Why surv is the least played?

Mmm hmm, kinda wanted to keep the flanking strike instead. Yea.

On some cases… it actually does. When the changes to Demo locks came out, I hated it… then I saw / learned a few things and decided to give it a go for 2 weeks. I slowly started to love that spec more than the other two.

Some spec are like an “acquired taste”, got to spend more than a few min or hour to actually know it and love it.

sv still melee then no. its fun for you cool. I prefer all other melee for fun over sv.


I would think if that was close to true you would see them in PvP rankings some good damage .

Shame to take one of the original classes and bash em up and give a new class top spot in Raid Damage, when the SV gets raid booted …

I shred them with this Demon Hunter … I mean totally shred …

I actually do not attack them, warlocks are fun to attack I am experimenting with spell reflect thing but as far as Survival Spec against any class even a preist casting Smite HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA OMFG…

You got booted because you’re bad, the class has nothing to do with it.

You might get 900k plus of damage shielded melee and healing out of that Druid,

Bad huh … sigh,

Working on my Warlock now three button spam to a Chaos Bolt he has less that 400 gear 60k Chaos Bolts.

I can pump up mongoose bite to fury and never see that shot from my SV …

Now thats bad I gear farmed for months on a toon that has been written off for some reason.

Why is there not an adviser when picking a toon to build ?

That’s funny because I eat most DHs alive…
SV is easily one of the best 1v1 classes right now.

Anyone saying otherwise is clueless, but I digress.


You should digress, while you digressing send us a link to some good info on where the SV is ranking or should I say non ranking these days ?

You seem to trolly to take seriously…and you have 168 honor kills…

Because Ranking…Right?

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Why all the silly banter.

No its not, yes it is, no its not yes, it is no its not …

OMFG show us a chart of how many battles won lost ROFL…

Me a Troll, I just ask for some stats, the ones I have seen show the bottom was lowered in the PVP ranking for the SV hunter.

Posted in the forum somewhere bu another person .

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Yeah…you’ll fit right in with the Anti SV/RSV crowd.


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Thanks for those stats now no more replies for non answers bye bye …

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You’re hilarious, never change.

What’s hilarious is that you are disparaging a player that is calling for melee Survival buffs. You are so ingrained with your “everyone hates survival, so I must always defend it” mentality that you don’t even realize that the person you are attacking is asking for buffs!

The sad part is that you seem to think that a persons kill count is some how a metric of their experience. I’m only rank 20 (lack of interest, time and a father for the last 5 years) but I have been pvp’ing for 20 years across all sorts of games (Asheron’s Call, EQ, DAoC (MY FAVORITE), SWG, GW, GW2, WoW, etc…) I’m willing to bet that my PvP experience trumps yours by a pretty large margin, despite what “achievement” I may have in WoW. Don’t try to denigrate someone else’s experience based off what they have done in 1 game. And even if it is their first experience with PvP, it shouldn’t matter. How they feel a class contributes/plays should be valuable feedback to developers (at least it should be when they made the 3rd ranged archer spec the 13th melee dps spec).


I think BfA Survival is one of the most fun specs I’ve played in a long time. I really enjoy the highly mobile mid-range playstyle. I appreciate that it has a fairly unique design in a time when many classes’ specs feel like lazy clones of each other (the Legion team did a lot of good things for the game, but class design wasn’t one of them).
I sort of liked Legion Survival, but something definitely felt broken and unfinished about it, and I absolutely would not bring it for any serious content, though I did clear the Mage Tower with it.

I can sympathize with the people who liked the ranged version of the past (it was the one I very casually played), but I’d need to point out that that was before Legion, and most specs, frankly, underwent so many changes/prunes in Legion that I’m pretty sure a ranged Survival would still be unrecognizable to what it was in WoD. There’s a pretty good chance you would have lost what you loved either way. You have every right to be bitter about it, but I think it’s important to be realistic.

But, if someone’s complaint is that the spec lacks survivability, either they’re not used to playing melee, or they haven’t actually learned how to play the spec.


In some cases/for some players, sure.

But like has been said here many times before:

Current SV is a spec designed for you to focus on melee combat, using a melee weapon.

I can guarantee that for a lot of players, it won’t matter if we play it for 1 hour or 5 months. We still won’t come to enjoy it as, we don’t enjoy melee combat when playing as hunters. Many of us don’t enjoy melee combat at all.

It was the whole reason for picking a Hunter back in the days. Because it wasn’t a class designed around melee combat being a major focus.

You make a fair point that any modern version of the old RSV would need to undergo changes if put into the game as it is today.

It won’t be enough to just put in the WoD version or something before that.

I did this, link below, earlier last year(started looking at past design elements of RSV from it’s earliest days of WotLK and picked several elements it held throughout the years and updated those). Re-iterated on it based on feedback given by other players on various forums it was posted on and, here we are:

No, it’s not exactly like -insert expansion name here- as, like you said, anything from back then has to be updated to fit the modern game.

I won’t go into detail here about the design, you can find it all in there. It’s a full concept, incl some spec specific bonus effects/trait effects.

Bottom line, you will recognize it as being the old RSV when playing it. Just with more stuff added or somewhat changed.


** To focus on engaging in melee and ranged combat experiencing both sides as a hybrid.

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No I’m laughing at someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

But go ahead and rant about it, I won’t be reading your text walls, lol.

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Sometimes, someone’s achievement level is more important than skill level in relevance of opinion, though it should just opinion in general relative to validity.

It is a joke in damage mitigation, a total pathetic ridiculous farming of gear…

Casters you can beat if you time it right, but a root spamming gap closing Mythic Ashara tanking Demon Hunter tell me how you do it ?

I got a Warlock in cloth can take a better hit it lesser gear …

Same with a mage …

The Demon Hunter needs Nerfed in PVP and so does the druid …

Beats me, I’m leveling one (currently 60) and having a blast. BM feels gross to me for some reason and while MM is also fun it hasn’t quite hooked me aside from occasionally using one roleplay character.