Why Sylvanas is hated and Arthas isnt?

This whole debate started on why people hate Sylvanas more than Arthas.

TDLR: Arthas wanted to do good and failed. If you disagree with that fine but at least he was consistent. Sylvanas is crapshoot of motivations and goals, even her inner dialogues are lies to the reader/viewer.



I think when people believe stuff like this, instead of finding a way to reconcile her thoughts and dialogs with the rest of the story and developer commentary- That’s when they stop short of making sense of her and just say “this character is dumb, I hate her”.


Thank you. I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. OP has been out of school for too long; gave me a headache trying to decode his post.

I think its pretty clear Sylvanas motivations, i understand her 90%, just waiting 9.1 for flashbacks of her meeting jailer for the first time (i can dream), they need to tell (show) her whole backstory or i’ll be super sad

What??? :face_with_monocle:

I think it’s obvious OP speaks a Romance Language give they used “machist” to describe sexist/misogynistic, given languages like Spanish use the word Machista.

But I suppose you don’t speak Spanish and thus couldn’t catch on it. Presumably monolingual?

Ridiculing someone’s grammar when it’s fairly obvious they are ESL and what they’re trying to say is understood well enough is pathetic, Ms. 11 Post Gnome Alt.


I just don’t think this is happening to be honest because Blizzard seems set on hurting her character in ridiculous unprecedented ways.

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huh? what do u mean? if its about my english, im not a native, i just know the basic lol


They were in his actions. Being warned about seeking revenge by Uther (and ignoring the warning), ordering a purge of Stratholme (that I don’t think he actually had the authority to order anyways), chasing Mal’ganis all the way to Northrend, betraying the mercs who were loyal to him, lying to his soldiers about who was really responsible behind the destroyed ships. The guy was a walking contradiction, claiming he was doing this for “the people” while readily sacrificing “the people” to get what he wanted.

Arthas was was very much out of his mind, so much that even Uther point blank asked him “are you out of your mind?” and Muradin himself chastising him for the merc stuff and asking if vengeance is all he card about.

I don’t know how you play that far into Warcraft 3 and not realize by that point that Arthas was deep into his heel turn.


which was…?
For what feels like 20th time yes Arthas did incredibly dumb and horrible things before his mind was all messed up with the sword and he even got worse.

But why did he do all this? What was it that he wanted?

i’ll edit then, i thought it was clear, u guys dont use a word to describe it? i only found “Male chauvinist”

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No, sadly the word Machista is “reduced” into sexist or misogynistic.

The specific way Machista gestures to a culture of masculinity doesn’t exist in English.

Terrible language.

A close effort is “patriarchal” but even then, misses the point (it’s not about Fathers).

Well compared to BFA i think Shadowlands is way more well written, who knows? if they’re setting somekind of redemption for her they need to tell her story. i almost sure she isnt dying for what Patty thought us on twitter, so theres something coming

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Makes sense.
Bringing Malganis to justice was one of the things Arthas wanted to do for what Malganis did to his people.

Incidentally the Arthas Novel had him rush to try to heal Muradin only for Frostmourne to take control of him to tear his gaze away.

The Domination Magic was infact influencing him even before he grabbed the thing!

The Jailer didn’t have full control any more than Amon had control over Queen of Blades Kerrigan whose personality was still influenced by Amon’s corruption!


Her motivations are to kill everything both living and dead because apparently nobody can lose their free will if they don’t exist. Which is technically correct, but it’s faulty logic.


Sylvanas is a loser character for losers tbh. The sooner she is gone from the narrative the better.

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Arthas never reached a level of grace. He was a selfish little screw-up from the time he was a little boy. He is not a tragic character who reached great heights to fall. He is a pathetic one who spiraled deeper and deeper into dishonorable actions despite his privileged upbringing and opportunities. I have no sympathies for Arthas.


He seemed sincere and caring for his people in the early mission, reassuring that child to try and save the villagers.
Most Warcraft fans don’t read the novels, so any backstory there is left for the hyper lore hounds.

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