Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

Like this perhaps?



I think we can surmise that someone whose forte is grinding innocent people down into nothing, asserts command of the Scourge on Azeroth, straight up robs people of their free will to make them do his bidding, and loudly proclaims that “death comes for the soul of your world!” is at the very LEAST a bad guy. I don’t need a whole expansion to tell me this.


I’d love that to be her actual model.

Well he’s bad but we dont know if he’s the BAD GUY, he can probably be a victim of the cosmic forces (that dont gives him a free pass of course) , like its a possibily, but my point is we dont know even if Sylvanas haves a plan for herself, we dont what happened after Anduin and Sylvanas conversation (they can have a plan, since the devs said their story together will have a impact) theres a lot of things to happen yet

The impact is obvious.

Anduin’s corruption facilitates Sylvanas’ redemption. Every. Single. Moment. Anduin has in Shadowlands is about Sylvanas.

She saves him and/or otherwise turns against The Jailer, Anduin pulls the, “BUT SHE HELPED US GUYS!” and that’s it.

It writes itself.

That’s not terribly relevant.

Also irrelevant, at this point there’s pretty much no ends that justify her means.

Yeah we do. The Jailer took dominion of Anduin and she let it happen. And since we’re about to fight her in a raid, she’s still standing by him afterwards.

Yeah there are. None of which change anything about Sylvanas though. Nothing you’ve said changes anything I’ve said.


Garg-face Sylvanas! That’s pretty cool.
The whole point of the dark ranger’s charm is “allure from beyond the grave”, but I don’t think that means that they are necro-sexy elf babes, there’s supposed to be more to it than that.

Well u guys dont like how the story is going but its facts, u have to accept, something will happen, for what Patty told us it be good for Sylvanas (and for her…i love that woman). u guys hate the character so much that cant even try to make theories or enjoy the story, i get it.

Two cool ideas is the forsaken are chopping up body parts of their victims to upgrade their corpse body.
Need bigger arms? Kill Terry the lumberjack and grab his big canadian lumber jack arms. Or kill Susie, she’s got hips for days.

The other is they use illusions.

Blizzard are the least subtle storytellers around. They flatout broadcast what is going to happen in the story.

Did Teldrassil and the whole rigmarole around who actually burned it, before we realized it was just Sylvanas getting pissed off at Delaryn, not make you realize that?

The broadcasted story is that despite doing the million monstrous things way worse than corrupting Anduin, it’s going to be her corrupting Anduin that makes her betray the Jailer. Because something something she sees herself in Anduin. Even though in Cataclysm she literally wanted to make Koltira a puppet to her will, something that is exactly what happened to her. Or any of the other times she’s forcibly resurrected recently slain people to serve as fodder for her army.

Its not even worth it to theorize anything else. This or something very, very similar to this is going to happen. It’s what all of her appearances in 9.0 are screaming at the audience.


Patty’s not on the writing team, so what she says about her has no bearing on the plot.

Dude, nobody is fueled by hatred of the character here, this is just objectively what she is now. Even if they try to “redeem” her in the end, she’s still buddied up with someone who wants to kill everything in the mortal plane and the plane of death (every baddie in the other four realms is in league with the Jailer). She started a war of annihilation with the sole purpose of sending as many souls as she could on BOTH sides to ultrahell, and she started it off with a mass genocide at Teldrassil.

Don’t dismiss people’s criticism as “you hate the character” when you’re entirely ignoring objective reality because you like her. It’s hypocritical of you.


“Patty’s not on the writing team, so what she says about her has no bearing on the plot.” she clearly said she wont die, so im happy =p anyway, if u guys dont like the story/writters why u even here? lol

This is the absolute lowest tier, bottom of the barrel, thing people always say when someone criticizes something they don’t agree with.

It’s almost like you can like something and want it to be better, huh? And right now, sorry, but the Sylvanas storyline is bad. They’ve warped the entire Warcraft story right now to make Sylvanas the main character, have her be evil to pander to her fanboys wanting her to be the center of attention, and paying lipservice to all the other players who can’t stand her by saying she’ll face some kind of consequences…



…possibly one day.

…maybe if they run out of ideas?

…probably never and she’ll just get a deathbed redemption.


Nobody said that Sylvanas will die - I don’t think she will - but that doesn’t mean redemption either. And AGAIN, Patty is not on the writing team. What a voice actor said means nothing about the story.

Criticizing a character does not mean I dislike the story or the writers. I like both. Sylvanas Windrunner is not World of Warcraft, you utter buffoon.

Pull your head out of your butt, your threads are some of the absolute worst things I’ve seen on these forums in a while.


Yes and no. Arthas’ end goal was to have all life on Azeroth become scourge but he wanted to have Azeroths greatest champions to be his trump card. Which was why he treated all of Wrath as one giant tournament. The whole “Arthas wanted to hold back the scourge” was the little fragment of his soul that no matter how hard he tried to shove into Frostmourne, was still there.

Did she? the only thing I saw was some comment about the end time dungeon… which lorewise made no sense. (Patty is still awesome, do not misunderstand)
She’s being optimistic, but I don’t think that we can take away that Sylvanas won’t die as a given.

You don’t have to be on the writing team to have influence on how the story of a character will go. Just look at Chris Hemsworth as Thor in the MCU. Thors character arc in Ragnarok, Infinity War and Endgame were mostly from him (mainly because he was getting bored with how the character was portrayed in Thor 2 and Age of Ultron. So he wanted to spice things up a bit). He even lobbied hard to keep Thor fat in the third act of Endgame (fat thor was his idea btw). Yet was he credited as a writer in any of those films? No.

So to say that because a voice actor is not on the writing team = we should ignore them is not something that is completely justified.

I think the interview she’s referring to was one where Patty spoke about her in a more positive light. Which is fine, sympathizing with a character you play is understandable, and I’m not here to say whether Patty’s view is right or wrong.

I do recall that I spoke to another Sylvanas fan about this on Twitter when they likewise said that this meant Sylvanas wasn’t evil, and the only tweet Patty herself ended up slapping a like on was the one where I said that Patty, as a voice actor, was not on the writing team, so her words shouldn’t be taken at face value for the story. Take that as you will.

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so why u comment my threads then? i’ll be here for the dark lady, just block me lfmao, i’ll keep my threads always now that i know that a lot of ppl here dislike her, just move on, bye.

Where have you been for the last 10 years if you just now realized a lot of people dislike her?