Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

I might be using the term incorrectly but I was thinking of his status as a prince and the expectations of him that he was born with, rather than anything he worked to achieve.


Yeah that’s valid.

Lucifer rebelled immediately after creation was created and Adam was made.

Fall from grace prototype

Well that’s just rude. I happen to be trying to learn Spanish as a third language. But I panic midway through a sentence, substitute German for the Spanish word I’m looking for, then curse my stupidity in English.

Managing to be an idiot in three languages simultaneously is an achievement in itself.


Well im not a loser but i love her :slight_smile:

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The chad azshara who openly tell us her plan and we still work for her

Vs the virgin sylvanas who is too insecure to even think about her plans inside her mind, lies to everyone


Also she imprisoned one of her top generals all because he saw the remnents of the scourge in the Western Plaguelands was a better threat than the Alliance. Like out of anyone, Sylvanas would be the first person to see the scourge wiped away from Lordaeron and Quel’thalas. But no, siding with his bromance buddy on the opposite faction to fight a common enemy is a big no no.


They also said he held back the scourge from wiping out Azeroth, that Garrosh would grow into his role as war chief, Sylvanas cares about the horde, and that the alliance during BfA would be morally grey.


No her motivations is to replace a failure system :stuck_out_tongue:

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while I definitely agree, GB has a point- she has not really indicated how she will accomplish this- or what, if anything at all, she plans to replace the system with.
If you are going to do a revolution, you need to have a system already in place that can fill the void left by the system you’re going to overthrow- unless you want anarchy or oblivion. The devs are so evasive with anything that has anything to do with Sylvanas, that we are left with very little to go on.
Hopefully this will all be resolved before the end of the expansion… but Blizz has a way of falsely resolving things, walking back resolutions, and dragging things out perpetually, like nobody else does.


Yeah because sylvanas has neeever lied to anyone

trusting anything blizzard says


Also bringing up historical comparisons is both weak and nonsensical. The actions might be similar but the context is not, i highly doubt Cortez had to deal with undead, actual demons and a mind controlling sword

Well we have records demonstrating he definitely thought he did

… by killing everyone and everything. My point still stands.

It’s like if you go into the doctor’s office complaining of a headache, and he saws your head off. You have no headache anymore, but… y’know… he sawed your head off.


As a note, I’m not particularly fond of a redemptive path for any of these three. Arthas likely would have ended up in Revendreth right alongside Garrosh had he not been chucked into the Maw, but he is certainly deserving of such a fate. Sylvanas at the point of her suicide attempt at ICC might have been more worthy of kinder alternative given her situation at the time, but she’s certainly earned the Maw now in her attempts to get back at the system she believes put her there.

What I am sick of is her super Plot Convenience powers. Sick of her fans constantly telling me that the aspects of her characterization that could lead to BfA haven’t been major parts of her for over a decade. And frankly, done trying to pretend that she’s not an abuse victim becoming an abuser herself story. Thus, I will be very glad if it turns out her motives for doing all this were convenient lies, and she’s every bit the expendable tool for the Jailor as the Forsaken and Horde were for her.


All three are crap, overhyped, stereotypical, obvious storylines done better a thousand other places.

The difference is Arthas has been gone for over a decade now, whereas Sylvanas is shoved into our faces constantly and has been a main character of the game for at least 2 expansions now.

Having a memory of Arthas or Ner’zhul pop up for a Death Knight quest or something is nowhere near the same as Shadowlands being just The Sylvanas Storyline.

Garrosh hasn’t been gone as long but he’s been actually totally absent outside of a cameo in the Revendreth animation.

Also Sylvanas is just cringey as hell. She’s written as like the fantasy of an edgy 12 year old who just discovered the internet has naughty pictures on it. So when they’re intentionally shoving a cringelord in your face constantly and the cringelord is just a bunch of horrible storytelling tropes, are you surprised?

And finally as others have pointed out, Sylvanas has incredibly ridiculous plot armor, even moreso than Anduin that people constantly complain about. She trounces around doing things that if other characters did, literally every faction on Azeroth would rise up together, ally themselves, and immediately stomp her.


Everyone knows Arthas is a villain. We debate on whether he’s a tragic villain, like Anakin, or a psychotic one, like Anakin.

Garrosh is looked at more fondly these days, but he was hated in the past. Some people bought into the lie that he could grow as a war chief. Others enjoyed the war that he brought to the story.

Sylvanas, as others have mentioned, is inconsistent. She’s always been hated by the alliance fandom for being ruthless, but immune to consequences.


Will andiun die from sadness?

I do hate to say it, but I would wager that if Sylvanas looked like Lilian Voss rather than how she does … she would probably get far less generous levels of benefit of the doubt thrown her way than she does now. Her popularity may or not may not change with that sort of rotten, undead design … but I would guess there would be less habitual twisting of things she does and says to paint her in a positive light.

“Mongrel Race of Rotten Corpses”. “Bulwark Against the Infinite”. “Arrows in Her Quiver”. This last one especially is interesting because while people are right that good archers often can and do reuse Arrows … never in Sylvanas’ history of using that phrase has she ever referred to it in such a way. Its always in the context of expendable (albeit valuable) ammunition … that she wont be returning for once used.


Honestly, I’m in the party that would probably enjoy Sylvanas more if she looked like a horrific rotten corpse. There’s an artist named Kottkrig in the WoW circle who has an OC named Mother Lucretia, who was an ex-member of the church in Lordaeron who’s now part of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow. She was already elderly when she died, and now her face is more or less just a skull in a habit, and quite honestly, she’s one of my favorite designs.


I was actually talking more about her personality but I do agree the way she was designed plays into it as well.

I knew so many kids in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade who were totally into the dark, gothic, evil character who would like step on you while calling you scum. Sylvanas is basically this character translated into Warcraft. And then include the fact that she has a tragic backstory where she was a victim of a horrific fate forced upon her? That’s like some Twilight levels of stuff that 13 year olds LOVE.

And yes her being weirdly the only Forsaken who looks attractive is part of it as well. At least until Danuser gave his insert a new model so he could be more prominent alongside the character he clearly is in love with. I’d love to see a random Forsaken see Nathanos’ new body and be like, “dude wtf?”

I would actually love it if Sylvanas was just a gross corpse. It would make moments like the BfA cinematic where she heroically (Or at least that’s how it was meant to be read at the time) inspired the entire Horde to battle to seem more impactful to me coming from this decomposing corpse instead of this…I don’t even know what to call her.

Pristinely preserved sexy elf with tear streaks on her face.

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Well i always followed her lore but since last year is speculated by accolonn that she haves a plan to rebuilt this system (even before shadowlands), we didnt see nothing yet, we dont even know if the jailer is really the bad guy, we dont know the twists, its too early, they’re building this arc for 3 expansions, i know that they can mess up this but if they succed it can work (at least once please!!) i know im a sylvanas fan girl but i started to play bc of her, so i need to raise my expectations

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