Why survival rdps is a bad idea

Someone can love every thing about the hunter class except the way that WoW handles ranged DPS. Someone can love the most customizable class feature in the game (pets), the look of mail armor, the ability to stealth and drop traps, the wilderness themes, the various mobility themed abilities, the RP and lore based role of the hunter in their preferred player race, but prefer to not stand outside the action and launch colored pixels at the enemy the whole fight.

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And then they go to social media and internet forums to complain about SV.

Evidently that set of tastes is as hyper-specific as it sounds because melee Survival has had minimum appeal for its entire existence.


Listing all the awesome things about the hunter class and just pointing out that someone can like all those things and not like ranged DPS is not “oddly” specific. It’s appropriately specific.

This class forum really knows how to drag posts on.

TLDR: Every person has their opinion, none better than the other. Someone is always going to like it, and someone is always going to hate it.

People get so caught up in these posts it’s crazy. Post should have been deleted to begin with as it smells of troll to begin with.

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it did not provide me an alternative playstyle, and it actually did make me reroll, as my previous main spec for a decade was deleted for a meme spec.


I’ll take what is a Boar Spear for 500 Alex.

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Rip wrong Char.

This is sport hunting and not a good foundation for a Hunter spec; especially not one that has historically aimed at being the resourceful opportunist that uses every possible advantage to gain an edge.

Also, I don’t recall any pig sticking hunts involving grenades and poison darts.


Why should any actual hunter care about people like you though?

Just go play one of the hundreds of melee specs that already exist.

I’m sure if they made a melee mage some weird people would play that too, but it would still be a terrible idea.


The game already has 13 melee specs to cater to people like yourself. Removing one of 3 archery specs to squeeze in another melee spec was mind-bogglingly stupid and remains obviously so to this day.


You don’t really have that choice though, that’s the reality.

You don’t just decide one day to switch from ranged to melee. You switch from ranged to the bench.

Removing a ranged spec from hunters made the class objectively worse.


Barred spears have been around since the bronze age and boar spears have been around since the middle ages.

I’m not a high end raider so I do have that choice.

Granted if I was I’d agree with you that it’s extremely suboptimal and I’d be forced to only play MM as it stands currently.

And yet it seems as soon as ranged technology became available, humans simply gravitated to bows then guns. I suppose you will always have those fringe groups who like that in your face style of murder. But again remains fringe. And yet like as has been stated on numerous occasions make RSV a 4th spec. Then we can all be happy. Arguing for anything else at this point will only drive animosity.


It was re invented for the second time because it was wildly un-popular in legion. So the stubborn heads of blizzard attempted to make it more like BM to fit the Rexxar narrative as it was the only cohesive lore reference they could find to justify the butchering committed on RSV. Which was at its peak of popularity in WOD and MOP. As a matter of history it was the most popular hunter spec in MOP.


And yet it seems that love of pets is not shared. As numerous survival players have requested the removal of pets from focus generation and to be given a lone wolf option. You know the last thing that would make MSV an actually hunter spec the pet. Which is why you don’t try to cater to melee players in a ranged spec. You do what they did for warlocks. You make a new class (demon hunter).


The game has exactly 1 spec that caters to the specific type of player that I referenced. Prior to that, the three archer specs of the hunter class checked every box, but NOT the one you quoted.

I’m not talking about whether we needed more melee (we didn’t). I’m saying that someone who likes melee can also like the hunter fantasy. That claiming MSV only appeals to non-hunters is the No True Scotsman fallacy.

That’s my argument for why melee hunter would not be a good fit for BM.

Some have. KC plays too much of a role. It works very well as long as our pet doesn’t die too much and pet squishy-ness has definitely driven calls to remove pet based focus regen to a large degree. But it definitely makes the pet seem like an equal member of the melee hunter team, which is not the fantasy melee hunters are going for.

It would definitely be the wrong move, to even make Lone Wolf an SV option.


They should definitely do that for hunters. They should make Shadow Hunters and give it a ranged DPS spec a la Arcane Archer a tank spec with a glaive and a healer spec.

Even in the age of the gun, warfare remained a mostly melee exercise aside from artillery well into the 20th century. How many WoW ranged weapons have blades attached to the model?