Why some guys complains about SV being melee?

This would be an even worse idea than melee Survival FYI


donā€™t give the devs ideas, we could head into 11.0 w/ tank sv, healer bm and melee mm at this rate

Because he gets clowned on in the survival channel of the hunter discord so he has to do it here.

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A spec is popular in a certain type of content because it is easy to play and performs well.

Ranged surv was more popular in raid yes (guess what, 3 buttons prio with full mobility is appealing). But in CM for example it saw ZERO play because it was trash.

Got data to back that up? Because all I can find is the #1 CM player rocking Survival.

Yeah this is flatly incorrect. Serpent Spread + Improved Serpent Sting was very good AoE and SV was a highly desired CM spec.

Whats more sad is that they could have made this a thing with the new trees, I would like to see hydras bite replace latent poison

Only till the eradication of all melee specs because they are inferior shall range dps andies rule!!! mwahahahaha jk. I like both give me a gun and a axe or a gunaxe.

Probably because they completely removed the spec in favor of something totally new instead of making a fourth spec dedicated to melee or ranged survival.
Itā€™s a big middle finger to those of us that played ranged sv.


My data is my memory because I enjoyed CMs a lot during early WoD and had to spec BM for bursty AoE.

Oh and right now I just had a look at warcraft logs and couldnā€™t find a single SV parse for WoD CMsā€¦
It is old data now so probably less reliable, but still I remember complaining about SV being completely useless in CMs because I enjoyed the spec. Sorry no rose tinted lens for me.

God damn what a quote right there

WCL doesnā€™t have CM logs from before 6.2 and 6.2 removed Improved Serpent Sting from SV which is kind of like if they removed Beast Cleave from BM.

Youā€™re no doubt remembering either 6.2, or the brief period post-launch before Serpent Sting was buffed.

SV was a strong CM spec until they literally dismantled its ability to AoE.

P.S. Youā€™re also forgetting all of MoP.


Yeha itā€™s possible that I am wrong, but I did CMs as BM during both MoP and WoD (before 6.2 that I am 100% certain). When I tried SV it was absolute garbo.

The issue with SV was its steady damage profile with no relevant cooldown, it is always been an issue in content with fast target swapping as far as I remember.

If SV was good in CMs I need to rethink my lifeā€™s choices. Maybe during BRF ? Didnā€™t play much during that era.

SV had very different stat priority than BM. If you knew BM well and were well geared for BM, then swapped to SV with poorly optimized gear and less spec knowledge, itā€™s no surprise you werenā€™t doing as well. Both specs were competitive in AoE, with BM being a bit burstier and SV having better sustain.

SV being 100% mobile, almost 100% DoTs, and having zero pet reliance helped a lot too.

Bepples upvoting his posts with his alts is just priceless

Agree, but thats not an survival issue at all.
I always thought tinkerer fits better as a new class than Evoker, tinkerer could fit this bow/gun issue. We got winged arcane mage 2.0 instead.

Results have spoken for themselves since the melee rework, sv has been one of the lowest populated specs in the game ever since. Masses while deny this point with every ounce of their being but melee is at a natural disadvantage compared ranged and will never fairly compete within a class unless they are given an unequal utility advantage, which is an awful design choice.

Otherwise the spec lives or dies by its dmg being so ahead of the melee competition that it makes up for the other meleeā€™s utility with raw output, but that bar is so high it requires dmg to be in an obviously unbalanced broken state, which is illustrated by the current raid tier. How/why this was allowed to happen becomes clear with how this tierā€™s ptr development progress went, bugfixes and feedback were non-existent until the last possible minute, so it went live with them unable to fix numbers because there was no valid data from ptr. Otherwise this wouldnā€™t have happened, and as soon as the spec is retuned to reasonable damage levels it wil fade away again.

Why this is a garbage situation for a ranged player is that ever since the rework there are now only 2 options to ā€œluckā€ into a competitively tuned position each raid tier. Like it or not as a raw damage class with no meaningful utility and trash defensives, our class performance each tier literally comes down dumb luck with how many numbers blizzard adds or takes away from your spec when tuning. Having 3 chances of one of these specs getting numbers that end up good compared to the rest of the ranged lineup was always better than 2. The sv playstyle as mentioned has little to do with competitive population, top players follow numbers and the rest then follow them.

So with that in mind, knowing we are now less likely to be tuned competitively for a given raid tier because one of our chances is spent on a melee spec that will never be competitive outside of a freak accident like this tier is why the rework has and will continue to be met with disdain from long term and especially competitive oriented hunter players.


Tinkers, Dark Rangers, ā€¦
But no for some reason they are forced to shoehorn everything into hunters.

I would have played SV if it was actually good in CMs, yes I knew about optimization, we were trying to get some cool realm first titles.
f you find that one wowhead guide for hunters about CMs (6.1) it is written that you should not play SV even though the spec was at its peak.
I simply wanted to point out that SV isnā€™t that amazing spec that has always seen ton of play in every form of content.

Iā€™m just baffled by the answers I got here. Iā€™ll leave it that way.

False and or Lie and or Ignorance.
Survival is the hunter most played spec.

Theres more players playing survival hunters than:

Arms, Frost, Enhancement, Windwalker, Destruction, Elemental.

None of these specs should change.

SV is FOTM right now due to the insanely overtuned set bonus to their uncapped AoE in an expansion where almost every other spec has capped AoE. Throughout Legion, BfA, 9.0, and 9.1, SV was the least played spec, and it wasnā€™t close.


Let me show you how this argument has its flaws with your own words.
SV was the least played spec, Legion, BfA, 9.0, and 9.1 because MM and BM were overtuned.

how dumb it sounds when you change chairs position.

I donā€™t have perms to post direct links (and just now found out about that system).
*youā€™ll have to remove the spaces between tā€™s (twice) and manual it:
ht tps://web.archive.org/web/20141108164911/ht tp://www.wowprogress.com:80/challenge_score
This is the Wowprogress CM leaderboard. Tied for #1, Gingi, from Method.
And hereā€™s Gingi setting the Scarlet Halls world record as Survival: