Why surv is the least played?

No lol, it’s still early season and I just play to keep my 2400 cap while I’m in school

Most of the time I die in any of our games it’s just a massive mistake on our part

I’m not sure if Demonique is going hardcore troll or simply lacks something…

I saw ssds, I looked it up I am looking for the paper armored naked SV hunter…

Not how you place among hunters but how you compare to all classes and specs with your garbage damage mitigation …

You don’t have passive damage mitigation, you have active tools to avoid damage lol it’s pretty simple

There’s a lot of honor talents that SV has that are huge for helping you survive against a bunch of different classes

Kiting goes a long way as well you just need to know when to do it

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There ya go an that’s why you will never place against any other melee class in a respectable spot because you are part melee …

And melee means you need to get close just for a small amount of time and you get completely destroyed.

You can use stings, you can use that stun that you have that refreshes every 60 secs BWHAHAHAHA OMFG…

Tar trap blah blah …

Odd why everyone says SV is not a ranged class that it is Melee and it has garbage damage mitigation. Was one of the first things I noticed when I came back I left before legions.

During PVP encounters I was like omg why am I getting destroyed like this so I made other toons… I farmed gear now this is over period of months and months.

After I made the Warlock, Demon Hunter, DK, and Warrior I realized the SV Hunter is naked no matter what he wears in armor and since he has to gap close he is dead .

The class is so jokingly naked that all the prowess of timely gameplay cannot compensate for the brief interaction to get that melee damage you need…

Thanks for nothing, you need a warning label when you create toons, it can say the SV is very tough to play and he/she/it is naked…

Yeah man honestly man I feel like you’re either trolling or have a room temperature IQ and I don’t mean this in a bad way I just hope it all works out for you buddy


Not concerned with your concerns, only my experiences…

The SV the hybrid melee class that fights naked …


Very confused.
He gets ‘destroyed’ but his win ratios are actually showing that he must not be getting destroyed more than half the time ?

It boosted a lot of things. In all likelihood, as Ghorak said, it really was the “everything else” of the Hunter class.

Xanaloa is trying to argue that the spec in Classic is the same as it is now in BFA, or at least the current version is a good representation of it. You know damn well this isn’t true. If the last talent in Survival in Classic is one that requires a ranged weapon and Survival currently does not have a ranged weapon that is clearly not true. Hunters in Vanilla were first and foremost ranged no matter what spec you took. It was literally written into our class identity as the central element.

P.S. I know Lacerate was the last talent before 1.7 but a) the spec still used a ranged weapon and b) Lacerate also doesn’t exist in the current Survival.

P.P.S. Survival also had Lightning Reflexes which boosted Agility. Agility was the stat on all our gear, and it gave 2 ranged attack power and 1 melee attack power per point. The intent of the class was pretty clear.

Yura didn’t say Raptor Strike was totally useless. He said it was situational. You used it when you unavoidably got caught up in melee.

Other classes knew Hunters were weaker in melee range so getting a Hunter stuck in melee was high priority. Utilising the melee toolkit in that case was important.

I would actually call the current SV Hunter better than Classic if only because specs in Classic were totally unrefined. All 3 Hunter specs had the same basic gameplay back then with the only differences being mostly passive. Their rotation centred around just two abilities (Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot) and auto-shot weaving since they were the only ones that adequately scaled with ranged attack power. Serpent Sting and Arcane Shot notably scaled with spell damage instead of attack power and so they were highly situational at best (basically they were mobility filler).

However, having a ranged weapon v.s. not having one is still a big sticking point. As much as classic Survival had next to no unique identity and playstyle v.s. the other Hunter specs it still adhered to the class identity of proficiency with a ranged weapon.

It’s utterly ridiculous to pretend the primary drive for any significant amount of people was the ridiculously situational nature of most of the Hunter toolkit. There are some people out there that legitimately like that but there are a million bigger and more important reasons Classic has widespread appeal.

Classic’s class design is actually one of the most frequently mentioned downsides I see on the forums.

Most people want more recent iterations of Hunter back like the MoP iteration. In MoP you still had a lot of situational abilities while also having a refined gameplay loop. Survival in MoP is very frequently mentioned as one of the best specs of all time which makes it all the more ludicrous how they threw it all away within a year of MoP ending.

It’s a shame how most of these things are true for expansions as recent as MoP. So many of the classic players just write off everything after 1.12 (and sometimes earlier) as unsalvageable RNG-filled casual bait or whatever, yet there are 6 expansions between Classic and BFA all with their ups and downs (and frankly all of which are better than BFA).

BFA being as bad as it is doesn’t mean we all want to go back to Classic. It just means we want retail to be as good as it once was. MoP is the best starting point for getting the game back on track.

Hunters also sucked to play in TBC to be quite honest. I think people remember it differently due to the different standards of the time but the entire Hunter PvE gameplay literally revolved around a single castsequence macro that weaved your Steady Shot and Auto-Shot. It was extremely static and immobile gameplay and everyone took the same cookie cutter 41/20 BM raiding build.

WotLK was the first time it felt like they really took care in designing how Hunters played in moment-to-moment combat. It was also the first time anyone gave a damn about Survival as well.

Yes they did and I still occasionally have to argue with people that think it was a good decision and reverting it was “ruining Survival by catering to ranged whiners”.

Count me in on that statement. Classic was great for the time by MMO standards (there’s a reason it utterly dominated the MMO market upon launch) but from a class gameplay standpoint it fails to hold up to just about every subsequent expansion. Although for me I would also put BC below the current expansion.

When it comes to Hunter gameplay my preferences look something like this:

MoP > WoD > Cata > WotLK > BFA > Legion > BC > Classic

With all due respect I don’t think you’ve played any content that’s challenging for ranged. It’s not just “sit back and snooze” in heroic/mythic raiding or >+10 mythic+.

I’m going to be blunt. Your stance here is utterly ridiculous. You are trying to talk down to one of the top if not the top Hunter PvPer of the past 2 expansions. I do think Survival’s survivability is worse than a Demon Hunters and that there’s a good reason Havoc has something like triple the representation of Survival but that doesn’t mean Survival is bad in rated PvP. It actually performs pretty well there.


lying again? never said anything of the sort. I said it had a MELEE spell right off, joker. STOP INSERTING CRAP into my posts. thanks

With absolutely ZERO respect left for you… I dont CARE about your opinion anymore at this point in time.
SV is fun to play, it is just as playable as ANY OTHER spec in this game. I literally could not care less about PvP or mythic.
The perpetual crying about it in here initially made me think there was some reason I should have sympathy for you and others.
At some point you irritated me with it and now I dont care anymore.
Heres to hoping blizzard isnt dumb enough to change SV from what it is right now.

Survival is a joke ok can ya just say it even your best of your best cannot take it to the top against the built in weakness.

That is this… SV is ok wait, wait now, put your thinking cap on sit still now…

SV is part melee … And that part means you need some melee defense and what is provided in stings traps and silences does not compensate for you being naked.

I seldom play the SV except in PVE and I about gave that up, I mean seriously you got a titanium skinned hp regeneration flying stun bat with laser eyes now.

honestly. I’ll take the word of the guy above who does seem to play SV and does seem to do well in PvP with it over yours.

You can always make one an draw your own conclusions ?

He himself says zero passive damage mitigation, you have stings and various cd for defense.

The SV Hunter is a Hybrid Melee spec with zero passive damage mitigation meaning you basically fight naked …

With the burst damage of some melee classes especially the stun bat of health regenerations and titanium skin you get shredded.

There is no discussion on this, you can bounce around it all you want but even that person says no passive damage mitigation.

I am glad that he said it because all I can do is suspect it based on my experience playing.

When a Pro tells you your fighting naked he is playing real hard and will never top the chart even though he is a better player by far.

What a shame, if you added even a hint of damage mitigation in melee then you’d have another class to compete heads up but a Demon Hunter might die we can not have that right ? Well by that school of logic even a 900k HP dot spamming damage shielded druid might ooooo noooo die ROFL…

Give peeps a break that play the game, not the ones that defend the defenseless notions of you got a chance of you just play right LOL…

One more thing and I am done in this thread, after the post from the PVPer saying my suspicions are confirmed…

Doubtful I ever play that SV again an he has like 462 gear…

DH doesn’t have damage mitigation either, if they’re actually caught in a stun (say vs a sub rogue) they actually die much faster than a hunter will ever die since hunters are mail and DH is leather

DH’s are really safe outside of stuns because of their leech, mobility, and blade dance dodge the same way hunters are safe outside of stuns because of their mobility

As SV hunter you do what hunters have always done even when ranged and that’s just run away pre-emptively when an enemy team wants to go for a set up, you’re not going to die with your healer healing you, so you either break up the CC or you just kite the go


I guess for me, this depends on what we mean when referring to traps.

I believe the class as a whole should have access to certain traps. Like Freezing or Tar(Frost).

Apart from that, there should deffinitely also be a case of a spec, or even two that focuses on enhancing traps or the fantasy of using traps.

If they want for example for MSV to be about using traps that are exclusive to this spec), or things that cater to the trapping/snaring theme. That’s all good.

If another spec(like RSV) focuses on enhancing existing traps in certain ways and even have some focus(situational and perhaps more as optional) on increased damage potential through traps, we get all parts back from that fantasy as well.

I agree, as, there’s no need to change either of the current specs in order to get what we want, back.

This is in context of the discussion at hand ofc. If MSV players want certain improvements for MSV specifically, design-wise then, yeah sure.


SV the part melee with no melee damage mitigation BWHAHAHAHA OMFG >>

Tracker’s Net, being able to run away easily when other melee have CDs and then just using yours for counter pressure

When you go at the right times other melee can’t just facetank your damage without dying lol

Other melee have to do the same such as feral druids

If you can’t figure out when to kite vs other classes and when to go in when your damage is higher you’ll never do well

But SV does absolutely fine into other melee, in fact in 2s SV crushes pmuch all other melee

You’re just doing it wrong


Your talking about arena, never been there like most players…

World PvP built for arena LOL … I am not sure how many play arena but to balance the whole of pvp interaction around something most do not even play is more indication to just turn off war mode…

I am getting an education here and so far I have learned SV is naked because of blah blah blah areana which most people don’t play … Seriously ?

So in world pvp which everyone does you get slaughtered in two secs after farming gear for months ok …

As far as doing it wrong show me yourself in top slot number one then …

No usually in the open world I crush people lol

Hunter is super good in 1v1 vs pmuch all melee

And any time there’s WPVP it’s pmuch a joke, I guess only exception is if it’s a Nazjatar Lagfest then it’s pretty hard to tell what’s going on but I can generally take on a bunch of people, SV is pretty insane in open world since you can kite however far you want to and finish people off when you have the right chance which gives you the opportunity to beat people when outnumbered