Why so much hate over high elf options

Eh, the Blood Elves were pretty cool in BC, but then they got softened and turned into Light Elves.

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Why the hate? Because other races are not getting anywhere near the attention they deserve but all we hear about literally anything from anyone whenever we speak up is “BUT HIGH ELVES”

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At some point (as in I am not asking for this right now or even soon), I wouldn’t mind if Void Elves got “void-scarred” skin options similar to the fel-scarred skin options Demon Hunters have. Here’s a very poorly photo-shopped example of what I mean:


The image is just a demon hunter skin recolored. The actual skin doesn’t necessarily have to be that particular shade of aqua-blue, it could be a more charcoal or a pale grey or whatever. What I was trying to emphasize though were those void blue scars.

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I think that rather than asking for an Allied Race it’ll just be different. Like a sub-race name toggle for instance.

That’s always a possibility.

There is no real reason to ask for a separate race to make the race select screen more busy. Just have to push for more customization options.


They knew what they signed up for.

That would be really cool
I would love void elves to get stuff like that.

nope void elves are void elves.
even if the player choses to not look voidy, they’re just playing a void elf who looks normal.

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Simply because you use the expression “High Elf” which is not correct since your Elves are “Void Elves”.

So your title should be:

Why so much love over Void Elf options?

By using the word “High Elf”, we understand that there will be “High Elf” forum threads requesting that non-playable race for the next decade which infuriate us and make us want to destroy everything we can our hand on.

(The usage of the word “us” in my text is simply to simulate the appearence of unity, to make you think that there is more than one person (me) who are angry at you for using the HE word.)

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Given the hair colors and racials they still look voidy to me anyway.

Currently but with them asking for different hair styles and colours, some asking for the racial to be changable to not have a void affect, and with that request for the option to show as a high elf instead of a void elf, it really seems they are trying to build on those new skin tones to make high elves as a complete replacement to void elves


This is what they are trying to do. It’s why Blizzard should have never attempted the compromise because now they are going to keep pushing for more and more additions until they have a complete copy of an existing horde race.

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I could live with them getting black and white hair. Maybe even blond because of Alleria (although I dont agree with that one). Those options can still work as void elf options.

But since they are void elves I think the options should make sense as void elf options. And if high elf fans can use them in a way to look like a high elf good for them. But the race should not be diluted for them

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You’re gonna have to take that up with Blizzard, not.me. they said they gave those customizations so people could play High Elves. So… have fun.

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No they said they were giving a few options to look like them. Nothing about them actually being pure non void related high elves

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Reading is magic.

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He’s not the only one who believes disagreement with them = we’re bad people. The personal attacks and name calling is old news and it seems it’s not going to stop anytime soon.
I hope you know that when he and others do it, it puts a negative label on them, not you or me or us.


yes it is
I know the quote.

So theyre tying it back to their roots and giving some options to look like them.
Blood elves are high elves. Not all blood elves have green eyes as not all were around the fel.
Blue eyes as an option ties them back to their routes.
Same logic applies to void elves.

yeah so they can RP
Thats playing out a fantasy

Nothing in there says they are high elfs as we see in the NPCs

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I agree. Lightbound Undead would be a good customization option.

I go to bed and get up for work…and this is what this thread turned into.
