Why surv is the least played?

Hunter - Give 4th spec for RSV, we demand it!
Demon Hunter - Give 3rd spec for us, we demand it!
Warlock - Give us 4th spec, we want demon form, we demand it!
Mage - Give us 4th spec, we want a melee mage or healer mage, we demand it!
Shaman - Give us 4th spec, we want Earth Tank, we demand it!

Everyone wants an extra spec, something new, something old back. That’s the forum’s way.

Yes, the hunters clinging to old Survival needs to move on… but first got to find them something else for them to talk about. One doesn’t quit smoking like that, he replaces it with something that helps him quit.


I didn’t read your book, thanks.


Why is asking for a fourth spec such a poor idea? You get to keep playing what you like and RSV get to have something they love back? Its a win win, seems some just want to have all then rub it in others faces.

Why does anyone need to move on? If you can post about liking MSV then they can post about wanting RSV back. How are some post on a forum effecting your ability to play MSV?

If you do not want to read them then just not click on the topic, but then that would stop you from voicing your opinion. So, if you are allowed to speak out then everyone else has the same right too, does not matter if it goes against your opinions.

Think you made yourself completely clear with this statement.


Survival huntards (yes I have a 120 BM female nelf ) are there because enhance shamans exist so why not make a huntard version as well.

Apologies if anyone pointed this out above, but as a huntard that did justicar as a twink range survival toon, the abomination of a melee version is just terrible.

And yes I have a rogue, lolret, 2 dks, warr and a demon scrub. Why would anyone want a hunter version that is 6 lolret globals from death.

Delete that spec or make it what it was pre legion imho.

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I hope so…I mean those posts were about making BM melee. And I suggested it would be fun, I know I know, how dare I.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for the RSV crowd, to deal with different opinions. Sad.

A fourth spec… how illogical.

It’s not your opinion in itself.

It’s more the fact that you come into the same thread time and again and post the same few one-liners for no reason other than to try to upset others.

Here’s one example.

In that thread alone you have posted that reply or others very similar to it more than 10 times. And that’s an understatement on the count.

For the players in that thread, we got that you hate RSV the first time.

And for your follow-up argument of “but we repeatedly post about wanting RSV back so why can’t I do the same, posting multiple times?”

The thing here is, we are providing feedback towards something that we would like to see in the game. Something we think will be an improvement for this game.
This is why we continue to post about it multiple times.

Your posts on the subject, are all versions of the above. You post your opinion about how you couldn’t be happier that RSV is gone while you now have your MSV. The only purpose of your posts, again, is to upset other players. In short: To rub it in their faces.

That, is why so many of us have a problem with your…opinion.

Oh, and here you just posted it again:

Yeah, we got it, you don’t think that there should be a 4th hunter spec for X+Y reason.

Your most spoken argument is that “it was never great”, which again like you said, is your opinion. But since this game is designed for more players than just yourself(or other MSV fans), what would really be the problem with giving other players what they want as well?


At least I’m consice! Sorry you’re upset about it.


Survival I play daily, I got my damage up through Azerite traits in PVE…
As far as PVP goes he is made of very very thin paper…

It is impossible to keep separation for bombs or latent to stack…

To get the other needed damage you have to get a few melee strikes.

The flying laser eyed stun bat will destroy you in a pass or two.

Umm what? Survival is about as strong as can be in PvP…


i dont mind it im suv hunter right now i like the dots and nades.

i enjoy suv at ranged dottng up my target and harpooning in to finish off my target.with kill command spam you can play it ar ranged a good bit.

maybe a venomous fang build with kill command spam you can stay at ranged for a good while.

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Survival is fun with venomous, staying distant is the trick with so many stuns an gap closer…

Survival spec damage mitigation has to be the least of any toon in Warcraft, I made other characters just to see.

His ability to shed damage is horrid…

Now if you look at a toon like the laser eyed stun spam flying bat.

This thing is a stun machine with good mitigation leech and damage …

If they would give the Survival a bit more mitigation against damage not a lot, and make his stun refresh every 30 secs hes be ok pvp wise and PVE.

If played right you could be a decent pvper… That will never ever never never happen because a paladin might die and we know that you need 6 people to kill some of those guys …

Or you may actually go toe to toe with a Demon Hunter stun spam bat, can not have that either…

Most do not play the class cause he dies a lot in pvp …

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why are you defending a spec?

I am trying to express what a paper thin joke a survival spec is, now if you play something like a pally that gets a 75k templars plus flash heals and stuns…

War craft is a joke on PVP balance to the point there is zero balance…

When u had resilience on gear it was better but pretty much now it is more class related…

It is simple works like this if you have stuns heals and burst you win Warcraft PVP.

Has nothing to do with ability or the free exchange of combats moves, the Blizz team does all the thinking for you and decides which classes to give the advantages to and the rest are fish food…

When i play SV, my approach is to hammer the enemy, but avoid damage like a rouge or something.

SV is made of thin very thin very very weak paper … U cannot brag on his damage basically least played of all classes and or specs because pretty much garbage…

The problem and reason why so few people play survival is simple. When people invite a hunter, they are looking for ranged. Not melee.

I was survival for a little while, but I decided I wanted to get in groups, and if a group is going to invite me, they are going to be looking for ranged dps. If they want melee, they will pick up a rogue, or havoc dh.


i have a hunter as one of my main alts and i enjoy survival. I have fun with it and i hope they dont change it that much in shadowlands.


If you enjoy playing like that, fair enough. You play however you want to.

It’s still designed to be a melee-spec though. Relying on using a melee-weapon.

What Zalgo hinted at there, is that most hunters when talking about a ranged spec, it isn’t simply about being able to stay far away from the target.
Example: Kill Command is a ranged ability. Add in multiple abilities like that and you would technically have a ranged playstyle/spec.

But, that’s not what (most)people are asking for.

It’s more about the design focusing on the use of an actual ranged weapon, like a gun or bow or xbow. Specifically, in the case of SV, many players are asking for the old RSV to return somehow as, the playstyle it provided was, and still would be, unique to any of the current or past other specs we’ve seen for the class.

Simply put, the playstyle of old RSV(ranged Survival) is not in the game anymore.
That’s what most(like in the case of Zalgo there) are talking about.

Does this mean that everyone who are asking for another ranged spec/playstyle option for the class want the above? No ofc not.

But what happened to SV going into Legion(when RSV was removed), is essentially what started all these debates and arguments.


try 100k templar verdicts thats how i had my rets verdicts in 8.2

thnking because of the Raptor Strike being melee instead of ranged. its taking me a bit to keep in mind that Ive got to get close to do real damage.
Just probably easier to play ranged specs

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