Why surv is the least played?

It is not melee it is a combination of ranged melee, it has garbage damage mitigation absolute garbage.

It is not melee it is a combination of ranged and melee and pet.

People that play it like I do endgame know that the damage mitigation when you have to gap close to get mongoose fury if you ever do with the stuns will tell you O look I died in two seconds.

Moon goose fury should stack in three hits not 5, or increase damage mitigation increase AC … They do not want the spec to be popular they like Demon Hunters what a joke.

You got a half flying chain stun spamming, health point regenerating, laser eyed stun bat of two button death in the game and cannot increase the damage mitigation of a SV hunter ??

What a total joke to even be talking about this instead of please Mr. Dev make my toon viable I like to play the SV…

Your so far off base with balance that long discussions and comparisons are a waste of effort …

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Uhh yeah i know you play it like a hybrid of melee and ranged lol, that was my point - it’s still very much hunter like but the “melee” tag deters melee players, but having no bow deters most hunter players even though it plays very much like a hunter and is a hybrid of all of those things

I exclusively play SV. It’s the only spec I enjoy this xpac. It does not have garbage survivability; if you’re using your tools properly you don’t die. Being aggressive at the wrong time or being too greedy or not planning things out right can get you killed easily, but if you play right you also will avoid death too.

Idk you seemed to have mentioned PvP in your posts, and as far as that goes I’m pretty confident I have the best “endgame” experience of anyone on this forum will have on SV. I just fundamentally disagree with the fact that it needs some massive defensive help when that’s not the case. Your defense is built around the fact that you’re a hybrid of ranged and melee. You use that to your advantage, kite when you need, and you’re fine.

If you’re ever dying in 2 seconds in PvP you would be going in when people are using major CDs and just got caught at a bad time lol, otherwise that’s not going to just happen. That’s why game knowledge is important to your success as SV.


He means that even if SV did perform, BM does the same thing more easily with the safety of being ranged. Path of least resistance. SV takes more work. So even if someone has more fun on it, all things considered, it’s more work and people go with efficiency over enjoyment.

I like SV way more, but I asked myself the same question and switched to BM. Now I’m bored and thinking about respeccing to SV again.

I was going to read your post and stop at survivability, I did not ask for massive defensive help.

I said an increase to damage mitigation because it is garbage, you take tons of melee damage…

People like you play alts of other classes as your main so you come here and babble about how your skill is soooo great your able to overcome the housefly armor of the SV hunter…

His armor class is absolute garbage in pvp, I play other classes to check this out.

Massive defensive help LOL… Never said that and the exaggeration just proves what I am saying your here just to derail the truth.

Truth is the SV hunter is less than tissue paper in a Demon Hunter stun … I play a Demon Hunter too, I destroy them in close combat and if they do break away I jet to them stun rinse and repeat two buttons and they die.

Paper Paper … The SV hunter is one of the most fun toons to play PVE and PVP …

But he has crap Armor Class…

Test it an see…

Hunter is my main man just look at my armory lol

I’ve played hunter at literally top end of arenas the entire xpac rofl

Curious what rating you’re playing at

For your next trick you should tell Elon Musk the cupholders on the Spacex rockets are too small.

Elon knows that already if that is the case …

Survival Hunter armor class is like being naked …

U cannot kill anyone with just bombs arrows and pet, in some cases if you get the right armor set venomous fang on three pieces with heed my call on three pieces and high crit is fun.

Still your going to get closed in on, and since your damage mitigation in melee combat is absolute garbage you die typically …

No matter how you play it, at one point your going to get into melee range with melee characters and this is where the mitigation of the SV hunters shows to be non existent…

His damage mitigation I suggest is not only the worst in the game but the worst in the game times 5 …

So you understand this again I say in pvp the survival hunters damage mitigation is the worst in the game by far.

It is a ridiculous joke to farm for months to get gear and the armor class is garbage.

I haven’t seen a big outcry in the Hunter forums to return to the Classic version of the hunter regardless of the class’ original intent. Most people here would like to return the the Wrath or Mists Hunter I think.

As far as Classic goes, there are a number of reasons people want to play it. One of my favorite things about Vanilla was that I could play alts without worrying about falling behind. I really enjoyed playing alts. I also enjoyed the fact that I knew exactly the gear I needed, and I could go out and get it (sometimes it was in dungeons - sometimes it was in raids - sometimes it was quest items). You didn’t have to worry about some random corruption or Azerite skill. There was no endless grind at the end of the game. If you’re goal oriented, then the ability to fill the BiS pieces or complete was incredibly satisfying. In addition, the leveling experience felt more full because it was a greater part of the game back then. It wasn’t necessarily a race to the top. People have lot more reasons than that too - community, quest difficulty, etc.

Unfortunately, the rotations were generally bland or boring. Even if you had a fun rotation, you couldn’t necessarily use all of your abilities in raid because of the 16 slot debuf limit on bosses (affliction warlocks were screwed in raid fights quite often, healers could overwrite each other’s hots). You were often forced into very specific roles in PVE. PVP was very unbalanced (at the faction level). There were a limited number of raid slots unless you were a healer.

I wasn’t really a big fan of Vanilla - especially Vanilla Hunters (mostly because of their dead zone and out of combat traps).

However, I would love to see TBC or Wrath come back. I didn’t like Hunters much before Wrath, but the devs fixed a lot of the issues from Vanilla. Raiding was a more fulfilling experience for most classes. You had a better idea what kind of gear was good. Flying was introduced. Classes could fulfill more roles.

In wrath, I think they finally got a handle on class design. I don’t think there was a bad spec in Wrath.

But you’re right. I prefer the current hunter over the Classic Hunter. Otherwise, if I could have my Hunter from ANY OTHER EXPANSION before Legion, I would. TBC (especially later in the expansion), Wrath, Cata, Mop, Mists, or even Wod.

What happened in Legion is really unforgivable. Instead of improving things like they normally did, they reworked entire classes and stripped fun abilities from everybody. Not sure if you remember, but they made traps MSV only in that patch! That was a very bad day for a lot of players - not just Hunters. But for people who played RSV - it was really sad. People were upset. There were more “I’m sad” posts than there were “I’m angry” posts. For the first time ever, “quitting the game” posts were up-voted (you could downvote at the time too).

I’m not sure how long you have been playing the game, or what class you played at the time, but if you were maining one of the seriously affected specs or classes, you already know what I mean.

In any case. To answer your question. Most Hunters aren’t “crying” to return to Classic.


Ya you go in melee range when you have more damage available than them

Also if you’re playing heed my call and triple venemous fangs you’re playing the worst possible build

You should attack people when you have the right opportunity and kite when you need to.

You just have to know when to be aggressive and when to be defensive but you’ll have plenty of times where you can have vastly more offensive pressure than your oppnents.

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Probably right. I have seen a lot of players mentioning wanting the MoP classes again.
I did like classic on the 9 classes i tried it on. Were it not for that sloggish nightmare of having to run everywhere Id probably actually play it a lot more than I have.

One reason I lock so many characters at 60 or 90 or even 100 is to have an ‘end’ to their game.
I like REPLAYING the game. When its opened ended like this I just dont find replaying it fun anymore because its perpetual…eternal. the AP and essence grinds just remind me how much crap work needs to go into a character that will NEVER see the end of the game.
Thats ok for ONE or maybe TWO characters, but not the 50+ I have now and the probably 75 or so Ive deleted the last couple years.
Eternity times 125 doesnt appeal to me at all.

Ive been trying to find the best gear I can when I lock at 60 or 90, then use it to farm or just run dungeons and heal a group who is playing thru the content.

honestly, I think youre one of the first players Ive seen say that. Usually its ‘muh classix’ or some such comment. which I can respect. Some players prefer the old, some the new. Neither is wrong. Personal preference cant be wrong, just different.

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I agree with this completely. I’m not sure why they thought this was a necessary addition to the game. There is so much content in the game now, it’s really unnecessary. By the time I finish the majority of the content, I’m ready to take a break from my main and play another class - or another faction anyway.

Each morning I sit down to grind out Pathfinder. Every time, I here myself say aloud, “There is just too much to do.” I don’t mean there is too much to do on Pathfinder. I mean there is more content (World Quests which I like a lot) than I can complete unless I want to quit my job and lose my wife. Adding Azerite, Artifact Power, Corruption, Essences (which I haven’t even started yet), or some other RNG to the end game is really counterproductive at that point.

I like replaying the game too. I literally have a spreadsheet so I can figure out which character is on which account. Like you, I have 5 accounts with max level (well 110 at this point) characters. I also have another 5 accounts that I moved my characters away from a few years ago, but I still use as bank toons. At the moment, I’m only subscribed on 3 accounts - Bank account and two accounts with my most-played characters. I’ve updated one account to SL, but won’t do the other accounts until I see Alpha (I’ve been invited once when I had a friend who worked at Blizzard) or Beta to determine if it’s worth the investment.

That’s a great reason to play Classic. You can lock at 60 all day long.

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Times 5?! I didn’t realize it was that serious.

How many AWC’s have you played in? I bet it’s less than Dilly. You have the best sv hunter in the world in this thread trying to give you advice.

Hunters are not paladins. We can’t stand in traffic and we don’t need to.

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heh…that makes me wonder. I have five accounts here…you have five accounts…i wonder just many others have multiple accounts too, meaning the real ‘subscriber’ numbers might be much lower than they seem if too many single players are sportin 2-5 wow accounts.

Some players would, I agree on this.

But in context, at the time we were talking about the fact that a spec design which focuses on melee-combat is to many players, not something of interest.

Not because of difficulty or anything. Simply because they(like myself) aren’t interested in melee-combat.
This has nothing to do with an elitist attitude towards gameplay requirements or such.

In the game today, I can’t say, at least not for PvE, that there’s any class/spec which has a “rotation” or priorities that are on their own that difficult to manage.
The difficulty for most if not all nowadays, comes from content(like high M+ or Mythic raids, or high end PvP for that matter).

Some would ofc argue that the base gameplay for many specs is harder than it has ever been.
Which is also true, to a degree. What often made things harder in the past, was for many, situations that were very unforgiving.

Again, it’s not just this, but so much more that applies to what difficulty can mean for a person. And it certainly varies depending on who you ask.

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Just personal preference. I get bored with ranged combat. Ive tried it. I have 120 mages…and I’ll run arcane every time just for being able to at least get into the mud and blast the mobs when I can. mage still ends up boring the pants off of me.
it doesnt make me feel like Im doing something better thananyone. It makes me feel like Im having fun and not having lunch with one hand and firing off a volley at 40 yards with the other.

I wish Id tried SV a year or more ago. Id have probably kept up playing hunter more than I have.


We like what we like.

If what we like differs from what’s currently there, best to find ways to get it all.

This also being the reason for all these…heated…discussions on the forum(s).

I said fang and heed were fun with high crit, I use it in Nazjatar during bridge fights and sometimes kills people with just that and the pet leading with consecrated flame.

Main point is damage mitigation is garbage can you tell me how the SV places on the leaders boards ??

I think that the PVP leader boards can tell us how great the SV is maybe ??

I keep looking for and SV on the leaderboards…

SV may be on the leader boards, I get tired of scrolling down to find it on the leader boards it may be there on the leader boards and I am skipping over it ??

I’m literally in the top 100, last time I played this week I ended top 50, hunter in the most recent tourney got 3rd/4th place as well iirc

Me and ssds are the two highest SV hunters in NA and pmuch always are

I was also the highest rated player in BfA season 1 as SV too lol


Those win percentages are pretty impressive :slight_smile:

I guess they are to you ??

Why aren’t you number one ?

Post a link or half link so I can look at the build.

Your not number one because your damage mitigation is garbage…

What I am saying is its so low as to be ridiculous…

Not saying you need titanium skin like a Ret Pally, Demon Hunter stun machine …

Or DK …