Why some guys complains about SV being melee?

As long as it is an option and doesn’t impede the range options for the spec.


Then we’d get an onslaught of both “Bring back MSV,” “Bring back RBM,” “Why are people so mad about MBM?”


ikr, why play three of the same playstyle.

Neckbeards forget the fact hunters in wow and irl dont always use ranged weapons. That or they never left their own homes to learn this.

They miss a unpopular play style that has been gone for 6-7 years.

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Oh so your upset they gave the spotlight to a side character? Ya know Vuljin was also a hunter and we dont see MM using voodoo. :slight_smile: Very weak backing for a argument.

Jerry’s points usually are. Then he gets on his alts and second account to upvote.

Pretty sure BM is for the pets.

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You mean like Mage, Warlock, or Rogue? Their differences are just as distinct as pre-Legion Hunter.

Hunters in WoW have always used ranged weapons until Legion. Some have tried to use a melee only Hunter, but it was never successful. In fact, in MoP and WoD, Hunters couldn’t use melee weapons (might be able to equip them but they would lose most of their attacks).

I doubt that anyone is arguing about hunters that don’t use range weapons in real life. Some do it for fun. Others just don’t have ranged weapons. However, WoW is not real life and does not take place on our world. On Azeroth, the adventurers who train to be a Hunter have favored ranged weapons.

Funny how an “unpopuler” playstyle from the past was played WAY more than the Survival from Legion onwards.


Okay this trend of putting people’s mouths is old and sadly a chacteristic of posters. Let’s not insult our own intelligence, because thats not even close to what they were saying.

Give it another go.


SV hunter was never really that popular outside pvp. I’m not saying it was not played at all, but it was 90% of time outperformed by BM and MM. iI understand your point and hate towards melee SV, it was enjoyable spec, and I played only SV since cata I can say. It had always ups and downs more then MM and BM. So I know you played SV as well in raids when they outperformed MM or BM, but again that doesn’t make it fun spec if you play it only if it’s performing better then other spec or specs. Look at SV now, it performs amazing in M+ and in pvp was a good spec since start of SL, but it was more fun at the beginning of SL then the state it’s now.

Um, wrong.

Short of blizz’s horrible ideas on surv since legion, surv was one of the most popular specs. They commonly outperformed bm and mm in raids.
The reason why surv went melee was bc blizz screwed it up post legion and needed to do something with it so they claimed it was to follow rexxar or some bs.
The push to melee completely decimated the hunter community. It permanently divided the community, the class significantly dropped in representation, and even though blizz significantly overtuned surv, barely anyone played it. In fact, up until season 3 of SL, surv was the second least represented specs in the game, behind feral who hasnt been viable in a decade. It has been so unpopular that only arcane mages, feral druids, and demo locks (before season 3) were the only specs that came close to its low representation numbers.
The only reason why surv is getting any recognition now is because of the overtuned tier sets. They havent done any fixing of the spec itself and while opening the covenants helped surv, hunters still didn’t venture towards the spec until s3. The same garbo mongoose build that has been in place for a long time is clunky, convoluted, and horrible to play.

Thats why people hate surv. They took a iconic and popular surv spec in lk and destroyed it then turned it into a meme melee spec, all while alienating a large portion of the hunter community.


This is just not true. SV from WotLK to WoD was routinely a very popular spec. It was only unpopular in WoD 6.2when they gutted it.

Those are the logs for a current MoP private server. Most Hunters are playing SV. It is ahead at this state in the game (5.2 content with 5.4 client) but only slightly. Even when it was behind by a bit back in MoP 5.4 it was still played by a lot of Hunters. Contrast this with the current SV which only sees play when it’s extremely overpowered.


I guess we played different game then

Like I said you just confirmed it. It was popular depending on tier sets. In MOP was popular , and in WoD it was popular with BRF 4 set pieces.

I played on EU servers back then still when EU was winning or being second in world firsts. I was in 3 guilds since WoTLK till Legion and again like you said it was popular during certain tiers. In pvp it was always popular, even now it’s popular choice. WoTLK SV hunter drives me nuts to play against in pvp and after that in cata and all later expansions I literally played only SV hunter, yes I would try other specs for fun but SV was and is where my main focus is. I will play it even if they would change it either ti range or some weird never heard of spec.

But again we have different views of SV hunter popularity. It was a up and down spec, and required allot of work. I remember back then comment on SV where it’s a good spec if you get gear for it and BiS, but MM and BM are little better. And it’s true. Casuals and normal raiders didn’t bother to much with that spec. If we only consider that small percent of progression raiders and world first raiders it wouldn’t be fair. That’s the smallest percentage of community

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To prove you right we need to find ranged SV regularly becoming unpopular if it’s not the best spec. But the only time we can notice it become unpopular was 6.2 WoD when it was EXTREMELY nerfed to the point where it was doing tank-level damage as a DPS spec.

Also it wasn’t even particularly good in PvP. It suffered a lot in Cata and MoP because people could just dispel Black Arrow and Serpent Sting and ruin its damage. It was routinely popular in PvE and you’re just inventing history by saying MM and BM were better 90% of the time. In fact it was usually MM that was outclassed.


Literally whats being said but okay lol

rogue got reworked to avoid this, but it is for the most part the same. Warlocks are completely different and idk about mages, I will never touch one to know.

Rexxar says hello. And hes just one hunter I could reference.

It was such a stupid time too.

You would be surprised

And adventurers who trained to be a warrior used shields at first, didnt mean they kept them.

Your using numbers from when the player base was much larger than it is now. You cant use that as a argument, it was flawed the moment you started thinking of it.

SV hunter would outperform other specs if you can get BiS gears. Without good gear it was doing tank damage. In cata SV was played in heavy adds fights, in MoP it saw play in ToT because previous set was good for SV hunters. They would proc BA 20% and explosive shot dealt 5% damage on top of already high damage.

SV hunter was bad at the start of cataclysm , then it was better in patch 4.3 when they gave 15% more damage.

In mists it started with extra 10% damage, and saw most play because another 27% damage to explosive

Then in WoD it received well deserved nerf because it was the most annoying spec to play against in pvp, and still was a wrecking machine in pvp. A good SV hunter could easy win with 625 ilvl

Looks like we played different games where they accidentally had same class in form of SV hunter

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I’m not entirely sure what it is that some people complain about. I haven’t ever mained a hunter, but during WoD, I played a lot of Jungle Cleave as a feral druid, so I rolled a hunter to better understand how they worked, and particularly the part they played in Jungle Cleave. I tried BM, MM, and SV… it took me quite a while to get the hang of SV, but eventually it became my favorite of the 3 hunter specs; with a strong focus on tactical abiliities/traps…

I can definitely see why MM must remain a ranged spec, but I suppose you could argue that BM would have been more suitable for a melee spec than SV… I’m not sure tbh where the need for a melee spec comes from. I stopped messing with my hunter alt as soon as the Legion prepatch dropped, and hadn’t even thought about playing SV again (until today, when I just rolled a new hunter, and happened upon this thread).

Its never been popular.

incoming lvl 10 alts to upvote bepples


This is absolutely untrue.

It is VERY evident you’re making stuff up as you go along.

It saw a lot of play throughout all patches of Cata and MoP. It has nothing to do with the tier sets. It was just usually a solid spec that people liked to play.

Damn someone should have told the Hunters who brought SV to multiple world first kills at the start of Cataclysm…

It wasn’t as good at MM in FIRELANDS. Even then it still saw decent representation. The buffs going into 4.3 were overkill and made the spec the best by far.

In mists it started with extra 10% damage, and saw most play because another 27% damage to explosive

Crazy because the nerf affected PvE way more than PvP. The “well deserved nerf” was in fact the removal of a core part of what made the spec function in PvE (Improved Serpent Sting) in a patch where it was already screwed because they took away the spec’s cooldowns in WoD only to create a legendary that massively preferred specs with 2 minute CDs.

It’s not that. It’s just that you’re painfully obviously making things up as you go along to support a failing argument. You have a history of being dishonest and being called out on it.


Are you a glutton for embarrassment or something? What the hell is this??



Based on you claims and few videos of streamers everyone who has slightest different opinion then your delusional hateful claim he is dishonest and liar.

In vanilla there was a thing called spell power rogue, 1shot Enhancement shaman, thunder furry melee hunters, but again those where rare specs that were not popular like other specs. So your few videos of showing some world first racers mid maxing every class/spec so they can have what they need to push is not a solid proof of popularity.

Arcane mage was in world first against G’huun but It was least played spec in BFA. Based on your claims Arcane would be very popular spec then. Survival was only played when you had gear to back it up between normal players, I’m not taking hard core player base in consideration. You may call me as you want , but if anyone is famous on these forums its you for trolling and trying to discredit anyone who even remotely supports melee hunters. Sometimes is better to give up and crawl back in your basement. Trust me you’re wrong here that you can’t be more wrong

And look at you? you call me for something? You are so obsessed with me that you are following me on forums just in case you can share on non related post and forums hopping someone would support you. You need a life outside your basement kiddo

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Man how strange that guides from T11 say SV is the best option, so weird…

The fact is SV was a very common Hunter spec option for most of the period from early WotLK to WoD before 6.2 launch. You keep trying to argue against it by nitpicking clear evidence that it was commonly played in those patches. Admittedly I don’t know of exact representation data for patches like 3.2 and 4.0 but it comes up in raid PoVs frequently from that period and forum posts from the time seem to indicate SV was the preferred spec. Moreover we do have some data from patches like 3.3, 4.3, and most of MoP:

You could argue if you want that people only played SV for the damage. I think that’s not true because it usually saw a decent amount of play even when it wasn’t the top (aside from 6.2 when they truly gutted it, of course) but at least there’s plausible deniability there. But what you said was that SV was outclassed by BM or MM 90% of the time and underplayed when that clearly wasn’t true.

I reposted that incident from last year because it highlights your habit for dishonesty. No I will not “trust you” because you’ve thoroughly proven yourself to be untrustworthy.