Why so few Realms?

Think of how off PVP rank grind will be.

They’ll be servers that just won’t be playable if they are not layered and letting 5K plus players in at once.

If there is layering, then you’ll have groups jumping layers to kill level 48+s. It’ll be just like that garbage on retail with realm hopping to wpvp.

And then, once some people do reach max rank, will they really feel like they’ve achieved max rank like people did in Vanilla? Or will it just feel like a cheap knockoff version of the experience just like pirate servers?

I’m not sure if it’ll effect raiding, of course, with guilds having larger population to draw on, they can just treat their members poorly for the first phase that is layered. After all who cares if they have to replace their key players with total strangers in crafted and dungeon gear.

Problem is layering will undoubtedly cause some of that population fall off… Especially from those who are want the close nit play with the same folks all the time feel .

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Wonder how many servers the retail players have?

Wonder how many of them are dead?

Thank God for sharding for all those dead servers are they would be wastelands.

Wonder how many active subs retail currently has?

Oh yeah Blizzard only posts numbers when they are good.

You may not like us, you may hate us people who prefer classic, but don’t for one second think Blizzard doesn’t need us to boost that record breaking low sub count.

Wonder if blizzard would of done this classic launch if retail subs were good??? Hmmm?

You are overestimating the classic community.

Also blizzard stated day 1 that they are going to be super lean on servers, and than will open up more if necessary.

They most likely have a bunch of servers on hold in case they need them.

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That is just ignorant.

Blizzard stated in an interview that they are going extremely light on servers at launch. Than will open up more servers if needed.

Some people are so angry, like seething angry, behind their posts, trying to shout down anyone who talks about the success of Classic. It’s like you guys want it to fail. I can’t wait to come back here in a few months and laugh at all these posts.

Retail subs are good. Servers are pretty well off. Ever server ive played on had been full and every person who i talked to on said server was from the same one.

I was in sw on one such server and saw it packed with people.

why wait I am already laughing.

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Over 200 in NA.

23 are listed as Full right now, about 35 at High. Most of them are Medium pop and 12 are listed as Low pop. I painstakingly checked a Full pop server on Thursday and counted up how many people were online. There was over 6000 players online in the middle of the week.

Has nothing to do with the population designation of a realm. I’m on a realm that is Low pop most of the time and I’m CRZ’d with tons of other realms.

There are plenty of ways to make a semi-educated estimate of the sub count. You can do this with the API and achievement data and cross-referencing that with the data from a site like wowprogress which tracks the number of Guilds progressing in current content. That’s one way of guesstimating subs, there’s probably still anywhere from 3.5-6 million subs.

Blizzard posted a near 50% drop in subs during WoD. This discredits your claim, immediately.

I don’t hate people who prefer Classic, I may end up being one of them but I won’t know until I’m back at level 60. I dislike ignorant people making ignorant statements about things they haven’t a clue about.

Statements like “retail WoW only has 1 million subs! Classic will have 10 million!”

Stupid stuff like that.


How am i angry?
No wonder no one here takes you seriously.

I was literally stating what ion said.

You really aren’t that bright.

If i wanted classic to fail i would’ve have gotten half my co workers to come back to play…i also wouldn’t of taken the week of launch off work.

I haven’t taken time off for a wow xpac since wrath.

Try being less dense.

If you’re not being an unrealistic Classic superfanboy, who constantly hates on Blizzard and everything they do…

Well, you obviously just want Classic to fail!

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Look, classic is going to be plenty lively and will remain so until the end of days. Will it have millions of players? Probably not… Even if it’s just 250k players, after the initial influx is over, it will be MORE than enough to still enjoy the game with and having a small amount of servers will keep the game feeling populated.

Who cares? It does not even matter if we need 30 more servers in a year, all that matters is that people are playing and having fun.

Trying just enjoying the game??

You spent a good portion of the last year and a half claiming Classic was going to crush BfA.

Who cares?


You’re kinda obsessed with this… Good luck with that.

Additionally layering is there as a safeguard for the modern wow situation; I know you love to point out how populated things are but there are only really 5 populated servers in NA right now, the rest are marked as “high pop” because of the gross number of accounts attached to those servers.

The actual number of people online is typically pathetic due to poor game design with the bulk of the modern wow player base ending up on one of the 5 populated realms.

As for Classic WoW, just depends on how things go… It very well could crush BFA, but considering how anemic BFA is that’s not hard to do when less people play BFA than any previous version of WoW…

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You mean people throwing guesses out??

Sorry WOD was how many xpacs ago?? So they shockingly stopped posting numbers then?? Wonder why??

I agree there is prolly 3 million subs on the high side over you just stated that out of the 200+ servers on NA that roughly 58 of them are full…so 150ish are medium to empty?

I doubt you can make an accurate guess on that 6,000 players online.

Wow has been dying for a long time now.

Hopefully that Ion q and a makes him wake up. We want an MMO not what BFA is.

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I know you love to be consistently wrong.

As of right now 22 realms marked as FULL. Anyway, I wasted enough time getting trolled by you, Mogar and Fesz over the course of the last year and a half. It feels good to have definitive proof that I was right and you three were wrong about virtually everything you ever posted about.

I guess it’s the age.

Oh, one more thing. This is dynamic, it has nothing to do with "accounts attached to those servers. My realm is listed at Low pop most of the time but sometimes it goes up to Medium temporarily.

It’s dynamic based on how many players are actively playing. I know this doesn’t suit your narrative of “oh b-b-b-b-b-b-but it’s cause there’s tons of inactive accounts that’s why they’re High pop!”

But it’s the truth, something you seem to really hate.

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As the community is going to take time to develop and there will.be many retail and pserver tourists who take off within 30 to 90 days, layering is much better than over creating servers which is a larger drain on resources and would break the community up too much down the road. This way we start getting familiar with names and as we start seeing some more and more as layers decrease we build rep. Over time. As it should be.

How can we accept it? Easy.
A couple of months of layering sucks, but a dead server 6-9 months in sucks a whole lot more.
Simple really.