Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

This isn’t about liking or disliking Sylvanas, you’re just saying things that are objectively false. Don’t confuse criticism over things that are factual about her now for “you just hate her.” Plenty of people will critique Anduin (a character I really like) for being too much of a peacemonger, but I don’t dismiss that as “you just hate him.” It’s a valid criticism, and so are the ones lobbied against Sylvanas.


Anyway i’ll keep my threads about Sylvanas bc she’s my favorite character if u dont like just move on, peace.

It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that I - nor anyone - can actually even begin to fathom caring. Like… your favorite character registers so little on things I care about, that I’m not even sure my brain shot off an impulse to perceive it as actual information.


Its a forum my dude. People can comment on any thread they want.


ok comment then i’ll keep posting, but doesnt make sense to me if u dont like a thread u comment, like…ok werk

So you basically wanted an echo chamber?


If you’re looking for people to agree with your poorly worded and badly thought out threads that amount to little else than “yAy SyLvAnAs,” you’re in the wrong place.

im looking for ppl that can debate things instead of attack my threads lol like just move on

We did, you dismissed it as “if you hate the story, why are you here?” because you’re under the false impression that criticizing Sylvanas means people hate the story.


Multiple people were doing that before you resorted to, “Well I still don’t care, I like her and I’m going to make threads about her. If you don’t like her, then leave. Harumph!”

-Makes a thread asking why people dislike Sylvanas
-gets told why
-“why u even here lol”

This is some big :thinking: energy right here

Yeah and fat thor sucked so maybe it goes to show you shouldnt give your actors too much power


Well it doesnt make any sense to me if u dont like how the story is going being in a story forum, i think here is to make theories and debate, u guys need to accept the facts and work on them to analyze the story, anyway, i dont care, so if u want to stay there, stay but i said what i said

I donno I thought for the MCU, where they really don’t do really deep introspective stuff about most characters, seeing Thor fall to depression and then apathy after failing to stop Thanos was at least interesting. It initially gets played for a laugh but then you realize how depressing it is. The scene where he summons Mjolnir and, teary-eyed, says, “I am still worthy” was great.

I don’t like Thrall, at all, but I’d love a moment like that with him and the elements. I mean Blizzard loves ‘borrowing’ things from other things, they could wholesale just copy that scene with Thrall as Thor, Draka as Frigga, and being ‘worthy of Mjolnir’ as being a Shaman that the elements answer to…

…and it’d actually work perfectly.


What part of criticizing Sylvanas =/= criticizing the story do you not seem to understand? Like… how can you be this willingly ignorant? I’m actually baffled as to how I can make this any easier for you to drill into the vacuum chamber where your brain should be.


“haHa i’M troLLin g you” is another way of saying you don’t have an actual argument.

I can’t wait for the Sylvanas raid, because you’re gonna hate it.


That is like, your opinion man.

Where would you have taken the character that feels responsible for letting tillions of deaths happen all because he wanted some sweet revenge and to gloat about it?


yeah, long live to the queen! bye

Probably not after Shadowlands.

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we shall see, blizzard wont make another mistake like they did to garrosh

I think the best way that I can explain Sylvanas-hate, is that people don’t like what she does. it’s not some irrational hatred (for the most part… there are people who want an even more evil Scourge-like undead playable faction that want her gone for that reason).
I can sympathize with Sylvanas’ ruthlessness in ways that other people can’t or won’t… and that’s fine.
Just like I can’t sympathize with Illidans decision to “sacrifice” his moongaurd to defeat the Legion’s invasion. I felt like he should have found another way. And his undying “love” for Tyrande… is just… get over it man. But some people like that crap!!! and that’s okay.