Why surv is the least played?

its cute how you waste your time in here thinking i CARE about you or your opinions :slight_smile:

yeah…it does…and i posted their COMMENTS about it too that confirmed that fact…that it DOES have some value in game play.
Guess your selective reading caused you to miss that part :wink:

Does it SAY “8-40 yards” ?

What YOUR posts say is “IM BIASED against anything I dont do myself and I’ll harass and berate anyone mercilessly until the agree with me”

good luck with that, friend.
that infantile tripe doesnt work with me, sorry to say

Now…dont you have someone else to bother? Because honestly Im blowing thru most of your ramblings without really reading much of anything.

I mean you do keep responding to me.

No, that is not what it means. They’ve been using that for years and it is used when a talent can be useful/optimal in certain situations. All those talents are tested one way or another.


Stampede has the question mark on it here. It is almost never used and it’s a talent that has existed since Legion came out. However, there have been certain boss fights where it shines and it may be useful in some situations today (e.g. Hivemind); that’s why it gets the question mark instead of the cross.

It’s not because no one knows how Stampede works. We’ve been using Stampede for years and we know its usefulness and limitations.

You tell me. You keep insinuating that in a talent tier including an upgrade to Wildfire Bomb, Serpent Sting, and Carve the first two talents are somehow forcing you to play as ranged and therefore bad.


stop crying at me and go waste someone elses time…

If people felt like learning the toon and getting past the curve would pay off they would play it.

You sound like your in public office talking about things everyone doesn’t quite get yet but it is all good.

They do not play it because it is garbage… U get stunned an totally destroyed…

The numbers that play the SV will get even less if that’s possible

Spec is decent to good in PVE depends on your gear but gear doesn’t really seem to help much with the SV Hunter …

Gear does increase hit points and does help some…

The SV Hunter is a joke when it comes to PVP Survival …Zero damage mitigation, a stun the refreshes ecery 60 secs BAHAHAHAH …

SO when a DK grabs you and you disengage your gonna kill the guy with bombs and pet or do significant damage to a Ret Pally BWHAHAHAHAHA.

Total garbage… Maybe if we just learned to play OMG.

Your in Denial and even de;delusional.

Not the weakness of the spec whatsoever, I’m not even say it’s perfect but it’s absolutely more than fine, but also the things you’re saying are a problem just aren’t really the case

You can build up latent poison stacks, get them a bit lower until you have more significant damage, you should run away from people when they want to connect with their damage though yes, you can also reset a lot especially in 1v1 scenarios in the world which you brought up which gives you plenty of time to get them low, reset, rinse repeat to finish

Learning to play is definitely important though, the spec has a ton of potential and I don’t even think my play is flawless either it could improve vastly, so if I know mine can improve obviously everyone else’s can as well

I mean if you’re describing having a hard time 1v1ing some specs though that’s just you messing up or maybe you just have the wrong essenses/azerite traits and whatnot

Not like you can’t also use eagle at times where you want to keep up high damage from range as well while kiting people too

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I am not even reading your nonsense … I seldom play games toast, for the most part I was just checking the boards for comments.

Got a 462 geared hunter in a BG 5 mins ago, the first 5 deaths in under 5 mins I had to look at the comment log to see what happen to me.

40k here 60k there 20k stun stun OK …

Die in about 2 secs… 6 months gear farming in BFA, your delusional…

Blah Blah … Die in 2 secs what part of death 5 times in under 5 mins and living for 2 secs do you not get ??

Do you not get that the game for the SV typically involves instant death after months of farming ?

Look I appreciate that you are talking about things you yourself cannot do or you would be top on the board your not and never will be the games built against you.

Me I am a bit more of a realist, I try real hard… then i weigh it out, the effort and the payoff…

The payoff playing that SV never comes in PVP your mincemeat…

Yeah man if I went into a bg that would not happen to me lol you’re definitely just bad bro idk what else to say

Being the #1 spot has a ton of factors but being in the top .1% is absolutely fine lol

I mean even as double dps in 2s I’m top 30 rn



Someone like that will likely never change their mind/opinion, no matter what logic or reason you put on the table.


You may want to take an L on this topic because you are in position to disagree with anything Dilly is saying. He’s literally not figuratively one of the top SV hunters in PVP so he’s more of an authority on this topic than you.

Duck and cover girl cause you really can’t pull receipts like he can :no_good_woman:t6:

Please stay Alliance.

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