Why should I bother?

I am not sure what any of that has to do with the topic or anything I said. If you want higher ilvl gear than what drops in heroics then you have to do content more difficult than heroic. It’s not rocket science.


I found the random queue outgeared way too quickly this expansion. I think once I hit 120 I purchased a couple of auction house peices, ran 3-4 heroics and a LFR, plus a couple of WQs and heroics become pretty pointless. (Maybe 3-6 hours after max?)

It’s how they push you into the next tier of content. Want better gear, start pugging mythics and normal-heroic raids…

Honestly I’d much prefer the random queue giving something - I love queueing for randoms at night - but it’s not the way it works. If you heal/tank you have a good chance of a satchel being up - which is something, but without it you’ll only get something from taking the step up to pugs…

I very much appreciate that we aren’t incentivized to go run group content we vastly outgear and wouldn’t otherwise do.


We kind of are, though. Island expeditions and warfronts are the best sources for AP; WQs being a close second. I get that it’s maybe just a few hours to do that each week, but it’s still garbage content they’re inscentivizing. My neck level is a lot lower than other guild members as a result, and the locked traits are definitely affecting my potential performance, even if only a little. A little is the difference between purple and orange parses, so I care, because that’s my biggest “fun” in the game.

Hard Content: Anything above 415 item level.

Easy content: Anything at or below 415 item level.

The sheer amount of stupidity in this comment is staggering. 415 is where current tier of Mythic raiding is at, and you think easy content should drop that level of gear?

You basically want top level of gear for no effort, grow up, and act like an adult instead of a spoiled child who didn’t get what they wanted.

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The amount of insults in your post is staggering in and of itself, let alone your point.

The content shouldn’t be tuned assuming 415’s all around regardless of difficulty.

The content shouldn’t be tuned assuming 415’s all around regardless of difficulty.

That makes absolutely 0 sense. You are the one who said 415 and below should be easy content, while currently 415 is the ilvl the hardest content in game drops.

That’s what it’s like now.

You need 415’s all around to ensure a quick, clean kill rather than a target dummy with the ability to wipe you.

Hence, why Easy Content should prepare people for the esports nonsense, rather than the esports nonsense directly being in my gearing path.

That’s true, but I guess… At least we don’t also “have to do” a daily heroic.

As long as they have some thing in game like the neck that requires resource gathering, there has to be some way to get those.

I’d rather islands I can do in a half hour and be done over a dungeon I don’t want to be I in every day.

I wont be sad though, if future expansions skip the whole concept of grinding a resource to fill a progress bad over and over

You need 415’s all around to ensure a quick, clean kill rather than a target dummy with the ability to wipe you.

You don’t, and that has never been the case. I don’t know where you are pulling this nonsense out of, but plenty of people are doing 10+ keys at ~400 range, and even some of the people doing highest keys aren’t at 415.

Hence, why Easy Content should prepare people for the esports nonsense, rather than the esports nonsense directly being in my gearing path.

First, the “esports nonsense” as you call it, doesn’t drop 415 gear right now. The only thing that drops 415 is Mythic raids.

Second, there’s something called progression. As in you do lower level content to get into higher level content, which rewards higher level gear.

Third, ilvl doesn’t really matter after a certain point. If you lack skill, no amount of ilvl is going to save you in a M10.

Lastly, your “gearing path” involves M2 and LFR, the so called “esports nonsense” doesn’t even affect you in any way, shape, or form yet.

let’s not forget that it needs to be sitting in the mailbox upon logging into the game.

There is no incentive to go beyond M2/LFR.

Why bother wiping or depleting or whatever else if people ragequit at the drop of a hat?

Your party is in power, yet they sure know how to squander it and make the game die Wildstar’s death.

There is no incentive to go beyond M2/LFR.

Why bother wiping or depleting or whatever else if people ragequit at the drop of a hat?

…hardly anyone ragequits, don’t pretend it’s a common occurrence. I was able to pug to almost every 15 key, and pugging 10s are not hard. Just because you don’t want to spend the effort to get better doesn’t mean the game should cater to you by giving you free gear. You are like a baby who’s throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get a piece of candy past bedtime.

Tell that to General Discussion’s pro-casual threads.

I’ve learned to control my temper regarding your party. Yet you aren’t regarding mine.

Tell that to General Discussion’s pro-casual threads.

I do, all the time. I’m a firm believer in that reward should equal difficulty. Also, you do understand that forum usually represent a vocal minority instead of a majority?

I’ve learned to control my temper regarding your party. Yet you aren’t regarding mine.

Probably because your idea is unbelievably unrealistic? You want top level gear for easy content, I’m not sure what to call that OTHER than stupid and entitled.

Maybe not call it stupid and entitled, to start?

Maybe not act like it then? I mean, what would you call someone who’s trying to buy 100 bucks worth of stuff for 5 bucks?

Maybe don’t assume power over tuning of Blizzard’s content?

What does that even mean? I didn’t tune Blizzard’s content? It’s also not overtuned? Just because something is beyond your skill level doesn’t mean it’s overtuned.

Some people can’t push 4s, some people can’t push 10s, I’m stuck on 15s, and others are stuck on 20s. Each person has a skill cap, which goes up as that person works at it more.

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I am confused.

Why do you want the game to die?

Because your suggestions would make it die.