Why some guys complains about SV being melee?

Yea you need to check it before You come here with you same claims with same post of ToT SV hunter. It’s like posting that rogues are broken because of the video “gear-less rogue” and share the same link over and over.

Your obsession is a wonder to behold how much you spend to prove something everyone agreed already in this posts. SV was played when it performed better then other two specs. Hats down to people who loved to play the spec regardless of performance, but that again is personal preference.

If blizzard never added melee abilities to hunter at first place people would never have this discussion. But yet they did until cata when SV was turned into pure ranged spec. And that was only for three expansions where it didn’t had any melee abilities in toolkit.

But again like every spec or class m0r0* it was played when it performed best. So don’t give me based on few patches some bull corn about popularity. Your ignorance has no limits.

And again personals preference , and personals interest in certain streamers. Preach is a complete piece of **** who doesn’t even play WoW but has professional opinion. Similar to you, only difference is you are playing WoW. Sadly

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Beppels has become iconic for his ignorance not just on forums in Us , on EU they refer US forums toxic and I bet he is the main reason for it. Everyone has different opinion, allot player here hate melee SV and say it was better as ranged. Yea it was better, but it’s still amazing spec, but at least they are not full of Sh*t like this Australian/New Zeland boy. He is famous for contradict everything. He even contradicts himself. Just mute his name and flag him for trolling. He is like a fly on barbecue.

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I think baking old SV gameplay into MM could be feasible with the new trees.

  1. Remove explosive shot from general tree and replace with serpent spread (only available if serpent sting is taken). Procs on multishot and carve/butchery.
  2. Put explosive shot (old version) as an alternative for aimed shot. Lower mana cost, lower cooldown, less total damage.
  3. Make other aimed shot talents work with explosive shot. Shouldn’t be too difficult, only thing that needs to change mechanically is trick shot I think, just make it so explosive shot deals minor AOE damage around the affected target.
  4. Add black arrow as a talent below L&L. Each tick has a chance to proc L&L.

It’s just a 5 minutes brainstorming btw, don’t judge too fast.

Probably because of those of us veteran wow players that loved the old SV spec the way it was. You know the old saying if it’s not broken dont fix it?? If we wanted to play melee there are way more melee options in the game than ranged we would of played a diff class if we wanted to be melee. Just my 2 cents.


Just put an option between aimed shot. rapid fire, arcane shot gameplay and explosive shot/dot arrow/lock and load… then MM widows will stop crying

Hello friend! :wave:

Sorry but you don’t speak for this old Veteran player. I’m glad Survival went back to it’s original vanilla spec roots and became even more melee centric. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You know the old saying if it’s not broken don’t fix it, Blizz just corrected what they messed up. :sun_with_face:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:


preach quit wow for xiv

and who cares what liquit max thinks


we’ve been saying this since legion lol the devs dont want to do this apparently.

Call me crazy but maybe Blizzard shouldn’t be driving away veteran players with extensive experience and valuable feedback?

P.S. What’s with this angle of “the opinions of people who quit don’t matter”, both in terms of WoW as a whole and Survival? Given the circumstance of a sharp decrease in popularity, one would think that it’s the opinions of people who quit that matter the most.


i mean liquit max also said they should eliminate gear and is only interested in wow as far as he can profit off it via wfr/etc so i don’t think he has the best interests of the community at heart

and lots of people quit and get mad over their spec being changed, the guy who came up with ETH quit when his favorite spec was nerfed for example. now that we’re 6 in years in, what would you say to melee survival players if they changed it back to ranged? “sorry, your experiences don’t matter compared to mine”? or “sorry, you were enjoying this class the wrong way”?

For me, even though SV was my fav hunter spec when it was ranged, the fact that its melee still isn’t the biggest deal breaker for me.

The deal breaker is how un-fun, uninspired, and sloppy it is. And I honestly think that is the biggest reason why the complaints are still frequent.

If they’d just make it a fun spec to play people would play it. And, shocking no one, the SV talent tree shown for DF is probably the worst talent tree of all 17 specs released so far. It’s just absolutely terrible, even coming from players that do play the spec at a high level.

This spec rewards you absurdly when you need to hit from afar and indescribably when you need to hit melee, no other spec in the game does this.

It matches the lore as we have numerous melee hunters since warcraft 3, so it’s not “uninspired”.

It suits the fantasy of the class, few things are as satisfying as hooking a rogue that’s running away and melting it with an axe.

It’s not sloppy, you just don’t know class rotation, because its flow is very comfortable. Theres no deadzone rotation in this spec.

Sorry man. I’m glad you like it. I don’t like it. Fun is subjective obviously, but most people share my opinion, statistically.

The spec is a melee strike (yawn), an AoE melee strike (yawn), a BM ability (lazy), a MM ability (lazy), and wildfire bomb (the one fun thing everyone likes). It’s big cooldown is just “increase your damage for a bit” (lazy). It just bores me to tears.

Fighting in melee and ranged could be cool if they actually leaned into that (see red mage in FFXIV) instead of making it a lazy cooldown where you get to swing your melee weapon and shoot ugly eagles out of an axe like it was thought up and designed by a first year art student.

Of course all just my opinion. I wish someone that liked playing video games designed the spec.

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somewhat contradictory opinion
I find it funny how the previous version of SV was your “favorite” and how skill repetition is a demerit from your point of view.
Since the old SV version had literally 2,3 different skills and 90% of RSV kit was just like MM.

So your “favorite” hunter spec was basically a MM spec.
But now that it’s melee, repeated skills are a “problem”.

Kinda funny how when I played RSV I hated MM, but I suppose for people that just face smashed the keyboard all the spec’s played the same. (and I did try and level MM on more than one occasion. )


Thats the point of whole thing.
100% complaints about survival melee comes from MM haters.



This is exactly the problem, because if you like MM and want to shoot from afar without being MM, it’s basically asking for the same spec that doesn’t cast aimed shot.

Every single complaint about melee SV is translated as “BOW, Explosive shot111111”

When you say these things, you come off as extremely ignorant/dismissive. And if anything, it makes it even more apparent that you don’t actually read when people explain why they want the spec/playstyle back.


Which means, explosive shot, black arrow, lock and load.
Cobra shot/Steady shot are exactly the same, Arcane shot is already unpruned… This “spec/Playstyle” they want back is literally 2 skills and a passive. A joke.