I don’t care about your eyes, they’re probably too close together anyway/
No, they serve as a decent snapshot of the playerbase’s preferences for the content to which that specific log is applicable
It’s not rocket science, nor is it a deep enough topic to really necessitate the walls of text and literal years of discussion.
No, it can’t, and this idiotic belief that it can is what leads to a lot of specs having trouble getting into M+ even if they’re actually stronger than the spec everyone flocks to based on raid logs.
You know what changed in this game, pve-wise? Obsessing over logs and sims used to be something only the highest end raiders did. With the instant accessibility to such now (versus needing to actively maintain a spreadsheet personally in the past) you’ve got a whole new generation of players that think they’re theorycrafters yet can’t recognize how insanely poor their own theories are.
Survival is ironically a great example of this. Surv’s got viability issues in raiding, but it’s actually incredibly strong in M+; but since waterheads don’t see surv hunters clogging the raiding charts, it takes a lot of convincing to get a surv hunter into an M+ group in the first place sometimes.
Sometimes there is such a thing as too much data, too much information. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Paralysis by Analysis?”
All this is for you guys is the hunter variation of watercooler talk. You might as well rename any thread about survival to “Hunter General Chat” because the “discussion” is about as meaningful as the casual chit-chat of the various general threads that most sub-forums have these days.
But we can’t be honest with ourselves, we have to act like we’re turning over a fresh stone every time we talk about how StaTiStiCaLLy SigNiFiCaNt the amount of players playing a spec in WoD was compared to now.
The delusion that what you’re participating in is a DeBaTe is honestly kind of sad. This isn’t what debates look like, and that’s not just because I’m outright aggressive towards you three.
Do you even play this game, by the way? Or are you one of those people that primarily “discusses” the game?