And I do get that, actually.
I rolled Watermist in 2005, and specced her as MM. All these 15 years, I’ve always been MM.
MM was… considerably weaker than BM in PvE during BC (and a few expansions since then, but it was the worst in BC).
I experienced a lot of bullying from BM hunters during BC — including my own guild mates! It got so bad that our guild master removed one of them — and as a result, I grew to genuinely hate BM.
I was pretty bitter towards everything BM-related until about halfway through Cata, when my guild master asked me to mentor a fellow guild mate. Knowing that the said guildie is a die-hard BM Hunter, I sighed and swallowed my pride. I read up BM stuff pretty thoroughly on Icy Veins, and then sat her down for nearly two hours while I slowly walked her through everything.
She instantly doubled in her damage output and only got better from on.
It was also the point where I finally got over of my immature (even if kinda well-deserved) irrational hatred of BM hunters.
That’s also when I learned the invaluable lesson of having a thick skin.
I got bullied again in WoD and Legion (nowhere as near as bad as the bullying in BC) for resolutely refusing to run Lone Wolf on my MM Hunter. But this time around… I found it pretty easy to shrug off the vitriol.
Every time people asks me about MSV, my reply is always the same: it’s not the spec itself that I’m against. I’m even willing to try it out! I just hate how they removed a 12-year-old spec for the new spec. So due to that reason, I’m still not comfortable with the existence of MSV.
Does this means I hate the MSV players? Not in the slightest! I love welcoming new Hunters.
Do I think that the best solution is having 4 specs? Yup. The day that RSV returns… that day is when I’ll make a baby hunter dedicated to MSV (I’m the sort who rolls multiple toons dedicated to one spec each. I still play my BM hunter a little but I haven’t touched my RSV hunter since the Legion pre-patch. It just feels… wrong, to me, to change the toon’s identity to another spec).
I prattle on, but I really do get it. Bullying over specs and play styles is pretty dumb.
The best thing you can do is just to let it slide off your skin.