Why so many FF14 topics?

Yes, why don’t they?

Or better yet, why are there so many cut scenes and text boxes thrown into the middle of playing the game?

Then FF14 is definitely not for you. It’s at its core, an MMORPG, and story focused. You’re missing most of the fun, if you don’t care about the (excellent) story.

Why would you pay money for a game you may not even like? Also buying skips removes the free trial – since it puts you at 70.

They’re removing covenants, torghast, and the maw in future patches? They’re connecting the world so it doesn’t feel like a disjointed mess? I can’t wait till those pesky minor issues get fixed!

That line of thinking I think is one major conflict between gamers and developers. A whole different can of worms as far as discussion goes.

The leveling experience in FF14 is generally:

Stand in purple circle, murder what spawns.
Go to X NPC in remote location, talk to them, teleport back
Kill 3 (ish) of X, or a named.
Beat trial, scenario or dungeon.

Not a lot of variety in that.

I’d understand that stance – but not the one the poster gave.

Because it’s an actual story, unlike the pop-up-book story WoW offers.
It’s okay to not want a novel-quality story. It’s okay to like the pop-up-book.
But if you don’t care about the story either way, complaining that it exists when you can skip it seems like a manufactured complaint, purely designed to find fault where there is none.

I’m talking about hitting the escape key and skipping the cutscene. Not talking about boosts. It’s kinda hilarious that’s where your mind instantly went to though.

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Oh yea god forbid you don’t have your “wow is just the best” echo chamber!


That hasnt existed on these forums since WoD lol.

Sounds like WoW, except no “loot 15 low drop-rate items off of mobs”

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I’ve played enough FF14 to know when I hear the word “skip” I assume the boost – since the boost is referred to as a “story skip”

In the nearly 25+ yeas that I’ve been playing MMORPGs, I have never felt that some linear story was why I was playing the game. Most of the MMORPGs I’ve played in that quarter of a century have been completely playable without ever having to dive deeply into a story mode.

Yea this is why Asmongold won’t like FF14. It’s not the kind of game for people that don’t like story and dialogue. That’s part of the immersion

I play it for a few months every new expansion to play through the story and check out new classes, but it has never held my interest for as long as WoW has.

It’s pretty good as far as a MMORPG goes for casual players.

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Well they’re already changing torghast and the maw…we already know if they pull the ripcard covenants are basically removed and only there cosmetics.

a flight path to another zone? that’s not even a minor issue that’s just being whiney lol

and even if nothing does wow will be different with different zones next xpack

Lets hope you stay in FF because I’m sure given enough time you’ll be somewhere asking for things to be like bfa! at least the zones were connected and warfronts were FUN you’ll say I’m sure.

I mean that’s fair. But all context would’ve pointed to the fact that I was talking about just skipping the cutscene lol. It’s fine though.
The point you were making is valid. It just isn’t what was I was discussing.

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There’s a reason for that.

You’re just dismissive of anything negative said about wow. You’re indoctrinated.

So why bring up talking about an echo chamber when it hasnt exist in like 7 years? Nice pivot though.

What exactly are WoW’s strengths compared to FF14? There isn’t even a main storyline in WoW. Was doing a mythic+ 15 with a mage friend of mine in guild and he didn’t even know who Sylvannas was.