolution within the Horde to oust her, escapes justice and leads us into a new expansion where we’ll be interacting with a bunch of old faces from WoW’s lore. Totally different”.


Going to be quick because I’m trying not to burn curry, but –

  1. Others have pointed out that arrows are not a ‘waste and throw away’ resource like some people have made it out to be.
  2. You can argue she moves on from this description by the end of EoN.
  3. It seems like some people hang absolutely everything on one phrase in EoN and discount all the things that came after.

I’m not even necessarily claiming that I am in support of any of these (it’s been far too long since I read EoN and so I don’t trust myself to quote it correctly) but that my specific objection comes from the stance that some people take whereby there is only one possible interpretation of EoN and not believing in it makes you stupid or something.

Even if there’s disagreement over these interpretations, I think it’s pretty high-handed to claim that one is superior over all others, especially when the subsequent media absolutely lacks consistency in any direction.


in my opinion she’s the last interesting character after Arthas. and i think a lot of ppl thinks the same its just look outside, wow haves a majorith of casual players, They loooooooooove her, she’s a product that sells the women’s power, she’s the face of modern wow

In your opinion, which has what factual basis? An opinion is an opinion, not a fact which is universally accepted. For instance I like Bwonsamdi, he has personality and story involvement to a degree.

And gender shouldn’t excuse multiple attempted genocides, that’s just a sickening mindset even to apply to a fictional character.

i dont think theres a factual basis but theres the casual players opinions, her character sells literally what they want