Why Silvermoon hasn't been rebuilt

Because Acti-Blizz doesn’t stand to gain any money of remaking/remastering the BC zones to be part of the main world and not Outland; so they will never fix Silvermoon or Azure/Bloodmyst Isles… never will they be flying-mount-accessible (because the devs have become anti-flying since they don’t understand that giving flying to someone that’s literally gotten loremasters in the zones isn’t going to hurt anything and there doesn’t need to 50 hurdles on top of that; fully-explore the zones (on foot) and do all of the quests and it should unlock because you’ve seen the work they put into it)… and never will they be streamlined so questing in them isn’t a complete drag.

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blizzard hasn’t gotten around to it yet.

also the fact that the blood elf population is honestly tiny and they’ve been stuck in a constant state of war since they joined the horde, not much time to rebuild a city when your laborers keep getting enlisted to fight in wars.

Creative or not it’s still destruction. All you’re concerned with. Look at your history. You destroyed your own land so you came here to try and take ours to destroy it.

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Incorrect: we successfully took your land and destroyed it.

#squadgoals, #missionaccomplished

I mean, if you didn’t want us to, why didn’t you say anything at the time?


elves hold onto their scars/grudges longer than humans. why do i point this out? deathwing burnt a good-chunk of stormwind. years later (legion) humans fixed it. arthas did a ‘little’ more damage than that to silvermoon. still has the scar.

also, cenarius (demi-god of the night-elves) was killed by orcs in wc3. even though he came back in legion (and was killed again, kinda) the night-elves still hold a grudge against the horde. elves don’t know how to let things go.

well we spent a good deal of time in Shatrath and never bothered in at least embelish it (the old hub in Suramar, Merendil, got some upgrade…)

Because the devs made a mistake in TBC and made Quel’thalas instanced. Instead of fixing that mistake in Cataclysm they decided to make an even worse mistake.

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woof woof

#squadgoals, #missionaccomplished, #orclife


They hate us cuz they ain’t us.


Hashtags don’t work on the forums

lol dwarf


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Don’t mistake the fact that we haven’t set you on fire in your sleep for trust… The Horde have to pay for Teldrassil ! With updated Silvermoon for the Alliance ! :slight_smile:

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Considering a large portion of the population was killed by the Scourge and another significant portion of the population traveled to Outland, it doesn’t need to be rebuilt.

Half of the city works. Seems to suit the remaining population of Blood Elves.

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In lore? No. It probably is rebuilt.
In game? Silvermoon (and the Exodar) are part of the Outland servers, and as such are probably difficult (or at the least, expensive in time and money) to properly integrate into the proper Azeroth servers and maps, and that’s before the expense of doing a Cataclysm facelift on both of them, one that would be required given they’d have to support flight, and the map geometries don’t in their current states (most of the buildings are 2D textures, invisible walls, and a lot of smoke and mirrors that breaks down FAST when you get high up). Honestly even with the demand for it, seeing this happen is unlikely unless the whole Outland server is getting a Cata-style redo, and with the phasing technology being used to have old areas have updated variants without the removal of the old, that style of rebuilding is unlikely to happen.

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Aren’t Void Elves just the kids who got picked on by the jocks in Blood Elf high school? :smile:

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Yea cause its instanced rofl :stuck_out_tongue:

Its all just a hallucination in an instance maaannn.

More like Lor’themar Harem.

On a more serious and technical note, restoring Silvermoon would require a lot of work. Not only would Blizzard have to rebuild the best city in the game (not that they even finished building it in the first place) but they would likely also have to haul the city, Eversong Woods and Ghostlands out of Outland and back into Azeroth.
Doing this would also require them to fix up the area around the Plaugelands so that the “Impassable” mountains are passable instead of there simply being a portal to Ghostlands hidden in the mountains.

So unfortunately, at the moment, Silvermoon is doomed to relive the events of Arthas and the scourge; even after Argus appeared in the sky, or N’Zoth spat on some titan facilities to cover them in corruption

Edit: Spelling. Thanks Grom


I think you meant “harem”… but I lol’d anyway. Good one.

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High elf were the ones who actually knew how to build stuff

i don’t know, because it’s a ghost town?