Why so much hate over high elf options

As much as I want void things for Void Elves I don’t want them to get anything more currently until every other race gets more customization options and that includes core races and allied races, especially Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren and Lightforged Draenei.

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Personally the closest I’ve seen is wanting the BE option to be “renamed” Thalassian and have it work like Pandaren. There was like model work up for the screen and people swearing up and down it wasn’t stealing BEs and that “no one would want Quel’thalas” but I disliked that idea heavily.

And I think someone jokingly in this thread (though in poor taste imo) advocated for deleting them.

And the deconstruction arguments that a lot of people seem to like to have about BEs gets old too which is essentially arguing against them but more just people talking for talkings sake imo.

But at the end of the day I doubt and am grateful Blizzard doesn’t take suggestions like that seriously.

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There’s a plethora of Alliance aligned High Elves in Dalaran(inb4 the SC is neutral)

In addition to these, you can also find them in Stormwind, Allerian Stronghold, Quel’Danil, Telogrus Rift. All Alliance cities.

I also feel like you’re confusing the term gaslighting with ‘misinformation’.

Indeed, and this way the Night Elves can at least get something in return for their city being destroyed canonically.

And the Night Elves lost their exclusivity to their skin tone long before. As far as the Horde being owed anything, they’re really not.

I’ve also stated that I wanted more for Blood Elves myself, though most people were fixated on blue eyes, some in an attempt to spite the Alliance and lock them out of a traditional aesthetic, which backfired horribly and probably contributed to the measly amount of options they got in this pass.

That and Blizzards poor time management in failing to even everyone out and give the Blood Elves the WoD treatment again.

I caught the beginning, which was absolutely disgusting, so I did bypass about 300 posts of offal to convey what I’ve seen happening in every thread regarding this topic, not just this one.

Yeah, I didn’t like the generalization being made which we all totally know is untrue. Especially when the poster has a very sordid history on the matter. I was 100% justified calling that out.

I also did see some posts regarding some pros making posts at your expense, which I am personally sorry about and don’t approve of, which is what I’m actually alluding to when I refer to the pros stepping out of line in this post you’re quoting now.

The manner of which I pick and choose to intervene depends on how fast a thread is moving and how much I’ve actually read/posted in it. Like this thread was like 7 hours old with 300 posts of vitriol, of course I’m not going to read through all of that, versus a thread I’ve consistently posted in that has only seen 20 posts in two days. I’m also actively trying to avoid confrontation, it just doesn’t always work.

Another problem being is that there are far too many High Elf threads popping up.

I understand the core of your argument, even if I don’t agree with it fully. Like as someone who is satisfied with Blood Elves myself, I do feel that races like the Nightborne are in far more need of new options regardless of who came first.

I still think more Blood Elf and Void Elf stuff will come out at roughly the same time. I also still support other related Horde interests such as Dark Rangers and San’layn, I just don’t like having to be contrary on this stuff when I feel like we really don’t have to.

I also disagree with those referring to you as an anti, as while we do hold some difference of opinion I do recognize that you want more for everyone too, though we prioritize this differently. I believe this is also where some friction may come from, which I’ve experienced here and there with multiple people.

All I ever wanted as a Void Elf was to look like these;



I’m like 75/25 when it comes to adding more Void stuff versus HE stuff. I personally would have preferred the hair assets over the skin assets, but that’s just how things worked out I guess.

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But if you dislike seeing even a single thread on it, wouldn’t it be better just to let it happen? No, for you I think it’s just a matter of principle. Nothing would really please you. Just like they wouldn’t be pleased by the current iteration.

The fact is if they opened the floodgates in Legion and didn’t commit to it in BFA and when they knew they were going to add that skeleton to the alliance they should have just done it and we wouldn’t see several threads on it.

My opinion is, bfa shouldn’t have been so bad.

I’ve seen several cases of people demanding that the race be renamed to High Elf, essentially erasing Void Elves.

Void Lives Matter imo.

Then I’ve seen like three or four fools demanding Quel’thalas for High Elves.

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What would I read if they weren’t here?
I don’t think it was good for the game to have done the elf swap.

hey, they put a lot of work into making sure it was that bad

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Personally, I just want all seven Elf races to be playable and in their own third Faction.

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Never. My Blood Elves would be decorating the capital with High Elf heads on pikes.

I was fine with just the core races I was looking forward to a pvp expansion that they never really committed :sob:. However, Kul Tirans have become one of my favorite races. Still I wish I didn’t get fomo’d by the allied race stuff and finishing it before BFA came out.

But yeah back on topic, they really should have just done it, would have saved a lot of grief. Still I look forward to new customizations, but a lot of races did get neglected and again I think it was due to focusing on the humans the most. Though the rushing to meet a deadline, certainly didn’t help.

I would say this

Is a better encompass of my stance on that in all honesty in terms of just my value on Blizzards words on core races and them selling the expansion on customization, AR stuff was supposed to be an if, so I have to call attention the fact core races as a whole feel lacking. But yes very much so in terms of AR’s I feel NB need the most attention first.

My argument is just core races should get the attention first, and be done decently.

I’m annoyed because you sort of seem to be alluding to my stance in your post, and you read far enough to get to

This, but failed to call out any other behavior yet again? It was just you agreeing with them while seemingly throwing a dig at anyone who values core races should come first

I wouldn’t say valuing core races is sabotaging other groups of people, so if thats not what you tried to say here your follow up response didn’t really clarify for me either.

I would say you’re selective calling out, I try to be what I think is fair, I’ve had my fair share of feeling people were being unfair to HE fans and I’ve spoken on it, but I’ve never seen you call out a single pro HE poster unless its generalized in a way like “we all do this and need to do better”, but you do take the time to single out antis, or you’ll be active in a thread reply to someone displaying behavior thats problematic but its just to agree with their points its ignoring their problematic posts, so either you do or you don’t make time to call people out.

We’ve established you read enough to read Cezol’s arguments in this thread because you quoted him,

You never notice the condescending way / demeaning posting style?

And it bothered me more since I feel your post was very catered to throwing shade at my specific stance.

That’s compelling for a character, good. I made a void elf that hunts down blood elves.

3 skin tones vs the 20 the void elves will get in shadowlands. Seems fair.

Ion says they are same people. So you wanna kill your own ??

Yes, you actively saying your dissatisfaction with blood elf customization is grounds to halt future AR customization is actively and factually sabotaging other groups of people who want to see AR customization.

Let’s not paint ourselves as a saint Lann.

Only one of us is in favor of preventing others from getting their customizations until they’re satisfied.

Not the pot calling the kettle black.

Not you not referencing the absolute spite you have in attempting to prevent player requests out of selfishness, and showing 0 patience or gratitude in Blizzard.

Least I’m honest when it comes to my vitriol, and don’t hide behind lies in pretending I haven’t actually received anything and everything should stop until it meets my standards.

Ion was so petty that he wouldn’t give the Alliance high elves despite reams of lore to back it up- it’s usually not a good sign in terms of story telling when you have to correct everyone that high elves are absolutely all gone and there’s only blood elves when the dudes in Battle of Stromgarde propping up the shield on your air ship are blue eyed elves- and the simple fact that fans had been asking for it since the original beta for the game.

Yet somehow inventing void elves out of whole cloth was some how acceptable, and then dropping them into the Alliance when outcasts with a predilection for forbidden powers and magic would be right up the Horde’s alley.

I mean, I’m fine with the cosmetic additions, I’m just tired of the Alliance being jerked around by gross Horde fanboys who missed the memo that the Blood Elves aesthetically and culturally clash with the Horde.


I agree with you Shantarin :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I can’t beleive this post took off like it did. I do agree thay void elves are half baked but if the alliance had blood elves. Void elves would have been soooo cool in the horde. I think it would have fit pretty well. I’m honestly excited for what comes after SL. Like if there is a time skip. Who knows what we could return to!!! The options are limitless.

High elves were supposed to be on Alliance instead of night elves in game alpha, but they had to put night elves in somewhere, then when TBC came, they saw that no one wanted to play Horde, as it was vastly Alliance dominated, so they had to add blood elves to horde to make people actually play Horde. That’s why we see majority of Horde being blood elves.

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Because I agree with him that Void Elves getting fair skin tones was an answer to the Horde getting violet hues prior.

Because all some of them have offered up is atrocious and ugly behavior. I also have a fairly negative history with many of them, so of course I’m not going to come to their defense, they’d just spit in my face if I tried, and believe me I have.

So no I’m not going to get into it with someone who has never crossed me over those who have historically made it their business to do so.

I will say though that getting chummy with some of them hasn’t really done you any favors.

This is was about where the thread was when I scrolled to the bottom. This also especially resonated with me as I believe it’s a fair point. I never really bothered to read any of his posts prior in this thread.

And those posts are kinda gross and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this amount of aggression.

This goes back to our associations, I don’t agree with some of Cezols behavior, namely what’s directed at you and to a lesser extent Tarrok, though he’s personally never wronged me, therefore I’ve never had to watch my back as far as he’s concerned. Aside from a couple of people, his posts have pretty much been par for the course.

To be fair, this is what Blizzard stated was going to happen, which they didn’t exactly follow through on evenly.

This feels like more of a difference of priorities than actively spiting other groups and ideas out of malice in Lanns defense.

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Which is unfortunate for blood elf players but that’s not to say the customization that they did receive was not numerous and that they don’t plan to add more in the future with hopefully the consideration of those with suggestions.

I would agree if Lann had stuck to suggesting additional customization for blood elves rather than also being in favor for halting further AR customization because he feels blood elves were not given quality customization.

It’s one thing to request more for future development, it’s another to claim he received “nothing first” when core races did in fact receive varying customization and believes he’s owed even more before ARs get their pass.

Most ARs won’t be receiving substantial customization come shadowlands launch, and I’m willing to wait for a future patch for AR customization as was stated was the plan by Blizzard, not “working on further core customization first”, they did work on core customization and this is where they ended up.

It’s not fair for him to suggest he requires more before AR customization is worked on or considered, their turned happened, his favorite race was unfortunately stubbed, he demands more and a pause on planned customizations until his needs are met.