the point was clear enough, Id say.
Im not a blizzard dev. I doubt you are either. ‘hard’ is subjective when you dont have the time or money…which apparently they dont have enough of either these days…well, for fixing crap.
You mean the Survival Hunter spec that, contrary to the fibs of some in here, has BEEN a melee/ranged hybrid and was in classic, as I just found out when I fired classic up a few minutes ago and made a survival hunter and got this?
Thats right…very first spell is about MELEE combat.
I tried it out and sure enough…got a bow for ranged and move into melee combat to finish up…exactly like Im doing 15 years later in retail.
- youre going to have to deal with that.
- what grave?
I already gave a screenshot to CLASSIC where a survival hunter is a Melee/ranged hybrid…NOT pure ranged as some keep claiming in here.
From what Im seeing the hybrid is the original survival spec.