Why survival rdps is a bad idea

That still seems to mean anything without an ‘on use’ that doesn’t have a cosmetic appearance. Mind explaining to me what else that could mean? Is it the amount of stats on it? I’m just confused.

Are you for real? It does more for your character than sitting there doing nothing. You know, it has an actual effect on your character beyond it sitting doing nothing. Stat sticks, you get them, put them in place and they passively do nothing beyond sitting in the slot.

And providing STATS… and access to a utility or two. It’s like a trinket with an on use that doesn’t change when you upgrade, and a cosmetic appearance assuming that it is shown which it should be.

Passive trinkets do more than sit and do nothing. Stat sticks provide stats. Trinkets have actual effects that are not always active, but when they do proc, provide an actual benefit to you beyond the passive stats on the trinket.

Stat sticks/or not, aside, if they add a ranged weapon slot so that we can carry both ranged and melee weapons at the same time, it will affect how we benefit from the weapons.

It will affect stat and item scaling, it will more importantly affect class tuning for us Hunters since there is now 1 more slot for gear to go into. Meaning we will be required to obtain more items(weapons) in order to reach the same relative levels as where we are now.

It’s essentially on the same level as with Hunter’s Mark before they changed it, just a different kind of “bad”. With HM, it was the repetitive usage that was the bad part.
With more gear/weapon requirements, obtaining new ones for upgrades each tier will be the bad part.

It’s essentially more work for the reward that is = zero.


You realize that you are conflating passive stat trinkets with chance-on-hit trinkets, right? That chance-on-hit trinkets are often preferred because they can proc frequently and don’t need to be manually used, but provide a large benefit when they do proc?

Necessarily? Only the name would then need be in common.

And there’s no reason not to rename melee Survival as, say, Pursuit, anyways…

You can have Survival not be the spec most endangering itself, and put forth something more aptly named for the melee spec. Done.

So bring it back for everyone. Make melee martial classes get thrown weapons and make casters get wands.

Except the difference is that now, loot is acquired more passively. You get gear from any kind of content and you don’t have to fight for it or beg for it. it just shows up in your bag and your UI tells you that you got it, sometimes with a little ‘ding’ sound and an alert that it upgraded to rare or epic! If you are doing any kind of content and you aren’t getting the things you need or it feels crappy, then they need to adjust the drop rate (or cost of vendor items).

I’m pretty sure the survival they are referencing in the name is more of a Les Stroud type of “survival”… not take the least damage from enemies.

True, but consider all its purpose in the earlier talent trees, and then its core skills up until Legion. It was equally the prior until Legion. And, heck, even Legion was arguably more “survivalist” than what we have now.


True, I just compulsively mince words.

Gonna be completely honest with ya chief, survival being a melee spec is the only reason I even bother touching my hunter. Personally i’ve always found ranged hunter to be rather boring. I absolutely agree that it could be redesigned a little to feel less clunky but for me ME PERSONALLY it’s the only thing making hunter fun.

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For what it’s worth, I currently enjoy SV a bit more than MM (though, that may just be burnout, especially with how few choices are available to MM’s competitive play).

I’d just probably play the heck out of a revamped ranged Survival spec, while also enjoying a more full fledged melee iteration as a fourth spec more than the current build.

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Sure they could do that. Though that wasn’t the reason I said what I did.

Essentially, just like what happened when they first re-introduced Hunter’s Mark(with the damage component still there), this would equal another progression requirement for us, without there being any benefit to it whatsoever.

That’s nothing but pretty much how we’re cutting out the “middle-man” in the process.

Besides, like I said above, it will be another element of progression-oriented focus for us and our characters, but there’s no upside to it. There’s no favorable perk to gain from that implementation.

That(RNG ilvl-upgrades) only applies to low-level items these days.

And frankly, that’s a change that I’m happy with…

People love lines like this and think it makes the spec look good, but ultimately it just reinforces the notion that Survival is only designed for people who don’t like Hunters rather than Hunters themselves, which is unhealthy class design to say the least.


Good for you, sounds like you don’t really enjoy Hunter’s, good thing there are 12 other melee DPS for you to choose from.

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While I can’t speak for all Survival Hunters, I love the freedom of choice to be able to drastically switch gameplay styles with just a spec change when a gameplay change of this scope usually requires an entire class change. It helps (at least for me) to keep things fresh so I can keep progressing my character.

This is just my own viewpoint of course but I see Survival on Hunter as Shadow on Priest. Most people associate Priests with healing akin to how most would associate Hunters with ranged weaponry, however each class has that third unique spec to keep things spicy.

(Even though currently Survival is about as spicy as a tub of mayonnaise. I love it and it’s my favorite spec in the entire game but even I know that it needs some drastic changes.)

Or it means that it was intended to provide hunters another alternative playstyle for if they get bored with BM or MM without having to reroll. Just because I expressed an opinion doesn’t mean that it’s a gospel truth.

Hmmm considering that I’m posting this on a paladin. I think it’s safe to say I have done so.

We had an alternative playstyle to BM and MM, and that was ranged SV. Making it melee just turns it into something that most Hunters don’t want anything to do with, so for them it in fact removes an alternate playstyle for when they get bored of BM and MM.