Why some guys complains about SV being melee?

Roleplayers + melee class mains, mostly. After all, ranged weapons are truly unique and BM and MM can both fight just fine in melee range so there’s 0 practical need for a melee spec. It’s 100% pandering to melee players, which was the overarching theme of early Legion class design.


Please don’t mate. I beg you ignore all my posts, and crawl back in some bushes where you crawled out. The more you give effort to make other people bad , you just make even bigger fool out of yourself. Providing me with guides about SV hunter? I will find guide for every single class/spec during any time in wow history. What are you even trying to prove? Bro on EU servers back in MoP and Wod, if you didn’t had gear you where bad SV hunter. Either stick to MM or BM. With my guild I had to grind first sets for BM then as BM grinded gear for SV so I could participate in raids. And that was in MoP, time where survival hunters where best hunters specs. Dude for real just get lost


Then. Prove. It.

You’ve posted literally 0 backing other than “trust me you’re wrong”. PROVE WHAT YOU’RE SAYING.


You proved what ever I said with your videos and posts. I said it was not popular , you just found few videos either yours, since I know you’re trying to make some you tube videos (BTW learn the mechanics dude better getting carried by your guild) or some streamers that posted videos of SV hunter when I said people played SV hunter.
In pvp SV hunter was always good even in WoD when you said it was bad.

Here is one video of a gladiator who had issues against SV hunters

[Thyraz - Bye Bye Boomkin (Not Really But It was a Funny Title) - YouTube]

And what proof do you need? To find statistic that SV hunter was not popular back then? That statistic doesn’t exists. Popularity means it was played by casuals not hard core raiders. And SV hunter was played by casuals but not even remotely close like BM or MM. So kangaroo if you would focus of understand someone’s post instead of just focusing how to contradict everyone , maybe you would understand.

P.S watch from start video may start from middle

Tell that to those of us who opted to main feral in early Legion!~

Videos of people playing SV Hunter prove that it was not popular? Are you listening to yourself?

I didn’t say it was bad. SV remained good in WoD PvP even throughout 6.2 and I’ve seen the representation statistics that show it. I said it was bad in Cata and MoP due to high susceptibility to dispels.

Could have just started with that and saved us all a lot of time.

Prove this statement or GTFO


www.snwflake.gitlab .io/mopveins.gitlab.io/survival-hunter-pve-dps-guide.html)

www.reddit. com/r/wow/comments/gpevlz/how_strong_were_survival_hunters_in_cataclysm_in/)

You GTFO you little green P o S…you start to argue with everyone here and you played wow until recently in some bushes or in basement

Can you learn how to link something on the forums? Surround it in ` backquotes ` like so:


The first link you posted is presumably a link to the latest mopveins which says Survival isn’t as good as Beast Mastery. A true statement for 5.4, which makes it all the more remarkable that SV had more players for most of that patch:

The second link is a reddit thread from 2 years ago I literally posted in and the consensus was that SV was poor in PvP but good in PvE particularly at the start and in Dragon Soul. So exactly what I’ve been posted here.

So no, you haven’t proven any of what you’re saying.


Same like you didn’t prove anything to me. You just posted few links and videos of people playing SV in raids. Ok so? It was very popular. I still stand by my statement that SV was played by majority when it was outperforming MM and BM. But as hunter spec in general, MM and BM where most played specs. By how much difference I can’t find right now.

Was SV hunter more popular as ranged then melee absolutely no discussion about it , was SV most favorite spec when it was ranged not it was not don’t be delusional. Please talk to you tomorrow, have to interview 5 people for supervisor position arguing with you will keep me up till 2. Its like explaining a kid that power rangers are just people in costume and are not real

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“there was nothing unique about RSV it was just explosive shot and dots”

MSV with explosives and dots and 1 melee ability lmao


I mean, you havent really ever posted anything worth noting. Most of the data you like to toss around come from when the player base was around ten million, mixed in with your own personal biased nature, policing others opinions, and a gargantuan amount of copium and delusional reality. Chill out Jerry.

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If you want a good laugh, go to the Survival hunter class discord channel and type in Bepples for a good laugh. Watch how fast his name gets laughed at.


That’s true not all hunters use range weapons in the real world but they tend to be in 3rd world countries in isolated areas like some tribes in certain parts of the world .

We miss a playstyle that was actually very popular especially between Cataclysm and patch 6.2 of Warlords .

Usually people who say it was unpopular are people that most likely never rolled a hunter until after it went melee.


Old man huntard chiming in: The mistake was Cata forcing predefined specs, not Survival becoming a melee spec. Rexxar is the iconic melee hunter who is also a BM hunter, yet Blizzard refused to ever give hunters a “Rexxar” spec.

BM used to have nothing but pet talents. Ranged was the superior choice simply because Ranged attacks scaled better and ignore all the penalties melee suffers and no other reason. It was still optimal to weave in some fat Raptor Strike crits when possible.

Survival was the utility/PvP tree, not necessarily the melee tree. It offered almost nothing to make Melee viable over Ranged for anything except specific PvP scenarios.

Marksman was the dedicated raid spec and fell short in everything else, until Survival became a ranged spec then for whatever reason Marksman and Survival swapped purpose.

Idealy they need to go back to Vanilla/Wotlk style talents with keeping Survival as the utility spec, but in a way that you can avoid the melee talents and go for all the non-melee talents if people want to play “ranged Survival” by going Marks/Survival in some combination, and people wanting to go “melee Survival” would go BM/Survival in some combination.

okay? That doesnt really matter on the specifics.

Literally never heard people brag about survival until I came here on the hunter forums. Its always been the black sheep of hunter specs. Its time to let it go man. I get it it sucks but the game didnt want a carbon copy of MM so it was changed. You can always replay it in Wrath classic or join a private server.

Survival hunter was my first spec when I first started playing the last month of BC. Its been my favorite spec in game since I first played it. So, good try. The spec was unpopular. When people thought of hunters it normally wasnt because of survival but only here on the forums it is talked about like it was the holy grail of hunter specs (lol it wasnt). Delusional take.

No it wasn’t it was very popular and no one had a reason to come to the forums about it until they made it melee.

How is a dot aoe spec the same as a st long range primarily spec ? Is it because it used range weapons ?

If that is the case why do mages or warlocks need 3 carbon copy caster specs or rogues need 3 carbon copy melee specs?

It was only changed because of the weapon they decided to give the spec .

THey could of chosen a cross bow for surv and still given it a different flavor to differentiate it from MM especially since MM were Bows and BM were Guns in Legion .


It was.

Since we on the hunter forums like to toss around different versions of the game to fit the need of our arguements, which expansion of sv did you wanna use for this one?

I can tell you dont read much here as this has been addressed 12 hours ago already. Welcome to the hunter forums!

Pretty sure it was changed due to the similarity it had to MM but flex away homie.

Pretty sure they could already use crossbows. You did play a hunter right?

How about Cata up until they broke the spec for patch 6.2 .

How about the version where in the top 100 dps players of SoO according to Warcraft logs out of all of the hunters in the top 100 dps 9 were rsurv 5 were mm and 1 bm


ah ok that brief window of time.

So that one raid? Il let you have that since the raid went on for almost an entire expansions length

In best case scenario, absolute perfect balancing and everyone was even damage wise, Survival would still be a bad hunter spec. There is no reason to go melee and be in constant danger and can easily go out of range when MM and BM can do the same stuff as Survival but safer. Survival brings nothing to the table that the others can’t also bring, same issue with Feral VS Balance. At least with Druid they have the cool mechanics where they can sub-spec into each other and shapeshift.