When you help others with a dungeon, you feel good about it.
Yes. Add incentive to do Normals, too.
When you help others with a dungeon, you feel good about it.
Yes. Add incentive to do Normals, too.
You can already feel good about it now. Problem solved. Nothing additional needed.
Sure. It’s easy for me specifically. But what about OP?
Then he isn’t doing it to be nice to others. He is wanting raid quality upgrades from trivial spammable 5 man content. We have enough of that.
I’m not too sure how this would cause friction? When I was on an alt I was more than happy to have a geared group doing a daily heroic. It made for a smooth and fast run. It doesn’t force anyone to do the content but gives us incentive to still keep the current dungeons relevant if you don’t want to do a m+.
Do M+, heroic dungeons are a face roll hence why loot rewards are minimal. A good game is based on risk vs reward and not about afk dpsing to the top.
M+ is how current dungeons stay relevant.
If you want to farm heroic dungeons long after you outgeared them, you don’t need to get raid quality loot from them.
This is already happening. Welcome to World of Welfarecraft.
Your question states
The answer is no you’re not going to see better rewards for doing heroic dungeons. You use that gear to better yourself to advance to the next level which is mythic than mythic + and so forth. What you’re implying is to get better gear with doing little work. Warfronts and lfr has that covered unfortunately. Harder the content the better the gear. Its in every MMORPG.
This, pretty much, is how WoW is dying and Wildstar shut down.
It’s not a problem. High end players shouldn’t be in there anymore. It’s not their content any longer. They moved past it.
Uh… no. This is how it’s been since day one. Game is still going. And it’s stupid easy to get decent gear now. Nothing higher should be handed out in easier content.
Run the content that’s equal to the gear.
WoW is not Wildstar. There was a huge difference in the gearing and ease of access to content.
um no heroic dungeons are fine they way they are in terms of reward.
Ease of access? Explain this thread then.
Also explain General Discussion’s pro-casual threads.
There’s nothing to explain. Group finder and guilds make it easy to walk in the door of anything you want to do. No keying, no requirements outside of ilevel and skill.
A person who doesn’t raid or run M+ can easily hit 400 ilevel. That’s stupidly casual compared to how it used to be.
You want Heroic raid gear? Run high end M+ and run Heroic raids. People pug those now.
You want Mythic gear? Go join a guild and dedicate yourself to it.
Casuals get what they need for their content and easy access to whatever they want to try to do.
If you think it’s difficult, then you’re not even remotely trying.
Each level of gear steps up with difficulty and some pieces are easily acquired through queue-able content.
This game has always been casual and continues to be even moreso than it once was.
That has less than nothing to do with you not getting raid gear by running heroics. If anything, it is the opposite of that.
It should be like this:
Hard Content: Anything above 415 item level.
Easy content: Anything at or below 415 item level.
I.E, get your esports out of the reward structure.
For example:
Raid: LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, “Sport”.
Dungeon: Leveling, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic + to 415, “Sport” +.
I mean if that’s all people like you care about, the sport of the kill, then go ahead. Push.
But get your sports out of my gearing process.
Simply, this is a feature.
Content is better when folks don’t over gear it.
I enjoyed crushing heroics back in Wrath and Cata as much as the next guy. But, at the same time, I also remember getting my little hiney handed to me when instances like Halls of Reflection came out. For a “doing the dailies” kind of WoW player, HoR was not a cakewalk when it came out.
Even in Cata, with their late heroics, it was not a cakewalk. Groups wiped routinely in that content.
In the earlier heroics, sure, cakewalk. Pull baby pull. But the latter ones, early on, yea - mis-steps could be made.
But we had no LFR in Wrath, and the late heroics came out when LFR was launched in Cata. In MoP, we routinely had raid geared guys stomping the heroics flat, which made them just no fun. For anyone, and they never released later ones.
In WoD, LFR ruled, Heroic currencies were removed, and odds are, if you were in a heroic, you weren’t there overpowering it unless you were carrying a friend, because, as you mentioned, there was nothing there for you. If you were in a heroic, odds are you were looking for an upgrade which means the content was still marginally challenging.
Heroics should be self funding, self driving. And they are. The drive to run them should be from the gear you get in them. But when you get through them, then, yea, you’re done. Move on to the next level (WQs and Mythics).
Roll a tank, and you can run more Mythics than you can stomach!
Sports aren’t in your gearing process.
You get the right gear for the right content as you move up. Sports aren’t involved.
I just don’t run random dungeons after i outgear them.