Why SHOULD the Alliance have faction pride?

Chris Metzen mains an ally pally from what someone said earlier, and did you see the vehicle challenge where the alliance and horde made vehicles? Metzen was on the alliance team. And Fandrel served a world threat, he wasn’t the threat. Garrosh was so bad the other horde leaders welcomed the alliance siege on Orgrimmar.


Yeah, I saw it. SOMEONE had to be on team Alliance, but I note that disappeared after the contest. BTW, look at how BLIZZARD reacted when asked who would win; Alliance or horde:

They artificially augmented the Alliance cheer to make it sound close. Don’t believe me? Look at the few people cheering versus the horde cheerleaders. That should tell you everything you need to know about Blizzard.

I have NEVER seen Metzen come alive like he does when he’s all ‘for the horde’. Again, look at this year’s Blizzcon. He was there FOR THE HORDE. In fact, apologizing to the Alliance because he asked where the horde were. Then, realizing how bad it sounded, asked for the Alliance.
Metzen - who voices Thrall, of all people - is not a friend of the Alliance.


Metzen has the famous “for the Horde” voice because he voices Thrall. But every time I’ve seen him talk, he talks about the Alliance. Maybe we’ve just seen him in different circumstances? But seriously, the voice of the most commonly well regarded horde leader mains Alliance.


I’ve seen just about every Blizzcon, and can’t imagine him as pro-Alliance. He may have an Alliance toon, but the guy who started his question with an apology to the Alliance because he was only going to ask about the horde doesn’t come across as someone who is pro-Alliance.

How do I know he wasn’t going to ask about the Alliance? Because after he apologized to the Alliance and asked about the horde, he said, “Good, glad you’re here” then, realizing how bad that sounded, said, “Oh, hell…Alliance, where you at?”


It’s abit difficult for players who haven’t read the chronicles or did research/ played through the lore. Alliance had loads of air time and drama / etc while horde orcs were all just about being guldan’s or nerzhul’s lackies and just kill kill kill etc.
I don’t particularly find Alliance story’s lacking, but i do suppose hearing stories about orcs taurens and trolls more interesting than elves humans and dwarves.

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I got your back fam.


He was asking about where Thrall was (which is his character), which is why he was only going to ask about the Horde, not the alliance.


I feel like people are reading too much into it. If he didn’t care about the alliance he wouldn’t have included then at all.


Also If you want interesting lore, why are you playing the faction where the Humans are in charge?

Have the current leadership of the Alliance shift to another race and maybe you might get it.


Thats my point. Blizzard is responsible whether the Alliance are interesting or not.


Yet another human player crying about Horde favoritism.


Really? Then tell me what his two questions were. Please, I’m listening.


Sure, Gilneas was abandoned. In exactly the same way the Undercity was abandoned. Civilians evacuated, and city purged with blight. There’s a reason the Gilneans were still living in Teldrassil up until the Horde destroyed that too.

Rut’theran, the little village nestled in the roots of the world tree, was MOST DEFINITELY destroyed, not occupied.

Orgrimmar was barely touched by the Alliance. The moment Garrosh was captured Varian gave a quaint little speech and left the Horde capital completely intact, with no consequences. There was no lasting occupation. Orgrimmar is still the Horde capital to this day. The argument “but they COULD have destroyed it” isn’t even relevant. At the end of the day nothing happened.

Draenor, ALSO destroyed by the orcs. Notice the recurring theme here? Alliance losses are carried out by the Horde. Horde losses are almost always self inflicted. But if you’re going to reach back that far, then we also get to add Tol Barad, Dun Modr, Grim Batol, and Stormwind to the list of cities destroyed by the Horde.


It was…

Lorewise, not numbers.

More people have played this game then the previous 3.

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The alliance races are too noble to have easily written conflict. The alliance now has 4 different versions of humans, holy do-gooder dranei (2 types), tree-huggers and human dogs that still act as if they are 100% human as far as culture.

The only races that can present reasonably interesting conflict at this point would be the newly added void elves or dark irons. The existing alliance races are otherwise too “lawful” or “noble” in their alliance. They have a moral high horse.

Its way easier to write conflict into a society of undead, orcs, minotaur, magic-addict elves and trolls that have war and conflict built into their culture.


There is a reason that there are so many of these faction bias posts and that all of them are about blizzard favoring the Horde. When the horde has advantages in literally every aspect of the game, not just story AND its pretty clear that the developers are “For the Horde,” it becomes a little difficult for Alliance side players to believe that anything is going to change.


He started how two question as horde only but felt inclined to include the alliance for whatever his reasons where. If he truly didn’t like the alliance why bother.

Because he heard how bad it sounded, which is why he said, “oh, he’ll. Alliance, where you at?”
He obviously hadn’t planned on saying that which is why he said Alliance I don’t want to offend you, but…


Alliance, you shouldn’t, you are lame.