The reason most players don’t use it is because theorycrafters have worked out the math and have also tested abilities in certain scenarios and have come to the conclusion that the other abilities are performing better.
That’s all it is.
No one is saying that you can’t play with it. People are only saying that the numbers point towards the other alternatives.
This has nothing to do with bias against using SV’s melee abilities.
Numbers are what they are, it does not matter the mechanical design. Many players will simply pick whichever option that is said to be the best(performance-wise).
uh…no…what you and some others are doing, EVEN AFTER being told that I DONT MYTHIC…is keep rambling on about 'dont plaze in muh mithix".
A few in these threads have said something to that effect, including MY SV thread last week.
youre not here to help anyone…youre here because its drving you nuts that we like SV, obviously, because if that werent the case you wouldnt be so OBVIOUSLY OBSESSED with telling us about the failings of SV.
Youd just go play YOUR game and let us play and talk about OURS.
No one is talking about level 60 dungeons and world content besides you.
You’ve been complaining that Survival players in high end content complain about how the spec is bad, and saying how that’s because they’re not using Butchery. You only do level 60 dungeons and world content.
it is just SO adorable how you guys seem to think youre going to change my mind…or our minds. Why are you even here, lol?
I love SV with the Butchery talent…END of debate.
Can you deal with that?
Id sure hope no one is losing sleep over MY / OUR class, spec and talent choices LMAO.
You can ramble on in here for a month about ‘muh mithix’ and I really dont care. Im going to CONTINUE playing SV with butchery and you really neednt worry yourself about it anymore since I have no intention of joining ANY of you here for a mythic run. So you can all stop obsessin about our spec/class/talent choices
At this point it’s so obvious you’re basically going full “tunnel-vision” in defending your precious MSV spec that you can’t even listen to reason.
You’re not willing to hear facts.
WE ARE NOT SAYING that you cannot play with it.
WE ARE NOT using this as a way to speak ill of your preferred spec.
IT HAS NOTHING to do with what we like or not.
If the numbers show that a specific talent/ability performs marginally better than another, then many players will pick the one that performs the best.
The design, how the ability in itself works, DOES NOT MATTER.
We are not saying anything about this.
Again, you’re not even listening/reading what other players are posting.
Because THERE IS NO REASON to listen to your ramblings.
You and another one here are spewing up ‘muh mythix’ and believe it or not that ISNT the only part of this game that people play.
I got a $50 sitting here that says if a GOOD raider gave SV a chance with Butchery that there is no way he’s being ejected from the raid for low DPS.
Sorry…aint even remotely buying that joke.
if it were THAT bad, Blizzard would fix it.
uh…yeah…and I pretty much SAID that. That I SAW that MOST SV hunters ARENT playing with Butchery…and very likely trying to play it more ranged than melee when it seems to do better on DPS overall with Butchery, assuming there are even a decent number of mobs in the content.
SS sucks single target, so that aint any saving grace.
And MSV-fans call Bepples a zealot for posting in favor of RSV…
I’m just going to leave this be.
It’s apparent that you’re so deep into your own head towards what you want. And any claims you make, no matter how illogical or how little they apply to end-game, you bite the head off of other players who even dares to mention anything that contradicts what you think.
in my direction specifically, probably the best idea given what I said above and requoted a couple times now.
We all three KNOW that SV isnt going to be kicked from the raid for low DPS if its using Butchery and the player is PLAYING it like a melee spec…ie in the dirt with the trash mowing it down.
I fired up my 120 hunter and set it up like I have these lowbie hunters.
you all can keep telling me ‘muh mythix’ but Ive leveled nearly every class in this game and I AINT yet seent his absolutely twilight zonish balancing problem you all claim exists where SV with Butchery is godlike at level 60 and is scraping the bottom of the barrel at 120.
Doesnt happen with any other class or spec Ive leveled and play…sure dont believe that SV is any different. Sorry.
Zalgo is a known poster around here. He’s pretty knowledgeable with the Hunter class, especially MM.
Look, I have no problem with you posting here. It’s always great to have a new Hunter! You definitely bring a new perspective on soloing/creative play style; I know that I find your commentary interesting to read.
But as Yura, and later Ghorak, has pointed out, you do have a tendency to attack fellow posters for the outrageous sin of having different opinions from you. (And you even conceded to this earlier in the thread.)
I think it’s for the best that you cool down. We already have to deal with nearly-daily battles between regular RSV and MSV posters, but Zalgo is not one of the regular scrappers.
All Zalgo did is say that the level 60 play style is a very different one from the level 120 play style.
That’s all. It’s not an attack on you personally.
We’re allowed to discuss our different opinions on why MSV isn’t widely popular.
just doing to you all what you all (not you specifically) do to me and others by perpetually demanding that we post on X class to appease in here.
as I said 3 times already…I got a $50 sitting here that says a good raider running SV with Butchery and playing as MELEE isnt going to be kicked for low DPS.
No one seems to want to respond to that point.
Not attacking anyone…lets lay off the victim thing…k?
Telling them that I dont agree with their assessments and assertions about SV or Butchery.
What I see is that WE are fine with THEIR playing anything they want…but when WE say we like SV the first thing we get to hear is that its a trash spec and we suck because we play it. lol.
Guess you overlooked that part of these threads?
Bepples was one of the posters who initially got me going on this.
Its almost as if we NOT ALLOWED to say we like survival…and have to deal with insults if we …gasp…like the Butchery talent, lol