I tried it in Brawls and with Latent Poison, it can shred through enemies.
You can assume what you want. I can’t argue with an opinion in your head… All I’m saying is, if somebody starts out a conversation that begins with something that is wrong to it core I try to shut them down so they don’t waste my time and theirs. Sorry if that accosted your fragile sense of impropriety, I just didn’t put much weight into what you were trying to spin.
^ This. Thanks Zalgo.
I just sat here in queue again for a BG. Third night in a row waiting and waiting and nothing.
Wondering if something is wrong or bugged on my end at this point.
In a previous post you said you locked your XP at 60.
Locking your XP puts you in a separate BG queue exclusive to other people with locked XP. This is to counter twinks. So you will get BGs very, very rarely and when you do it will be full of other people geared and enchanted to the teeth.
Because the fantasy for Hunters is not ANOTHER in a VERY LONG list of Melee specs/classes.
Hunters are the ONLY class to use bows/crossbows/guns…Melee survival was a spec foisted on Hunters that no one asked for.
Thus MM/BM are where the fantasy is, unfortunately the devs continuously hamstring the class and these 2 specs are almost laughable in PvP at least, when im on my hunter i feel horribly underpowered and an ezkill…when im on my other classes that i like to play i kill hunters with ease, so at least there is that.
Well if thats the case I guess i aint gonna BG anytime soon. Not that interested.
Wonder why they just dont scale the game properly instead of wrecking it for those of us who want to stay in certain game content?
Musta changed since Legion.
Hunters were the only class I had any trouble with in BGs when Legion was current on my warriors or DH’s.
that stinking pet and the turtle shell thing was seriously annoying.
Generally, that’s how it works, by intent, in a game like WoW.
As time moves on and new content is introduced, you’re supposed to head on forward with said new content.
It’s designed to be an ever-changing world where you’re encouraged to strive for constant improvement and progression.
Again, that’s the intent at least.
Result might vary…
Having said that, is it possible to better tune classes and systems for lower levels as well? Ofc.
But in perspective, very few people choose to remain at lower levels. Very few people choose to engage in “outdated” content from several expansions ago.
At least in terms of having it as a major focus for something that would equal current content.
We ofc have a lot of players that do transmog runs, mount runs, and whatnot.
But, that really has nothing to do with that past content being treated as current in terms of difficulty and focus.
In short, it’s about dev time. Amongst other things.
Survivability on both MM and BM is lacking. Yea shell is annoying but it’s not hard to swap targets and then go back.
MM suffers from being double penalized as a kiting class with not only having to hard cast but also having to turret.
BM suffers because the pet is easily cc’d out and they lack enough cc as a class that can hold people off them, which MM also suffers from but at least the pet can do damage where as MM pet’s are just mostly a dot and not bothered with.
‘remain’ is likely true. I do however see tons of players who are so obviously high end raider type of players in lowbie content…theyre very easy to pick out of a lineup…literally play to perfection thru every step of the run.
I see them daily in classic thru MoP dungeons.
I dont know if theyre locking like i do…probably not (?)…but they are at least coming thru very frequently.
Well, except when BFA dropped. It was kind dead for a while there.
Oh…and for about two weeks when classic was fired up.
yeah, that standing still for Aimed Shot kinda killed it for me a bit.
I think thats why Im so into SV. its everything that I think I like in a hunter spec.
heh…well…until bliz figures out that I like it and nerfs it into goose liver pate…as we know they will.
I don’t have any interest in Survival at all, but i am glad some folks like it.
I just never see a survival hunter i can’t kill with my pally/DH/Warrior. I just don’t see ANYTHING that survival brings to the table that the other melee classes can’t do better.
I know they are out there or situationally i am busy when they focus me, not trying to say i am great at either hunter or the other classes, it’s just hard to see what survival actually brings to the table that is unique.
xD oh boy, you still didn’t read the second line.
for me…a different hunter playstyle
I haven’t tried BGs in a while, but Brawls specifically are quick to get into; can’t lie, but Mythic+'s are almost impossible to get into ,considering they and Raids say they need every person, then i wait 4-5 mins to see I’m declined. I just don’t get it.
I would love Survival if it could be a ranged spec. I don’t play Hunter for melee.
What’s funny is that they don’t even ask what spec I am or not, so this always happens, regardless of spec. Its like Hunters don’t matter that much in PvE stuff anymore.
As someone who has played Hunter since classic and leveled as SV in classic I can say, without reservation, that the vast majority or people that played Hunters prior to Legion chose to do as because it was a ranged class (yes, even SV in classic was ranged). Therefore, I am not surprised few Hunters choose to play it.
Its also not surprising that the Hunter community still has not embraced the spec three and a half years after it was introduced.
Some chose it because it was ranged, some because it had pets, some because it was closest thing to Rexxar, some because why not, some because wtf why? There’s many reason… You can say w/e without reservation, that is just a personal opinion. We all had different reasons, you merely named one of it out of many.
They have embraced it, its played a lot. People love it. You just have some that hate it to hate, hate because they actually didn’t like it, hate because they are stuck in the past. Thats fine, but the haters always been the loudest… even if theres only 20 of them.
I eat Pallies and warriors for breakfast, they aren’t even a challenge…
A good DH is about the only hard fight for Survival.