Well that’s good news, because Belves are still Helves that just renamed themselves.
Silvermoon isn’t rebuilt because nobody goes to silvermoon because the devs aren’t updating silvermoon because nobody goes to silvermoon because the devs aren’t updating silvermoon because…
Except for RPers and AH characters.
Where we going to find enough peons to do the work. Zug zug
Fat effing chance.
The DEVs just develop… they don’t get to decide what to put effort into, that call is made much higher up.
They won’t sign the paperwork so the finest Orcish architects and craftsmen can get to work.
Something about us wanting to put too many spikes on buildings…
Ever consider that Silvermoon Forest is the only real area and everything else is instanced???
I have a theory.
I’ve been pondering about the next XPac, and I think it’s going to have a “rebuilding” theme, with events like the Forsaken, Worgen, and Night Elves getting new homes. I believe that the Exodar and Silvermoon will be “rebuilt” and added to the proper world server when that happens.
This is just a baseless theory however.
i watched a youtube videon about this kinda thing a few years back and what was shown was that city is super unfinished from the sky ( hence why you cant fly I that zone cause that city was never finished aka to be seen the from sky or anything just mearly walls and npcs
And now that the war is over, hes being a real man by getting picked up by a woman. He knows that real men dont go after women, women go after real men. Way to go Thaly
So current SMC, Eversong, and Ghostlands is actually an island flooting NE of Outland. It’s not actually in the EK, server-wise.
So two things that NEVER need to happen is “fixing” or “removing” current SMC. What they would actually need to do is create completely new zones on the EK map server. Like how Tanaan wasn’t a “rework” of Hellfire Peninsula.
So in order to do that we just need a reason to have current content in Quel’Thalas. The best part about that is the new version can be completely max-level, and the original BE starting zone remains completely untouched. Blizz can have their cake and eat it too!
Eh, they did it with the other capitals with the rest of the world as well.
And they’d need to completely redesign the layouts of both Silvermoon and The Exodar because they’re the worst city designs in the game.
Honestly, all Horde cities are awful to navigate compared to Darnassus, Ironforge, and Stormwind.
Probably the same reason the exodar hasnt been upgraded. Though in fairness the draenei starting area does exist at a particular point in time.
Knowing Blizzard, you don’t want Silvermoon to be rebuilt.
Believe me.
They’ll destroy half the city because of the assault of X new enemy they come up with, they’ll change the whole city design or they’ll militarize everything like they did with Orgrimmar in Cataclysm.
… have you never been there before?
That’s exactly what I mean - they’d further destroy the eastern half of Silvermoon City.
That’s exactly what I mean - they’d further destroy the eastern half of Silvermoon City.
I really doubt that. They don’t do “oh, look how desolate this destruction is” zones anymore. Things must be far more compact and theme-parky now. Why leave a ruined section when you could fill it with rides and roller coasters, right?
The bigger worry would be having a small part be “city” and most of it be like Suramar with max-level hostile mobs everywhere for no reason.
Sooo where are we on stones that float up to reassemble themselves without me having to get dusty?
Umm sir, we are trying to incorporate the wine serving feature you asked for, its pushed production back a bit.
Hmm, how about getting those Stormwind plebs to just rebuild things, they like getting dirty.
We are still not okay with their non-pro-Elves-are-amazing stance sir.
Great mana worms! Indeed. What about just the gnomes? The seem like robust fellows.
Ahh yes, well it turns out they cant reach higher than your waist Sir.
Have we tried giving them chairs to stand on?
yes sir, but once they learned how to make the chairs serve wine it became a problem.
Agghh, that Alliance is nothing but trouble!
Certainly sir.
Send my wine chair to the den and get back to work.
As you wish sir.